How much do you love your spouse?

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These stories brought tears to my eyes. I love my husband more than I love myself. I wouldn’t even be ME anymore without him.

I knew he was my absolute love when he had heart surgery last year (to correct a birth defect that they finally found at age 33!! He was in heart failure due to it and needed emergency surgery.).

When he emerged from an 8 hour surgery, and was on monitors and respirators…with chest fluid draining out his side and blood pumping through pumps…cuffs on his arms and needles in his chest…I finally got in to see him, and all I wanted to do was kiss him!! I had to fight the urge to throw my arms around him and hold him and kiss him.

That’s love.

He looks his best when he’s in scrappy shorts and a tshirt–reading bedtime stories to our girls. He reads them 3 stories each…it takes almost an hour! He won’t rush or shorten it or tell them it’s too late. (like me, their mean mom, does!).

He loves Christ more than he loves me, and I love that even more. He’s a strong faithful Catholic man, and he’s mine for life.


Your thread touched my heart so much that it brought tears to my eyes reading it. I have printed it out to show my fiancee. Thank you for sharing your heart with us all, it is a privillage to have an insight into what went through your life.

May the lord love, bless and protect you and your family forever.

Very kind words, thank you.
My wife is the most incredible awesome woman I know.

Roughly 5 years ago, when I returned to the church, I promised her that if she supported me in loving God first, I would love her far more as ‘second’ than I did when I placed her first. She humbly trusted me on this (she was agnostic at that time), and supported my faith journey in every way possible (even though it made her extremely uncomfortable at times).

When I told her I could no longer use birth control because the church’s teachings, she humbly agreed to work with me to learn NFP and support my living out of this teaching.

When I begged her to consider becoming Catholic for the sake of unity of our family as we prepared to have children, she humbly agreed (by this time she ‘beleived’ though understood faith very little), and even though she had to go through almost a year of RCIA, etc. She entered the Church despite lingering reservations at the time. She said she did it for me and our future children.

Now several years later, as I see her grow in faith and begin to own it for herself, I can hardly believe my eyes. While not perfect, I know no one who is a better example of a Christian in the way she is a wife to me and a mother to our children. She dies to herself each day (having given up career, and continually giving up her body through pregnancy, deliver, nursing,etc.) in ways the make me feel ashamed of my meager efforts.

The most amazing thing she ever said to me was just the other day. We were talking about the high moral standards the church has and how difficult they can be at times.

She said, ‘You know you have had to live up to them even better than most, because when I became catholic you had to be an example to me to prove this wasn’t make-believe.’

I asked, ‘So how’ve I done?’

She responded, ‘You’ve have been an awesome example.’

Me!? This woman, my hero, the most humble, giving person I know, thinks I am a good example!?. Ooooh! It moves my heart so deeply that only sighs and groanings can express it.

I Love my wife.
How do I love thee let me count the ways…

Just when I think I couldn’t love him more, he does something especially nice like sending me an e-card to tell me how much he loves me… I’ve posted on other Threads my circumstances and at the risk of boring you to death…I’ll only give a brief history.
We met in a widow’s support group, both our spouses had died of cancer at a young age. He was thinking of pursuing a late vocation or becoming a Deacon and I offered to say a novena for him…the 54 day Rosary one…He wanted a copy of it and I got him one…I still use the one I got him…13years ago!
God sent him to me…he saved my life.
We should never take our spouse for granted…just never know how long they might be around… 🙂
This thread has been a joy to read- what a great idea!

I have been married almost 13 years (anniversary is next week, thanks for reminder 🙂 ) I know I love my wife much more today than I did on that day.

There have been many times I did not feel like loving my wife- my selfish pride, ego, etc… But I knew I was commanded to love her her as Christ loved his Bride, the Church.

I also knew divorce was never an option, it is not even in our vocabulary. This was crystal clear before we were married and were “lax Catholics”. I thank God for bringing my wife to me and for His patience and mercy with us. There is security and peace in our type of commitment.

Just last week my wife made a huge sacrafice for me- it was an act of self-giving love. It was a profound and beautiful moment I will teasure always. It probably is the greatest act of love she has ever given me. I am blessed.

Feelings come and go. But…

Love always perseveres…it never fails.
1Cor 13:7-8
This thread has been a joy to read- what a great idea!
Yeah I wish we could get a few more love stories. 🙂
Certainly there must be more people out there who love their spouses 😉
In an effort to resurrect this thread, I guess it is my turn

The fact that a guy like me can end up with a woman like my wife is proof positive that there is a God who is loving and merciful.

Throughout my life, I felt an incredible call to a vocation to be a holy husband and father. It seemed like everything I did was towards that goal. I studied in school so I could get a job one day to support my family. I studied my faith so that one day I could pass it on to my future children. I exercised so that one day I would be attractive and healthy for my wife. The only problem was that despite my plans, God’s timing was not my timing.

I went through a lot of very short dating relationships and I could never find that woman who I wanted to marry. It felt like God was playing a cruel joke - he gave me a deep desire for a vocation to the married life but no means to fill it. For a lot of years I felt like I was walking around with a hole. It was an empty feeling. It caused me to be angry at God and rebel and even date some women who I should never have been dating. I was headed down into a life of sin which would only have brought me misery in this life and maybe the next.

God sent my wife into my life like an angel who rescued me. She is beautiful and holy and she is strong where I am weak. She is everything I have dreamed of and then some. We do everything together. We were friends for two years, then dated for 9 months, got engaged for just over a year and now we have been married for four months. I would never wish to be anywhere else other than by my wife’s side. Together we strive to have a Catholic Christian marriage.

Since many people at my work know that I am newly married, I am commonly asked, “How is married life?.” I know that they are expecting to hear the common gripes that secular people have in marriage. I make sure I tell each one of them that I love my wife more than anything and that I haven’t regretted marriage for a millisecond.

I don’t want to think where I would be without my wife. Or without a loving God who sent me a treasure from heaven at a time when I was about to sink into hell.

You know, St Paul talks about life as a race with heaven as the finish line. Its a lot easier to finish a marathon when you have a faithful running partner who picks you up when you fall, gives you water, tends to your wounds, and pushes you on. My wife is all that to me and more.

Thank you Lord Jesus.
I am sure my situation is much different then alot of those on here.

My wife and I have been married for 10 years. She grew up in a Baptist church, I did not go to church until I was about 21. We went to a Baptist church, I became very involved. We are still in a Protestant church, but I have had a change of heart and I want to be Catholic.

But to stay on the topic here, I have been praying the Rosery every day, and I have been studying Catholicism on a daily basis and have been sending hints to her about my attention being towards the Church. I have been praying to Mary and the Saints to intercede for me and to lead my wife, son, and I to the Catholic Church. God has been blessing our marriage!

Our marriage has been better within the last 2 years, especially the last year then ever before. And the more Catholic I become the more we seem to be blessed. I truly long for that day that we may become Catholics!!
❤️ ❤️ What a great idea! I love this thread.

My husband and I have been married for 14 years. He was/is my crush from my senior yr. in high school. Things have not always been easy but we worked hard at it, and once we allowed God into our marriage, it only became stronger. I can’t imagine life without him. He’s a great Daddy to our 6 children. He’s a great youth football coach. He’s my best friend. I thank God for him every day! I make sure to tell him what a blessing he is.🙂
I leave for work at 7:15am, he gets home about 7:30am. I get home about 6:30pm, with baby in tow. I make dinner, he plays with our son, then we all eat. I start getting the baby to bed. Baby is in bed by 8:30pm. I make DH lunch and kiss him goodnight. He leaves for work by 9:30pm. This is four nights a week. On the 5th night he leaves for work at 7:30pm. Our weekends are all we have…our weekends and our chess game.

As a way to “stay in touch”, my husband set up a beautiful chess board in the sitting area. Everyday we play. We don’t see each other, but I’ll move before I leave for work and the next morning I will see he has moved. It was all his idea and it is PERFECT.

🙂 Lilder
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