How much is EWTN a part of your life?

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EWTN played a significant part in leading me to jump into the Tiber and swim across.

Fr. George Rutler is a convert to Roman Catholicism from Anglicanism and pastors a parish in New York City (how I wish he ran an Anglican Use parish there!). His talks on EWTN influenced me very much.
I watch EWTN daily. The Daily Mass, Journey Home, LOTR, The World Over w/Raymond Arroyo, Web of Faith, …LOVE all these shows and more.

I love how someone said they are todays John the Baptist… Amen to that. They are calling us all to the true beautiful faith.

Did anyone see the interview with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN Live, regarding his new book on Mother Angelica?
I just love Raymond, and his articulate and beautiful spirit, and I look forward to reading his book. Has anyone read it?

I hope you are all remembering them between the electric and gas bill. 🙂
These are all my regular programs too. Not much else is on our TV anymore. Hubby used to fight it but it must have done some good because now he’s a loyal watcher too 👍
I watch EWTN daily. The Daily Mass, Journey Home, LOTR, The World Over w/Raymond Arroyo, Web of Faith, …LOVE all these shows and more.

I love how someone said they are todays John the Baptist… Amen to that. They are calling us all to the true beautiful faith.

Did anyone see the interview with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN Live, regarding his new book on Mother Angelica?
I just love Raymond, and his articulate and beautiful spirit, and I look forward to reading his book. Has anyone read it?

I hope you are all remembering them between the electric and gas bill. 🙂
Why would you have to pay extra for it when it’s free? That’s how we got it here in our small town. Mother Angelica used to stress that fact to get the cable companies to air it.
I would watch ETWN here in the southlands of California, but unfortunately, the only way we could get it is to pay extra to the cable company, or invest in satellite radio and the subscription in order to get it. It used to be aired free during certain hours on the weekends, but it was always in the wee morning hours, when many of us were fast asleep.

Yet the cable and TV companies don’t have such a restriction when airing non-Catholic, sometimes bizarre, religious programs on their dials.

Do I sense an imbalance here? :confused:
I watch EWTN quite a bit.

I was in Alabama on business several weeks ago and got a chance to visit. I met Fr. Mitch and had him bless all the sacramentals that I got from the bookstore. Got to sit in EWTN Live and almost asked a question but got shy. Also attended the daily Mass. The monstrance there is unbelievable. It sits about 11’ up and with the statues it really looks tremedous. I think this should be the norm and not the exception.

Upon entering the vicinity I felt like I downshifted from 5th gear to 1st. Everything slowed down. I’m not one for mushy things but I really felt a gentle peacefulness when I arrived. The visitors all said that the convent in Hanceville is even more awe inspiring. When the friars appeared in the studio I was impressed. Hard to describe—very dignified yet humble.

That was my experience in a nutshell.

in XT.
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