Jesus is not AN incarnation of God. He is THE incarnation of God.Jesus is God, a great prophet and a great man. God is present inside all of us but yes I do believe that Jesus was an incarnation of God.
Jesus is not AN incarnation of God. He is THE incarnation of God.Jesus is God, a great prophet and a great man. God is present inside all of us but yes I do believe that Jesus was an incarnation of God.
,. I have thought a lot about the subject of evangelization and other religions and I just cannot accept that God is only present in one religion. I cannot believe that God is limited to only our religion. After studying other great religions, I found that God is so present in them. I am no longer confused about which religion is right. I believe all of them are God given.
This is exactly what it says in the Catechism. It is what I thought Catholics believed until I started talking with them about this subject. I guess I just take it a step further by saying that its impossible to know which religion is more truthful to God. Of course most religions will believe that it has the Fullness of Truth so I choose to use my heart as my guide.,
I believe that all longing for truth and all desire to approach the divine are gifts from the Creator and, in that sense, yes God is present to all who seek him. Every soul has an angel; the Holy Spirit may nudge any of us towards the good.
The Fullness of Truth is another matter, and I believe that is present in the Catholic Church.
I don’t take it that step further. (or back) If I believe that God walked the earth, and that it then follows that the Church founded by God when he was on earth, is the one that fully reveals his will for us, how could I let almost-truth, half-truth, shodow of truth, or approximation of truth stand as if it were full truth?This is exactly what it says in the Catechism. It is what I thought Catholics believed until I started talking with them about this subject. I guess I just take it a step further by saying that its impossible to know which religion is more truthful to God. Of course most religions will believe that it has the Fullness of Truth so I choose to use my heart as my guide.
And it is our job to show His full truth, His Church, and His words to those who do not know Him.I don’t take it that step further. (or back) If I believe that God walked the earth, and that it then follows that the Church founded by God when he was on earth, is the one that fully reveals his will for us, how could I let almost-truth, half-truth, shodow of truth, or approximation of truth stand as if it were full truth?
The Holy Spirit may enter the hearts of all who pray to the creator, but we have HIS church, HIS words, HIS authority to go along with revelation.
Q1 My thinking that you understand the union of the “trinity” of god, If you do, do you understand how God the Father could not come in all His glory into the earth and so sent His Son Jesus to save the world from their sinns?
Q2: Do you think that there is truth in Jesus tells us that He alone is the only way to the Father?
Q3: Why would Jesus tell us that “Anyone who sees me (Jesus) sees also the Father for we are one and the same” and also Jesus tells us that “The Father has given all dominion over to Jesus”.
This is the only area in which my views differ from the Catholic Church but it is an important part of the faith. All of the values that I have been taught and still believe in are from the Catholic Church. I am greatful that I grew up in a Catholic community which opposes abortion and values life so much. I also value social service, community worship and learning, education, tradition and so on. I have thought a lot about the subject of evangelization and other religions and I just cannot accept that God is only present in one religion. I cannot believe that God is limited to only our religion. After studying other great religions, I found that God is so present in them. I am no longer confused about which religion is right. I believe all of them are God given.
- Yes, I believe that Jesus did come to earth as an incarnation of God to save people from their sins.
- I think Jesus alone is the way to the Father because I believe that Jesus is God. I believe that God can take any form He wants to. I believe other religions believe in the same God we do. Their interpretation is just different.
- I believe in this statement as well.