How Many Are “Burning Within”?

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Burning within?
Are you talking about a bonfire or just some slow burning embers?
My fire started up again 3 years ago this month, but since then, it is just a slow burning ember. However I know that Satan has tried to slow me down by having some depression moments, distractions from other people, trying to start hobbies that go nowhere, and gluttony for food. Our Lord said to cut ourselves off from things that derail ourselves from being close to Him. Satan will throw those roadblocks up. We just need to know how to go around them and keep from being detoured.
Hi Ed,
Is it just me who is finding this interesting, because it seems like many here have had this “conversion” experience in the past 3 or so years, myself included? I had the ‘bonfire’ too and now it’s just a low ever burning yearning…hard to describe and have experienced most of the above mentioned…
goes with the territory though…(‘spiritual warfare’.)…But, “greater is He who is within me, than he who is in the world”…
In Christ,
However I know that Satan has tried to slow me down by having some depression moments, distractions from other people, trying to start hobbies that go nowhere, and gluttony for food. Our Lord said to cut ourselves off from things that derail ourselves from being close to Him. Satan will throw those roadblocks up. We just need to know how to go around them and keep from being detoured.
Don’t worry about satan tried to slow you down. Because he can’t! Quick grab Jesus’ hand.

Our “shalom” with Jesus is not easily faltered. Really. It’s just need us to focus on Jesus, instead of “our effort” to keep our own holiness.

It does not matter if once in a while we fall again. Because if we focus in our failures, this will surely take away Jesus from us. And this is what “the enemy” want : to brake us from our coalition with God.

Apostle Paul talked about this :

Galatians 5:4
You are separated from Christ, you who are trying to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.

This verse exactly means this: if we try to observe the Law by our own effort, try to be righteous, pure, holy by ourselves, then this is exactly when we break coalition with God.

For example :

Our sin says this : “Why didn’t you go to Mass yesterday?” This kind of “voice” definitely is not God’s voice. Although it sounds holy, it is not. It comes from our own conscience shaken by sin. Sin tries to say this “See, you are a hopeless sinner…” This kind of voice is full of “death” inside it. This kind of voice can bring man down up to sickness and even spirituality depression.

But listen to Him who calls “Come my child, don’t be affraid… come as you are to Me, and I will give you rest”.

See always remembers that God is not the accuser. On the contrary, He is The Defender. In Jesus we get our DEFENSE against accusations in our conscience.

God the Holy Spirit says this in our defense : “See, my child, Jesus has died for your sins… Take courage, do not be affraid. Rejoice!!! You are God’s son/ daughter . You are one of the heirs and heiresses of The Kingdom. Come to me… TRUST IN ME”

Then we say a very simple answer to Him who offers us unconditional love : “Yes Lord, here I come. Help Me Lord”.

God bless.
How very true Annunciata, I think at some point everyone’s faith undergo’s this reassessment, this conversion and for some it is hugely powerful and it is true you will be set upon and thwarted by many many means from Satan, but hand that to God , it helps, trust Him in everything, even the things we think are silly.

I think that the heart can only truly burn when God is in you, when you hand over your life and break, when your self becomes nothing and He becomes everything. God bless you and all, peacexxxx
Mine started around seven years ago, when suddenly I like to read bible quite a lot. I cannot stop reading it until today. It was the lowest culmination point of my faith when God touched me just like that. He has taught me tremenduously and I feel like closer and closer to Him each day.

Praise His Holy Name.
This is a poem I wrote after some contemplation, I hope it helps someone , God Bless you and peace xx

You are sustained my child

I am your watch, your defense

I am your protector and your hope

I am the source of peace

Of all calm in tribulation

I am the hope of all the world

I am not judge nor condemnation

I am redemption and life

You are free my child

I will set a trap for your adversary

I will throw him to the depths

I will release you from the world

I will grant you heaven in your heart

I will give you yearning to behold me

I will cast your faith in gold

I will make your heart a flame

You are loved my child

I will not forget or leave you

I will guide you to eternity

I will illuminate the darkness

I will lead and take you on my path

I will hold the storm from your back

I will refresh you in healing water

I will hold you to my heart
Well, I was gonna make some joke about eating chili, but I’ll keep this serious. As I’ve stated elsewhere I’ve been musing over converting to Catholicism for about 20 years, but one doctrine or another always held me back. then I had several years of set-backs, including health problems and joblessness.

In March there was a huge fire at my (former) apartment complex. All during it I was sick with fear that my library would be destroyed. But my wing was the only part of the building not touched. The fire stopped three doors from my unit. I didn’t even get smoke or water damage. My mom said God was obviously trying to tell me something, and one of her friends said I had been “passed over” just as surely as the Children of Israel were in Egypt. But my question was what was it God was trying to tell me?

But after I got moved and so forth, I woke early one Sunday morning (unheard of for me), and knew I had to go to Mass. Then I began an intensive study in my books on Catholicism and on various websites. I was worried about Confession and initially started looking for “loopholes” regarding Penance. But then I found myself drawn more and more into the idea of the Church, and Sunday Mass became the highlight of the week. Catholic websites suddenly began to take up more and more of my time. I was feeling a major sense of urgency and hunger. I tried to get a job at the Church I’ve been attending, but have thus far been unsuccessful. (The idea of starting the day with Mass, then going to work just seems delightful to me.)

And if I had some money I’d buy a Rosary, some Crucifixes, more Catholic books, and I don’t know what all else. I bought some inexpensive religious prints recently and put them up around my apartment to keep me in the right frame of mind. RCIA starts in September, and I wish I didn’thave to mess with job hunting so I could spend all my time with religious pursuits.

So yeah, I know what you mean.

The only problem is there’s still some doctrines and dogmas I’m having trouble with. In comparing the Catholic and Protestant versions of hell and damnation, for example, the former is very depressing. It seems it’s very easy to wind up in hell on a technicality. Anyway…

What a beautiful poem of “Hope”!..He is our only real Hope…
Thanks for that!
God Bless, Annunciata:)
The only problem is there’s still some doctrines and dogmas I’m having trouble with. In comparing the Catholic and Protestant versions of hell and damnation, for example, the former is very depressing. It seems it’s very easy to wind up in hell on a technicality. Anyway…
Wow Seeker,
What a profound story… He’s surely trying to get your attention!
As far as the doctines and dogmas go, they will take care of themselves in time…just remember, we condemn ourselves to hell not God, He wants all of us with Him…so just pray for more insights on this and I will pray for you as well. And, I will especially remember you at RCIA…I have taught it in the past and must say was very rewarding since those in the program *wanted *to be there, unlike a lot of the CCD children I have taught over the past 30 years who had to be there…
Love In Christ, Annunciata:)
God the Holy Spirit says this in our defense : “See, my child, Jesus has died for your sins… Take courage, do not be affraid. Rejoice!!! You are God’s son/ daughter . You are one of the heirs and heiresses of The Kingdom. Come to me… TRUST IN ME”

Then we say a very simple answer to Him who offers us unconditional love : “Yes Lord, here I come. Help Me Lord”.

God bless.
This too is beautiful…I especially like this part…
He does love us unconditionally…Yes if only we just let go and Trust in Him!
God Bless, Annunciata:)
Yes, Yes, Yes on what Jeffreedy 789 was saying about the enemy messing you up when you start impacting your own life and others for God. It was really a relief to find some one else outside my immediate prayer group who has the same trials with the enemy.

I have had numerous problems with the enemy. A person has to always be on the alert. Those who “endure to the end shall be saved.” This verse applies here. I guess not until we get to heaven will we be without harrassment.
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