how should I deal with this situation.

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The only advice you need is to be as honest and as forthright as you can be. The girl needs to let you know what her real situation is with her boyfriend, and IF she is already as a crossroads in their relationship you may want to let her know how you feel about her. If she is really through with her boyfriend that is one thing, but if she is still in a realationship or if she is ambivialent that is something else.

Remember there is also the question of the 9 year old son’s father. Is he still in the picture OR is he the son of the former boyfriend. How do you or how will you get along with her son ? Does the son have visiting rights with his father ?

The girl may have a problem keeping a relationship going. What is it that happened with the boys father ? Was she married to him before, if she was, now you have the problem of her having to get an annulment through the Church.

There are a host of problems with this potential relationship, all of which you have to have answers for if you are to even consider making it last.

It is going to take a lot of patience and a lot of hard work on both your parts to make this thing work. SO far you sound like you may be willing to put the effort into making it happen, but you need the girl (and probably her son) to have the same commitment and energy and patience to even get it off the ground.

My guess is that the girl probably has a few similar feelings towards you also as she spent some time with you on the vacation (otherwise she would have just told you to get lost. Most people do not strike up a relationship with perfect strangers)

You need to get into very serious discussions with the girl, and find out how she really feels, and find out if you even have a chance to make work. Plus the discusion have to ongoing and consistent. The key to any successful relationship is communications.

IF she can not speak to you now, or she can not determine for certain, how she feels about you or her boyfriend then you are sunk from the start.

It may be that she is the type of person who has problems making long term commitments. It takes two to make a relationship last, so far you only have one.

IF I were in your position I would look elsewhere, but if you do move forward with this, be very careful and make very sure the girl feels as committed to making the relationship last and permanent as you do.

Down the road if she is later ambivalent towards you, she may take up with yet another guy, as she may with you. Afterall she has already left one guy with whom she had a son, and now she is looking to leave another one.

Thank you for your insight into this matter. I created another thread on this situation that doesn’t include my personal feelings for her. Although I like the girl a lot I can now see what God wanted me to do.
some good advice would be appreciated.
If the situation were reversed…meaning you and your girlfriend…would you want someone moving in on you??? She’s old enough to know what she’s doing and I suggest backing off and when she does dump him ( I’m betting she doesn’t) let HER call YOU.
~ Kathy ~
some good advice would be appreciated.
Just want to through something out there. Make sure you are pursuing this for the right reasons. Are you truely interested in this girl in and of herself or are you just looking for anyone to be with? Do her values and faith match yours or are you just interested because because of fear of being alone? I’m not accusing you of anything, in fact I don’t really know anything about you. Just some words to think about.

What is truely motivating you here? Try and see through all the distractions to the honest truth.
If the situation were reversed…meaning you and your girlfriend…would you want someone moving in on you??? She’s old enough to know what she’s doing and I suggest backing off and when she does dump him ( I’m betting she doesn’t) let HER call YOU.
~ Kathy ~
this is what I’ve done. she has my number.

I’ve been where you are now and it is a hard situation to be in. My advice to you is to not–definately NOT–move in and get rid of the boyfriend. If you do that and are successful, you will take on all of her unhealed baggage and it WILL weigh down your relationship. Also, if she just dumps her boyfriend for you–no matter what their relationship is like–you need to realize that she may do the same thing to you for another guy somewhere down the road.
Believe it or not, and I used to HATE this saying, but it is so true. If your relationship is meant to be, it will be. If it not, then it is better for both of you in the long run. God has made someone especially for you. Maybe it is this woman–maybe it isn’t. Be there for her, be supportive, but let her solve her issues first. If it is God’s plan, you two will be together. If not, then so be it. Just don’t get sucked into the dark vortex of someone else’s unhealed baggage and hurts–especially when there is another guy involved–it is just plain trouble. I know, I’ve been there a couple of times and have learned my lesson. Good luck bud!!! I’ll pray for you!!! It will all work out!!

Take Care
Ok pet peeve of mine -why is a 28 year old woman being referred to as a girl? At first I thought this conversation was about a teenager.The young woman is not married and you seem to be handling the situation quite well.
I recently meet a girl on vacation that was traveling with her mother. She is very attractive and I think that I like her a great personality a great deal.

She wanted to go alone but her boyfriend told her to take her mother. I dont think things are working out very well with her boyfriend.

I think it was strange that I met them on the plan and that they ended up right next door to my room.

To make a long story short I ended up spending most of my vacation with them just for something to do. I even went shopping with this girl.

now that I know her I want to do something with her in a romantic way… I´m just not sure what to do. given the fact that she has a boryfriend
Dear kev7:

Speaking in terms of literature around and about the times of the knights, and ladies, etc.–there is nothing improper about a lady, a woman, having two “lovers”, and I use the term in a chaste, in a modest sense as opposed to what might mean extra-marital, and sexually promiscuous relations, etc.

So, I say: Go for it! Maybe you will, or already have, won her.

Most sincerely,

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