attendance.Dropper said:“Unavailability” is certainly the case here. Some Catholics can’t (don’t have the resources, etc…) drive 50, 60, 100, 150 miles or more to get to an [stike]
indult[/strike] insult TLM.
50 miles or even 200 miles is sufficiently close for occasionally attendance at the Latin mass, although you’re right that its a bit much for every Sunday
But I don’t think that providing Latin masses every Sunday was the intent of the indult in the first place, but instead just a recognition of the Lat(name removed by moderator)hiles rightful aspirations.
I’m not sure how healthy it is to do that much traveling when there is an equally valid and lawful mass available at a lot shorter distance away with the other members of your community in attendance.
Here in Pittsburgh , on the other side of town from me, there is a weekly Latin mass. I would like to hear it some day, unfortunately its only on Sunday morning and I would miss in my own parish if I heard it. I’d like to see the bishop here switch the indult masses to midweek (at least occasionally) to give more of the people an opportunity.
You wouldn’t happen be one of these intransigent bishops would you? When was the last time you travelled fifty to 200 miles to assist at Sunday Mass?
You seem to feel that the indult was issued only so that people could take an occasional dip into a pool of liturgical nostalgia. Perhaps they could combine it with a trip to Disneyland. Of course, you suggest, too much of such “liturgical nostalgia” may be unhealthy (yeah! People might grow to like it We can’t have that).
You just don’t get it do you. While your Novus Ordo Mass is indeed valid and legal it has failed miserably in bringing about the great liturgical revival that it was supposed to do. The Pope himself has said it needs reform and many people just don’t find it prayerful.Try opening your mind a bit to the legitimate feelings of others of your fellow Catholics.