How much do you love your spouse?

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OK gang

I am hearing enough sad marriage stories and marriage problems here that it would be nice to start a positive thread for those of us in happy marriages to lift everyone’s spirits and give hope to those struggling with problem in their marriages…

So…now is your chance to give testimony to what God has done in your life through the sacrament of matrimony…Tell us about that special person in your life that God has joined you to and how he/she has been a vehicle for your salvation…

Who wants to go first?
My husband has helped me grow in my faith. In the beginning, by defending it. By being forced to LIVE my faith by example and prayer. By being blessed to see the abundant graces poured out on my family. By learning to never give up hope. No matter how bad it may get, God is bigger than ANYTHING my husband or I can do to screw it up and He can always pull us through, having been better off for the storm. I have learned to appreciate my crosses. I have learned patience.I have learned the importance of loving with the love of Christ instead of mine alone (which is selfish and full of conditions.) It was when I learned to love without reward that I received the reward of love. Most of all, I learned to trust in God more fully AND in the graces available through the Sacrament of Marriage. I learned the wonderful gift of praying with the Saints. By seeking to become a more holy wife and mother, I have become closer to the Blessed Mother. I have learned that in giving is when you receive. I have learned the value of service, and in suffering. I have learned that I don’t need to be vindicated or say “I told you so.” I have learned that often, we are eachothers crosses. I have learned that true love is full of surprises. I have learned that we are human. I am learning through my husband and by the grace of God, HOW TO LOVE.

BTW … thanks for reminding me.🙂
My wife is absolutely wonderful! Although she is not Catholic she has always supported me in my faith. She is kind, thoughtful and considerate. We have been together for over 15 years and I am very happy to know that we will continue together for the rest of our lives. And, NO, I didn’t write this just because she is looking over my shoulder right now.

Her comment:
Although it was a shock to my system when my husband announced his confirmation into the Catholic faith three years after we married, I found it easier and easier to support him when I found that he would still respect me in my different beliefs.
Been married for almost 33 years. Our love has waxed and waned but it has been strong.

As an aside, I was raised Catholic, left the Church after high school (I choose to blame it on VatII:o ). Got married at the ripe age of 21 after 3 years of dating only my husband. We got married in a Methodist Church -his demonination. I reverted 12 years later, and we got married in the Catholic Church:thumbsup: .

I realized that I never really gave myself fully to the marraige until we got married in the Church. I always knew I could “get out of it” before. It wasn’t even a concious thought, I didn’t realize it until after. Been pretty great since. I guess the true commitment is there
More of my wife’s comments (we timed out):

I feel blessed every day that God has placed him in my life. I am constanly amazed at his kindness and willingness to help in any way that the family needs. He is a wonderful father and husband. His is my best friend. And, NO, I am not saying this just because he is typing it in for me. 😃
My husband is Catholic but wasn’t practicing when we married 11 years ago…Therefore, life was much different. Our marriage would not be what it was today if he hadn’t went back to the church 5 years ago. Christ had never been the foundation of our relationship. What a difference the Lord has made! I was confirmed in the Catholic faith this past Easter and he is starting the diaconate program this fall.
Our marriage isn’t perfect by any means. He has his faults…:rotfl: believe me (Ok, I suppose I do too ), but he’s a keeper.
He has a great sense of humor and can really put things in perspective…as I tend to blow things out of proportion. We compliment each other. Did I mention he is most attractive when he is dressed for church on Sunday??? :love:
Ok…I could go on but I’ll give someone else a chance to rave about their spouse…🙂
Very positive thread!
God Bless You All!
She said, “Auberon, do you love me?”

I said, “Yeah, baby.”


“Yeah, baby?”

“Auberon, how much do you love me?”

(gulp) (thinks fast) “I love you more than air.”
Did I mention he is most attractive when he is dressed for church on Sunday??? :love:

Oh yes! I love it when my DH is dressed for Church on Sunday. When he is kneeling next to me in Church, I just want to throw my arms around him, but I restrain myself … we ARE in Church.🙂 When he is kind and loving towards others. When I see him respond generously to those in need. When he is gentle and loving with our children.When I see how hard and unselfishly he works to provide for us. My heart just melts! Virtue is sooooo attractive! Thank you, Jesus! The changes you have brought about in our marriage are miraculous!
All I need is the air that i breath, and to love her…

make a good song… 👍
No words can describe how much I love my wife.

Of course I just used words to describe this.

I should also mention that it drives my wife bonkers when I over-analyze everything.
I love my husband with my whole heart. I tell him very often how proud I am of him. He’s a great husband and father. He’s very hard-working, responsible, decent, faithful, respectful, prudent with money (which means a lot to me) and a very good father. What more can any woman want? Oh, and as an added bonus from God, he’s tall and handsome.

I’m so lucky!

I love that I trust him completely. I love to make sacrifices for him (even when he doesn’t realize I’m sacrificing). My huge sadness is knowing one day I’ll be without him. That will be the most hardest day of my life, but God will sustain me.

He’s so wonderful–and he’s not even Catholic. Can you believe that?!?
Auberon Quin:
She said, “Auberon, do you love me?”
I said, “Yeah, baby.”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Auberon, how much do you love me?”
(gulp) (thinks fast) “I love you more than air.”
This is exactly the conversation my wife and I have just before she asks me to run to the store for ice cream at 11pm. :rotfl:
One time my wife was in the hospital on life support. The doctors said that as each day passes that she does not begin to recover there is an increasing likelyhood that she would have permanent physical disabilities and there was even a remote chance she could die. For four weeks I prayed everyday that she would get better and everyday she gradually got worse until one day I prayed this:
“Lord I give up, you win, I will not ask for her to get better I will leave that in your hands. If you return her to me healthy I will thank you and cherish her until the day I die, if she needs care I will thank you for the opportunity to give it to her and should you choose to take her I will thank you for the time you have allowed be to be with her.”
The next day she opened her eyes and now has about 95% of her physical ability.
I sometimes can’t believe how blessed I am. Sometimes when the chaos of the day has quieted down and all I hear is the sound of her voice reading to the kids, I cry.
More then my feeble attempts at expressing this great love I have for my sweetie in words alone can express. :love:

Praise God for your post! How blessed we all are to have spouses we love so much, despite whatever.

I love my spouse more than words could express. It was love at first sight for both of us --yes sappy but true. I have had many disappointments in my 15 years of marriage, many unfulfilled dreams and things well, just not as I expected, as you all know I’m sure. We all let our spouses down at times, but hey, we’re not perfect…

But regardless, He is the Man God gave me, and I choose to honor my commitment made before the Lord God, and this alone has lead us both to a new and deeper love that this World will not ever grasp. For the world says—“Oh I’m not happy–so I’m outta here”…Well I have learned we are not in this world to make ourselves happy but to glorify God and make others happy, and this includes our spouses.

I say Praise the Lord for all those who have chosen and choose this day to honor the sacrament of marriage, regardless of their circumstances. And YES, I’m madly in love with my wonderful husband, the man God made him to be, our family, etc. We, Catholics need to spread the good news of morality, and honoring our vows, don’t we? So many end in divorce for whatever trivial reason. Let’s be examples today and tell our spouses we cherish them!

God Bless~~
I love my husband very much, much more now than when I married him. Has it been an easy 11 years? No but I didn’t go into it expecting that it would be but it has been a time for learning, growing, discovering. I have found that my husband is way more than just a lover but he is my very best friend, I can go to him with everything and he is always there for me, that used to be my parents place and my husband has become that person.
It is never an easy road and those first few years and the first one or two children can put the biggest strain on a marriage but when you trust in God to lead you he will and lead us he did and I find more and more things I love about my husband each day.
Thank you Lord for sending me my husband!!!
Quote “sometimes when the chaos has died down and I hear the sound of her voice reading to the kids at night I cry”

That is one of the most beautiful testimonies I have ever heard. Thank You, Jesus.

Your thread touched my heart so much that it brought tears to my eyes reading it. I have printed it out to show my fiancee. Thank you for sharing your heart with us all, it is a privillage to have an insight into what went through your life.

May the lord love, bless and protect you and your family forever.

The Lord certainly does work in mysterious ways, yes! I have been with my now fiancee for 7 months and I love her more than life itself. She is my best friend and my soulmate and has been there when I needed a shoulder to cry on after the sudden death of my father in October 2003.

We got together in January this year after I broke up with my ex of 8 years and had to sell the house etc. etc. I have known her for 25 years though as I grew up with her and know her parents etc. and my mother knows her family too!

It was a case of “I have looked at you for 25 years but I never seen you before”. Even now, with our wedding planned for Dec 2006, we look at each other and cannot beleive we are together - we would have just never thought it would come together like this.

And you know its spooky sometimes… I will go to say something to her and she will say the same thing at the same time!!! - This happens a lots, even with our thoughts!

She is Catholic, her Father a convert and I am in the middle of converting to the Catholic Church and I must say, looking at my life and who I was as a person only 7 months ago, I can see such a change. I am now a better person since I met my fiancee and my life has purpose and meaning now.

Now, this I beleive has alot to do with the Lord and I want to show how much it means to me. I think my father is watching over me too and has intervened on several occassions!!!

But in answer to your question… She is my life, my love, my air, my song and always will be. My heart is sad when we are apart for even one day as we are used to seeing one another everyday and talking on the phone too each day!

Thank you for listening, and God bless
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