I found this thread by using the search tool. A good friend of my wife’s has been faced with similiar challenges in her marriage for the past 2+ years:
-verbal abuse, name calling, blaming, …
also, infidility and heavy drinking.
She has tried everything to save this marriage-
retroville, counseling (alone and together), sessions w/ a solid priest, medical intervention for him (depression?)
The latest is an episode of phy. abuse- she feared for her life. (no police report) She knows she needs to get out but is afraid he’ll go for 50% custody of their 3 young kids and probably get it (he puts on a good “show”- coaches sports, etc…)
She’s been in touch with a lawyer and crisis ctr. She has support of ext. family in area.
…very, very sad…
*excuse my typos
-verbal abuse, name calling, blaming, …
also, infidility and heavy drinking.
She has tried everything to save this marriage-
retroville, counseling (alone and together), sessions w/ a solid priest, medical intervention for him (depression?)
The latest is an episode of phy. abuse- she feared for her life. (no police report) She knows she needs to get out but is afraid he’ll go for 50% custody of their 3 young kids and probably get it (he puts on a good “show”- coaches sports, etc…)
She’s been in touch with a lawyer and crisis ctr. She has support of ext. family in area.
…very, very sad…
*excuse my typos