You *may *have a dialogue Mass where the people are permitted to respond.Thanks again, lak611. I had suspected no verbal participation, but was not sure. That will indeed take some getting used to, but I look forward to it.
Two other possibly silly questions: what should I expect in the way of singing/music? And which do you think a novice such as myself would find easier in following along with the Mass, the missals provided (I am only assuming the Church will have some) or the 1962 missal I bought some months ago?
With thanks.
Someone else will be able to tell you about a low Mass if there is any singing before and after (don’t think it’s allowed during the Mass itself) but at a Sung Mass or a High Mass, according to the rubrics the texts of the Mass- (Introit, Gradual/Tract/Alleluia, Offertory, Communion, etc.) and the Ordinary (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei) are to be sung. It is not permissible to substitute them with other songs in the absence of an indult (which doesn’t exist as far I know). Some places have the custom of concluding the Mass with the antiphon to the BVM of the season. Technically before the Mass and after the Mass you could sing anything.
The 1960 rubrics differ from the earlier ones, but you would probably not notice it at all-except that the priest is no longer required to stand at the altar and read the Epistle and Gospel silently in a Solemn High Mass. You would still be able to use your missal, even though the rubrics may have changed but the texts are all the sameI grew up with the Latin Masses of the pre-Vatican II time – is the current TLM just like those Masses? Would I be able to use my old missal (which I still have) – it’s a St. Joseph Continuous Sunday Missal from 1957.
[for example, it may direct one Preface to be said, but the priest may be saying another one because of the revised rubrics. That preface would also be found in the missal. But that doesn’t happen all that often].1956 saw the main changes to the missal anyway, so it shouldn’t be that much of a problem, I would think. But someone with practical experience could probably tell you better.