Dear friend
As far as I am concerned there are now 20 decades to the Rosary. I pray on the first beads… on the cross the Sign of the Cross and full Creed not the shorter Apostles creed, then on the first bead I say the ‘Our Father’, three ‘Hail Mary’s’ and the ‘Glory be’ on the last bead, all of which is offered for the Pope’s intentions. Then I commence the decades, at the end of the every decade on the single bead I pray, ‘O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Thy mercy’ then the ‘Glory be’, then the ‘Our Father’, then commencing the next decade and so on until the first set of mysteries is completed. At the end of which I pray the ‘O my Jesus’ the ‘Glory Be’ and the ‘Our Father’, then ‘Hail Holy Queen’, ‘Prayer to St Michael the Archangel’, prayer to my ‘Guardian Angel’ and finally including the prayer of peace by St Francis ’ Lord make me a channel of your peace…etc’ . All of this is repeated in all 20 decades of the Holy Rosary.
I have absolutely no idea how many prayers this adds up to, nor do I care, it is not the amount it is the intention and contrite heart behind the prayers that matters! I have never timed myself either…it doesn’t matter how long it takes…even if there is only time to say one decade of the Rosary this is good…I never worry how long I have I just pray what I can in the time I have. I would say if said in reasonable time one mystery takes about half an hour. I like to say the Rosary slowly giving me time to meditate, one cannot meditate when saying the Rosary quickly. I like to pause at the name of Jesus in the Hail Mary in reverence to Him and to Our Mother who bore Him and gave Him her life.
God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love