I am reading Dawkins’s books lately and I watch a lot of his videos. I think he’s a rational atheist. How many of you like him? Why or why not?
Did his works change your faith?Started reading his book this past summer – hoping for a challenge to my faith by someone seemingly well-educated and well-respected. Couldn’t get through more than a third of the book. I found Dawkins anything but scientific or rational. He repeatedly switched from quasi-scientific, semi-rational arguments to judgmentalism and essentially name-calling. There was no respect for any belief system other than his own. While I believe in the triune God I do respect that others have different beliefs and would never stoop to belittling them for those beliefs.
I totally love Richard Dawkins! He’s so cool! I once saw him on Bill Maher’s Real Time (I think that’s what it’s called) on YouTube. It’s just so funny the way he refers to God(s) as “imaginary friends.”I am reading Dawkins’s books lately and I watch a lot of his videos. I think he’s a rational atheist. How many of you like him? Why or why not?
Converts Cornerwww.richarddawkins.net
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Ironically Yours, Blade and Blood
As a matter of fact reading a third of The God Delusion prompted me to read more about the early Church, the Church Fathers, etc. – only serving to strengthen my beliefs. The God Delusion certainly didn’t convince me to turn to atheism.Did his works change your faith?
A “genuine atheist”? I’m not really sure what that means…if someone thinks that a belief is a dangerous superstition, why should that person not make a case for it?A genuiine atheist should, I always thing, have something of a laissez fait attitude to us poor misguided believers (hey if that’s your bag, if that’s what does it for you…) There, is. however, nothing laissez fait about Richard Dawkins.
“genuine atheist” - someone who is comfortable with his worldview. Someone who is intellectually driven rather that emotionally driven (for whatever reason - had a bad experience with the church, doesn’t want to face up to the perceived demands that christianity might makeA “genuine atheist”? I’m not really sure what that means…if someone thinks that a belief is a dangerous superstition, why should that person not make a case for it?
How would doing so make that person any less of an anything, let alone an atheist?
Seconded.He’s a brilliant scientist, and I respect his work in the biological fields. He also has the most beautiful speaking voice.
Honey, try checking it out before you make any assumptions.Converts Corner
Out of the light I have seen a great darkness…
But by that logic, anyone outspoken about any position they hold would have to be considered “uncomfortable with [their] worldview [or with that particular position].” Are you saying that the only “genuine” people are the ones who don’t discuss their positions? That’s just silly.“genuine atheist” - someone who is comfortable with his worldview. Someone who is intellectually driven rather that emotionally driven (for whatever reason - had a bad experience with the church, doesn’t want to face up to the perceived demands that christianity might make
That sort of thing.
I guess I’m doing a bit of reverse engineering here. To paraphrase Shakespeare
“Methinks Dawkins doth protest too much”
Is that the only exposure you have to Dawkins?No, I don’t like him. He’s very smug and his arguments are self-aggrandizing, coy, and frankly not very good. An atheist that conducted himself with balance, and that won respect from many people of different belief systems was Anthony Flew. Of course, he finally succombed to an acceptance of Deism, though never a personal god.
When I think of Richard Dawkins, I will always think of the mannerisms that epitomize his false sense of self-importance and inner insecurity in the Ben Stein documentary. Just watch him, it’s so revealing. His too-confident handshake when Ben Stein sits down… his almost whiny and insecure responses to Ben when he asks him, “So, you don’t believe in any gods, right? Do you believe in any of the Hindu gods…” There was no bombshell moment there, (apart from Dawkins absurd tangent into ET seeding of life on earth), it was just the mannerisms, the way both men conducted themselves that struck me. Ben seemed so much more confident and relaxed, though he had nothing to expose Dawkins with.
Oh my goodness! Yes, he does! Dawkins sounds so gentle!He’s a brilliant scientist, and I respect his work in the biological fields. He also has the most beautiful speaking voice.
No.Is that the only exposure you have to Dawkins?
Actually, it surprises me that anyone would even ask that, unless they had a very arrogant presumption that anyone not bowled over by his arguments must have no exposure to his arguments or to his speaking style.