Again, How is it the action of a just god to punish me with original sin before I am even born. If God created me, then why did He chose to create me with sin, and then punish me for the very sin He created in me. In fact I was never offered the chioce to sin or not to sin.
God “punished” you by giving you the natural gift of life. Yes, he does not automatically give you supernatural gifts and preternatural gifts, but if one complains to the gift-giver for not giving enough gifts or the right gifts, then I’d say the injustice is not with the gift-giver, but with the ungrateful recipient of God’s gifts. Can one blame the gift-giver for not giving more gifts? Is that a proper understanding of injustice?
Have you ever given a gift to someone and they didn’t appreciate it, or took it for granted? Did you ever give something to someone and they expected more?
I think you have to ask yourself, do you deserve any gift from God, especially eternal life in heaven? If so why? If not, then isn’t God perfectly just in simply giving you the natural gift of life, but not the gift of supernatural life?
If you were to hypothetically die without any actual sin, but with only the lack of orignial justice (aka original sin), then are you aware that according to Catholic theology, while you will not enjoy the Beatific Vision of God, you will not be tormented as the wicked will be in hell? Where’s the injustice in living more happily than you have at any point in your earthly existence, but still apart from the vision of God?
Original sin is not something you are born with, strictly speaking, but something you are born without. You are born without
the gift of original justice. There is no injustice in being born with merely natural gifts. Simply put, you are given good natural gifts by God through human generation, but you lack supernatural gifts as a consequence of human generation. So what? That’s the gift-givers perogative, no? Is it just to demand more gifts which are completely undeserved to begin with?
Those who cooperate with God’s actual grace have the
potential to be rewarded with more gifts, according to Catholic theology. Yet, He still
owe’s you nothing as a matter of justice, strictly speaking, as his gifts are still gratuitous (undeserved), no matter what you do.
It’s like a waiter demanding a tip, and if they receive one, then demanding a bigger tip. It’s just that absurd. You don’t deserve a tip, as a tip is completely gratuitous. If you choose not to tip your waiter, is it a breach of justice? Of course not. Likewise, you certainly don’t deserved supernatural life. No creature does. Gifts are dependent solely upon the generosity of the gift-giver. We have a generous God, as he gives us the potential for supernatural life. But it is not owed to us, ever.
Those that shake an angry fist at God because the gifts they were given were not good enough, or not big enough are like the waiter demanding bigger “tips.” They lack a proper understanding of justice. They need to take things into perspective and think about what a “gift” means. It is underserved. It is never owed. As such, it is never an act of injustice to withold gifts.