My dad told me all kinds of stuff that he’s done in the past like sex, drinking, drugs, lies, etc in the hopes that I wouldn’t repeat his mistakes, and I didn’t look down on him for it. It didn’t influence my decisions one way or another, but I was proud of him for changing his life.
The night after my mom’s funeral dad told me all kinds of explicit stuff mom had done like sex, drugs, stealing, abortion, lies, cheating, etc. He told me those things because he was reliving his experiences with her and how they met and what their life together was like. Maybe he wanted me to know the type of person she was when she was younger, maybe I was just an outlet for his sadness, I don’t know, but I regreat him telling me every single thing he told me that night because it wasn’t his life story to tell. Sure he was involved, i.e. taking care of her as she was coming down from the highs, putting up with her stealing his money, cheating on him, etc, but he wasn’t the one committing those sins. He had no right to tell me those things… I was 18 (a few days from being 19 and I’m 20 now with a couple months until I’m 21 just to give you a time frame) and that was not the kind of memories I wanted to be having of my mom the night after her funeral. I definately look down on him for telling me those things but I don’t blame him… just a little bitter at him for not waiting to tell me those things until the pain wasn’t so raw.
In my opinion it depends on the maturity level of the kid and if you think they might be involved in what you were involved in. If you think that may be the case, sure, tell them your life experiences so they know you’ve really been there and done that and you can speak as an authority about the subject because of experiences not just because you’re a parent. Sorry for the long post.