How should I respond to angry cussing by husband?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shelby_Grace
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I found this thread by using the search tool. A good friend of my wife’s has been faced with similiar challenges in her marriage for the past 2+ years:

-verbal abuse, name calling, blaming, …

also, infidility and heavy drinking.

She has tried everything to save this marriage-

retroville, counseling (alone and together), sessions w/ a solid priest, medical intervention for him (depression?)

The latest is an episode of phy. abuse- she feared for her life. (no police report) She knows she needs to get out but is afraid he’ll go for 50% custody of their 3 young kids and probably get it (he puts on a good “show”- coaches sports, etc…)


She’s been in touch with a lawyer and crisis ctr. She has support of ext. family in area.

…very, very sad… 😦

*excuse my typos
when I hit the troubled time in my marriage I sought out as much info as i could possibly find on the internet.

as has been pointed out, MOST of the problems in a marriage can be aleviated in my opinion by simply making a decision to quit sinning against one another…

the following link says it better than I could ever begin to.

I hope this helps somebody’s situation because it certainly shed a new light on things for me.

Hi, Todd,
Welcome to the board! For your friend, and anyone else in a similar situation, I would suggest a paper trail. Police reports, hospital reports, anything at all to support your story. It is much easier to prove that the abuser should not be unsupervised with children if there are legal documents to back you up. Otherwise, it’s one’s word against another’s and that’s a bad place to be. I have clients who are/were in similar situations and without written proof, it’s very difficult to protect yourself and your children.

Hope this helps. It’s sad that we need to take these kinds of steps.


Thanks for the reply. Your thoughts were mine exactly. The incident happened in May- could she still file a police report? I am guessing it would not carry a lot of weight as her bruises are all gone and due to the amount of time that has elasped. What do you think?

God blessyou for your work,

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