How should We Pray for the Souls in Purgatory?

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The most effacious act I think we can do is offer a plenary indulgence for a soul in Purgatory.

Peace and God bless! 🙂

Every year on the anniversary of my becoming a Coop. w/ Opus Dei I am able to gain a Plenary Indulgence ( all the right stipulations of course) …I offer it for my First Husband’s soul…
Thanks very much for the prayers; very helpful.🙂 If you say any prayers for the souls in Purgatory that you yourself just basically come up with, would they be effective too?
Ad lib-bing prayers is a protestant mentality.

It is better not to do that.
So, in other words, you practice necromancy which God forbids, which you do by praying to dead people, and hoping you will make out of a place that does not exist? I find that very interesting…
Um… Necromancy is trying to talk to dead spirits to acertain the future…which has absolutley nothing to do with Catholicism.

Did you read the scripture in the rest of the post? Try re-reading the thread again, then come up with specific questions about specific things, not just making blanket accustations/statements, please.
So, in other words, you practice necromancy which God forbids, which you do by praying to dead people, and hoping you will make out of a place that does not exist? I find that very interesting…
If that is what you believe, than I guess you really don’t believe Christ redeemed you. If you as a Christian are a part of the body of Christ, then to believe we are necromancers you have to believe that Christ never rose from the dead. SAD!Christ is the God of the LIVING. When Jesus was talking to Moses and Elijah and Peter as well, oops I guess they were guilty as well.I will pray for you and ask the saints who are bfore the throne of God offering prayers and supplications to pray for you(ITS IN REVELAYIONS CHECK IT OUT):whistle:
So, in other words, you practice necromancy which God forbids, which you do by praying to dead people, and hoping you will make out of a place that does not exist? I find that very interesting…
On Good Friday just after Jesus died, do you think it would have been ok to pray to the Lord, or would that have been silly too, because Jesus was dead ?
Did we have to wait until Sunday until we could pray to Jesus ?

Ok 2nd question------ i’ll answer it,-------- NO !!! I think it’s pretty well covered there. I hope the link works for you. If not, go to and do a search. I believe that the “cloud of witnesses” mentioned in the Bible is the Church Triumphant - our friends and neighbors and ancestors who have gone before us. We pray for our relatives, friends and neighbors while they are here on earth with us - it makes sense to me to pray for them to be allowed into the Presence afterwards. It also makes sense to ask them to pray for us as we are all part of that “communion of saints”. As you can see from the link, we listen to the Church Fathers in their interpretation of the Bible - they are the experts - inspired by the Holy Spirit. As for “paying” - as you can see from the other responses on this thread, our prayers and sacrifices on behalf of our departed brothers and sisters are freely given. It is true that we usually give a small donation for a Mass to be said - another free will thingy. Our churches have expenditures like any other. It sounds like you have read or been told about “selling indulgences” perhaps? A sore on the Body of Christ for sure - something contemptible thought up in the evil of some humans hearts and a thing of the past. A knowledgable Catholic of today is aware of hucksters in any form. Good luck in your studies and search for the Truth.
What do you think of a church that keeps you paying and paying to get loved ones out of a place that does not even exist?
Let’s see…hmmm…how can I put it politely…

If you are refering to the Catholic Church, then that is just simply not true.

If you insist on asserting otherwise, prove it.

So, in other words, you practice necromancy which God forbids, which you do by praying to dead people, and hoping you will make out of a place that does not exist? I find that very interesting…
That would be SUMMONING the dead to be enslaved by us…this is called the intercession of saints. BTW ever visit the grave of a loved one? I bet you talked to 'em. Ever read about the grea cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12? Thesre’s morr, but this is off topic…
This is my personal favorite:


O Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory and for sinners everywhere – for sinners in the universal Church, for those in my own home and in my own family. Amen.

Even the graves of the saints in the catacombs have requests for prayers for their souls on them…and St. Augustine’s mother asked him to pray for her when she died. :gopray:
Ad lib-bing prayers is a protestant mentality.

It is better not to do that.
I think it is fine to choose your own words in prayer. Go right ahead, if that is what works for you. Here are some words from St. Therese little flower from her main book: emphasis added
How great is the power of Prayer! One could call it a Queen who has at each instant free access to the King and who is able to obtain whatever she asks. To be heard it is not necessary to read from a book some beautiful formula composed for the occasion. If this were the case, alas, I would have to be pitied! Outside the Divine Office which I am very unworthy to recite, I do not have the courage to force myself to search out beautiful prayers in books. There are so many of them it really gives me a headache! and each prayer is more beautiful than the others. I cannot recite them all and not knowing which to choose,* I do like children who do not know how to read, I say very simply to God what I wish to say, without composing beautiful sentences, and He always understands me.* for a larger quote.

Memorized prayers are quite useful too!
Pope Pius IX offered a De Profundis (which someone outlined above) each day for the holy souls in purgatory. Probably many prelates have done this.
I think it is fine to choose your own words in prayer. Go right ahead, if that is what works for you. Here are some words from St. Therese little flower from her main book: emphasis added for a larger quote.

Memorized prayers are quite useful too!
Ahh, I do love St. Therese. . . it is no wonder that I chose her as my confirmation saint this year (joined the Church this past Easter). She definitely deserves some of the credit for my conversion.
Ahh, I do love St. Therese. . . it is no wonder that I chose her as my confirmation saint this year (joined the Church this past Easter). She definitely deserves some of the credit for my conversion.
NonCatholics who might read St. Theresa will be surprised that she had no great interest in spiritual books, preferring the Bible.
But sometimes great art helps us to lift up our spirits and enables us to join in a chorus of praise to the Lord. When you really don’t know how to sing, it is best to join in song with those who do. But God hears even the croakers and smiles!
The bible itself tells us that not all elements of the faith are to be found within it’s pages
Please show me one, at least one verse that says this! Prove to me that anything you believe is in the Bible. Jesus and the apostles authenticate the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi and Peter authenticates Paul, and John actually authenitcates all.
Please show me one, at least one verse that says this! Prove to me that anything you believe is in the Bible. Jesus and the apostles authenticate the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi and Peter authenticates Paul, and John actually authenitcates all.
We have a personal friend of the Apostles here, a practicing necromancer, who didn’t follow up with the responses of the attacks of falsehoods he spouted out yesterday.God Bless:p
A person in life has done unkind or unthoughtful things to me in my life but I know you are in purgatory. How they left their life in a mess with no kind of prepreations for death and they did not leave a will or anything. So evil people came in and stole everything. You also have done kind things for me in life and you have done kind acts towards others in life. You deserve to leave purgatory and have a voice in heaven because I loved you.

I think of the kinds things they did and said an our father for them but at first when a person dies it is easy to remember the unkind things they did and know that they do not have a voice at all anymore. As the years go by you remember the unthoughtful acts of good ness they did. How they worked to keep their bills down and did not eave me burdoned with debt.
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