How old is too old for kiddos?

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Konig, congrats! That is awesome!

Ghosty, she is worried about Down’s. I think that’s what’s keeping her away is she is so scared that she will have a ‘defective’ baby.

Her parents are divorced, both are Catholic. Her dad, after 4 marriages has really reverted back to the Faith. Her mom has been dating the same guy for 20+ years and they will not get married. Great people, though.

We had an appt on Friday, and heard the baby’s heart. So cool! Someone’s in there! Doc said chances for miscarriage go way down if you can detect a heartbeat. So far, so good.

Boy, is she moody!
My wife and I have been married 27 years, she had our 6th child at 33, 7th at 35, 8th at 36, 9th at 38, 10th at 40 and 11th at 43 each one healthy and a blessing. She is praying that God will bless her with one more before she gets to old.
It is certainly hard to overcome family & social pressure to stop right after you have had the acceptable 1 or 2 kids. My only advice is to ignore it, you will regret giving in to it later in your life. (I did, so I know) I have been blessed despite my poor and sinful judgement (I was “Fixed” for 10 years) early in my marriage, although we certainly made up for lost time! We have upset both of our families sensabilities (Both Catholic and Protestant, all secular) with our choice to be open to life but they’ve had to get over it and indeed they did.
My life has never been better or more blessed since I gave up my secular plans for my marriage as well as my adult life, which was 3 kids up and out of the house by the time I’m 40 and then my money and my time is all mine! What a joke! It is alot different around here today than what I planned for 27 years ago that’s for sure! and I wouldn’t trade it for anything! I regret wasting ten years of my life doing what the world expected me to do.
Kids are always a blessing, take all of them you can get! Trust God, look at your life through eyes of faith rather that through the eyes of the world. Your kids are worth more than all the possesions in this world. To be a parent is the highest calling and the rewards exceed the sacrifice a hundred times at least. Congratulations on your first child, may God bless you with many more
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