Chris C.:
I love my husband dearly, but he has no eye for jewelry or anything else aesthetic. Lots of good will, but no eye. Did I want to be saddled with something I didn’t like to wear on my finger? No. Luckily, my husband does know that about me! Gifts don’t necessarily have to be surprises.
Dare I suggest, Chris, that since it is the women who wear the rings, that we might actually have useful advice?First of all, I think it’s hilarious that most of the respondents to your question are women! A few did give good advice, I admit, but the woman is the one who receives the ring, not the one who buys it. I think the idea of couples shopping for the ring together is hilarious. It’s a gift, for goodness sakes. It’s not like you’re shopping for the family minivan! The most you want to do as far as involving your fiancee is this: find out what style of cut she wants (pear, brilliant, marquis, etc.) and whether she like white or yellow gold.
I love my husband dearly, but he has no eye for jewelry or anything else aesthetic. Lots of good will, but no eye. Did I want to be saddled with something I didn’t like to wear on my finger? No. Luckily, my husband does know that about me! Gifts don’t necessarily have to be surprises.