New here … so hello!
I have recently begun to pray the Holy Rosary every day.
However, it had been a long time and so I was not sure how to restart …
I have been displaced from the church for many years but recently have been feeling very compelled, (dreams that recur, “feelings” through the day & generally feeling “drawn towards” prayer … if that makes sense…), to pray. I always loved the rosary, but stopped after I left the church.
Anyway, I downloaded the “Click to Pray” apps, (at clicktopray .org & erosary.clicktoprayerosary .org - (one for general prayer and the other for the eRosary - though there is overlap in the two. I don’t have the eRosary bracelet - I use my own beads), and feel like the apps are gently taking my hand, leading me back into this prayer.
I am not ready to go back to church, (or to bring my family back into the church), but I love that the rosary is bringing that dialogue back into my life. I love that there seems to be a meditative quality that just happens when I begin and, as strange as it sounds, it seems that the trajectory of my day changes after I’ve completed the five decades. (Doing fifteen decades is lovely, but I’ve only done that once since I restarted.)
I don’t know if this will become part of my daily routine or if I’m just compelled to do this for a short time, but right now, praying with the Pope’s network, (using the two apps as guidance for my meditation of each mystery.), gives me something to pray for. (I’ve been away for so long that I don’t feel that I have any ground to ask for anything. So perhaps my rosary prayers can help the Pope’s intentions…)
Sorry if I’m too long-winded … lol … aren’t you glad you asked, “why” ?