How many Pray in restaraunts?

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my fiance and i always pray at restaraunts, who cares if we get weird looks, i dont care what they think, i care what HE thinks!
my fiance and i always pray at restaraunts, who cares if we get weird looks, i dont care what they think, i care what HE thinks!
In my case, I’m afraid the weird looks will come from my wife and from my children. I do care about He thinks of my, but also of what my family thinks of me.

Besides, I have an awful way of stating things… 😦
my fiance and i always pray at restaraunts, who cares if we get weird looks, i dont care what they think, i care what HE thinks!
Excellent point! My finace and I always pray and make a sign of the cross at meals, regardless if its in my home, a family member’s home or a restaurant. I’m not ashamed of anyone knowing that I’m catholic and besides it might be a good tool to open the door to evangelization.
Always! My husband prefers that in public our grace be silent, but some of our friends like to pray out loud, so we do follow suit.
Well Augustine, discuss it with your wife and explain, with out God none of this would be possible. Be a man and stand up for what is right. Besides most folks are so wrapped up in themselves they won’t even notice.
Dear Friends,

I always pray in restaurants and make the sign of the cross, I didn’t use to in the beginning of my conversion out of cowardice and that was VERY wrong. Now I always do, we shouldn’t be ashamed to show that we are catholic and set an example to others.Remember Jesus said, do not be ashamed of Me, and remember if you are afraid of what others think and that they will mock you remember Jesus was mocked and we cannot share in His Glory until we have shared in His sufferings.

Also here is a good true story of Padre Pio,

There was a young man who always made the sign of the cross when he walked in front of a church but one day he was with a girl and they were walking in front a church(padre’s pio church) and he didn’t make the sign of the cross out of cowardice and Padre Pio ran up to him and said You Coward, you didn’t make the sign of the cross never do that again! I maybe didn’t tell it EXACTLY right but that is close to the story.

God Bless you All,
Well Augustine, discuss it with your wife and explain, with out God none of this would be possible. Be a man and stand up for what is right.
You all are right. Just, please, say a quick prayer for me and for my family.

I ask God to grant you back the double.
Our family prays at all meals at home. However, we do not make that transition to restaraunts. Perhaps fear of what people think etc.

So what is your custom?

We do. Also, shouldn’t this be a poll. I would be interested in finding out how many do.
My son goes to a (real) Catholic school and they say Grace at meals – before and after. It was easy enough for him to say grace at school.

We think that even we may get some stares, that we are inculturating our society. We rarely get bad service, too. :hmmm:

PS our new son, a four and a half year old – foster care to be adopted by us may be joining our family very soon. There are was a chance of it today. :bounce: I more ready now so they can bring him home to us (one mother, one father, one son who is six and one Jack Russel Terrier who thinks she is superior to the child.)
Our family prays at all meals even in restaurants. I even do it when I go to lunch with the folks from work.

I told my daughter that making the sign of the cross comes with the responsibility of living up to the cross. If our actions and conversations are pure then the sign of the cross has become an evangelization tool. If our actions and conversations do not reflect our catholic faith then others will be mislead.
We always pray at home and when we have our extended families over for birthdays, holidays, picnics etc.

Although, most of our extended family does not regularly attend mass, they now ask US to say the prayer before meals when
we’re at their homes! And of course, we happily do!! 😃


I taught my kids a long time ago that no one is to eat until everyone is sitting down ready, meaning everyone has their food served and cut. Then we pray as a family. It’s nice to see my kids behave the same way where ever we eat. We now sing the sign of the cross in latin. If we are in a resturant we still do the same thing just quieter.

:gopray: My husband and I pray at home and in public places before a meal. If we are out with non-catholics, we still do the sign of the cross and say our blessing…always quietly…wheather alone or with others. Remember, God is the supplier of all we have:yup:

We always say grace before meals in all circumstances. If we didn’t one of the younger ones would be sure to say (in a loud voice, of course) “We forgot to say grace!” So we say grace at picnics and at fine restaurants. In twenty years we have only received positive comments about this practice.

I pray out in public, no matter were I’m at. I look at it as an evangelization tool as well as my thanksgiving. I’ve had people ask me before, “Are you Catholic?” Then when I answer int he affirmative they ask “Well, tell me why do Catholics …”

Most importnatly I do it because I am thankful for all He has given me. And though at times it isn’t comfortable, I don’t think hanging from a cross was all that comforatble either. It’ s the least I can do for Him!!!
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