I put “Whenever I get a moment”. I have a crazy work schedule, but I have a copy of “e-Sword” (e-sword.net) that let’s me read the bible on my computer even if I don’t have an internet connection. I don’t want to sound like a commercial for these guys, but I really do love the product, and the price is right (free). I have the Latin Vulgate, Douay Rheims, and King James Versions. I’ve looked at several of the DR passages, and the match perfectly with my DR Bible. I’m not sure how error free it is though…
My iPaq downloads the daily mass readings as well. I also get “One Bread One Body” which has daily readings and commentaries taken from the bible.
My iPaq downloads the daily mass readings as well. I also get “One Bread One Body” which has daily readings and commentaries taken from the bible.