I mean more that these sort of instances where there is a “mismatch” of feelings-Ie:he might plan for some guys to come over on
After so many years of marriage, I feel that I can speak to this.
Couples must learn to communicate with each other.
My husband and I sit down at least once a week to go through our calendars and make sure we both know what the other is doing and what that means to each of us (e.g., if it’s his mother’s birthday, what are the plans? Dinner out? Dinner at our house? Take-out to their house? )
What days do i have off work, and which weekends do I work? Am I doing a double shift?
Is he planning on travelling out of town during the week? Will he be gone overnight?
When we both have Saturday entirely free except for Mass, should we plan a workday and do some heavy cleaning in the garage or basement? Or should we just chill and do nothing but relax?
You get the idea. It’s all written down. (Neither of us have found computer calendars or the phone a good way to keep track–my husband was missing appointments trying to keep track of planning on his phone!).
And if either of us wants to change up the plans, or add something to them, e.g., friends over for dinner, we CALL each other! No surprises, unless it’s a surprise gift from one of us to the other!
This is especially true with money. We each work, so we each earn a paycheck, and therefore, we have a chunk of our own cash to spend as we like (more like a small pebble rather than a chunk!). But the rest of our paychecks are budgeted toward all the expenses that we have. We wouldn’t dream of spending money on anything big (e.g., a car, an appliance, etc.) without checking with each other).
Nowadays, there is no excuse for failing to communicate with each other. Emailing and texting are are options that we use often–so easy!
When we had our children at home, they joined in the planning meetings–their schedules were often very complex and required a lot of communication and delegating of the transportation and eventually the cars (after the kids got their driver’s licenses).
And FEELINGS should enter into these planning sessions. What good is planning a family dinner if I am resentful over the time that I will have to set aside to plan, shop for, cook, and possibly clean up? Or what good is a cleaning day if my husband had hoped to spend the free day doing a road trip to a state park or flea market?
Couples must learn to be honest about their feelings in a kind way. They must speak up and not stay silent out of some weird idea about “submission” or “kindness” and then harbor resentment towards each other that one day, will spew out in a very hurtful way. All of this is also part of planning–telling the spouse “I know I’m going to be tired after my double-shift–can we skip the cleaning day and just relax?” or “Can we wait to spend the money on that vintage find until I get my paycheck on Friday?”