How should we stand on illegal immigrants in the US?

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While I don’t agree with mistreating them, or viewing them less than human, I struggle a bit with knowing where I should stand on this issue. If my parish wanted to give canned food to illegal immigrants, possibly even shelter, I’d feel conflicted.

I believe in loving and helping those in need, but I’m against ignoring the laws set in place. I think it’s wrong that they’re here, and I think it’ll possibly created a mess of issue to allow them to stay here. However, I sympathize with their struggle to flee troubles in their countries, and the need to eat.
Like many Christians, I support their desire for a new life, the dignity of work and the ability to eat. Like most Christians I support them just so long as they are not in my neighbourhood; could take my job; or release infections into the community or ,heaven forbid, affect property prices. Like most Christians I support their rights, but don’t really want to meet one. But I also support our right to live in luxury whilst the rest of the world supports my lifestyle.
While I don’t agree with mistreating them, or viewing them less than human, I struggle a bit with knowing where I should stand on this issue. If my parish wanted to give canned food to illegal immigrants, possibly even shelter, I’d feel conflicted.

I believe in loving and helping those in need, but I’m against ignoring the laws set in place. I think it’s wrong that they’re here, and I think it’ll possibly created a mess of issue to allow them to stay here. However, I sympathize with their struggle to flee troubles in their countries, and the need to eat.
I think it is good that you feel conflicted. My concern is that it is too easy to de-humanize these people. Round them up like cattle and herd them back to their side of the fence. Laws must be respected, but laws are supposed to serve people. We cannot use the excuse that illegal immigrants are breaking the law to treat them as less than human by denying them food, shelter, and the dignity owed to all human beings. Right now I’m reading Immigration and the Next America: Renewing the Soul of our Nation, by Archbishop Jose Gomez, to try to gain a better understanding of the situation, and what my response should be as a Catholic American.
Like many Christians, I support their desire for a new life, the dignity of work and the ability to eat. Like most Christians I support them just so long as they are not in my neighbourhood; could take my job; or release infections into the community or ,heaven forbid, affect property prices. Like most Christians I support their rights, but don’t really want to meet one. But I also support our right to live in luxury whilst the rest of the world supports my lifestyle.
I feel like parts of this are sarcasm. :confused:
While I don’t agree with mistreating them, or viewing them less than human, I struggle a bit with knowing where I should stand on this issue. If my parish wanted to give canned food to illegal immigrants, possibly even shelter, I’d feel conflicted.

I believe in loving and helping those in need, but I’m against ignoring the laws set in place. I think it’s wrong that they’re here, and I think it’ll possibly created a mess of issue to allow them to stay here. However, I sympathize with their struggle to flee troubles in their countries, and the need to eat.
Separate politics and government (both sides, all countries) and concentrate on the gospel, and your confliction will be gone:

Matthew 25:34-45 (NAB)

34Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, 36naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ 37Then the righteous* will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ 40And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ 41** Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ 44**Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ 45He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ 46*And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

Peace and all good!

If I lived in Central America, I have no doubt that I would give serious consideration to sneaking across the border, unless I could figure out a scheme to get here legally. On the other hand, as a society we cannot have both open borders and a welfare state.
While I don’t agree with mistreating them, or viewing them less than human, I struggle a bit with knowing where I should stand on this issue. If my parish wanted to give canned food to illegal immigrants, possibly even shelter, I’d feel conflicted.

I believe in loving and helping those in need, but I’m against ignoring the laws set in place. I think it’s wrong that they’re here, and I think it’ll possibly created a mess of issue to allow them to stay here. However, I sympathize with their struggle to flee troubles in their countries, and the need to eat.
Give to the poor and feel good about it.

Also understand EVERYTHING you are hearing in the media right now about this is designed to further a political agenda in the guise of helping immigrants and or current citizens It is not to say there are not real problems, just that we are in a pre election cycle where both sides are trying to get you angry at the other side.
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

That was what used to make America great, and it lead to great prosperity. I don’t think God would have us deport illegal immigrants, but embrace them. If we give up some of our comfort, and they get a few more, it will eventually even out. I’m just saying that if someone hadn’t given my ancestors a chance I might have grown up in a very different situation. That’s just me though, I grew up poor so I can identify with their struggle to better their situation.
I think it is good that you feel conflicted. My concern is that it is too easy to de-humanize these people. Round them up like cattle and herd them back to their side of the fence. Laws must be respected, but laws are supposed to serve people. We cannot use the excuse that illegal immigrants are breaking the law to treat them as less than human by denying them food, shelter, and the dignity owed to all human beings. Right now I’m reading Immigration and the Next America: Renewing the Soul of our Nation, by Archbishop Jose Gomez, to try to gain a better understanding of the situation, and what my response should be as a Catholic American.
I’m not for herding them either, but I’m also not for keeping them here. I think we could offer support at the same time as not making them part of a growing concern in this country. Feed them if they’re hungry, treat their wounded, but maybe give them a definitive deadline.
It’s not about feeling good or obeying laws. It is about dignity and justice.

Everyone has a right to dignity. That right was purchased by Christ on the Cross. Starving, sleeping in the street and not having basic medical care is undignified. When we deny these to someone we have denied them something which is theirs by right. Denying someone something which is theirs by right is injustice. All injustice is sin.

It is unjust and therefor a sin to deny someone dignity when it is within our power to grant it.

There is never a need to feel conflicted about performing the corporal works of mercy (like giving people food and shelter) regardless of anything else. Would we feel conflicted about giving such things to other “sinners” (like unwed mothers or drug addicts or people who download pirated music from the internet)? Their actions do not cause them to forfeit the right to meet their basic human needs and those actions do not absolve us from the responsibility to treat them like Christ.

I think we should stand with our bishops on the issue. Every human being is a person made in the image and likeness of God with inherent and inviolable dignity. If we all treat each other like we believe that, I think we will be in good shape.
There is never a need to feel conflicted about performing the corporal works of mercy (like giving people food and shelter) regardless of anything else. Would we feel conflicted about giving such things to other “sinners” (like unwed mothers or drug addicts or people who download pirated music from the internet)? Their actions do not cause them to forfeit the right to meet their basic human needs and those actions do not absolve us from the responsibility to treat them like Christ.

I think we should stand with our bishops on the issue. Every human being is a person made in the image and likeness of God with inherent and inviolable dignity. If we all treat each other like we believe that, I think we will be in good shape.
But who is denying them these things? Is it wrong to deport them? I agree that we should feed and clothe the needy, but then what?
But who is denying them these things? Is it wrong to deport them? I agree that we should feed and clothe the needy, but then what?
You said: “If my parish wanted to give canned food to illegal immigrants, possibly even shelter, I’d feel conflicted.” I was merely saying that we needn’t feel conflicted about helping people in need with food and shelter, regardless of immigration status.

That really doesn’t speak to possible solutions to the issue. It is quite clear that some reform needs to happen. My guess is that neither extreme (round them all up and deport them all or give all of them immediate amnesty and citizenship) is a workable solution. There needs to be something in between that both respects the human dignity and the family relationships of those who have come here illegally and also respects the rights of those who are already here. I do not pretend to know what that solution is.
While it appears according to the media we are not letting anyone into the country, we allow 1,000,000 immigrants in legally every year. What is of concern are those coming in illegally for the purpose of making use of the public welfare system.
Like many Christians, I support their desire for a new life, the dignity of work and the ability to eat. Like most Christians I support them just so long as they are not in my neighbourhood; could take my job; or release infections into the community or ,heaven forbid, affect property prices. Like most Christians I support their rights, but don’t really want to meet one. But I also support our right to live in luxury whilst the rest of the world supports my lifestyle.
I’m sorry but this is not a fair comment to make about this situation. I have always worked hard all my life & tried to give to those less fortunate. I am not a wealthy person by any means, probably more lower middle class. Our faith teaches us to help the poor & I have every intention to do my best to help people in the future. But, last year my car was burglarized by?, you guessed it, an illegal immigrant. So, how’s that for Christian behavior? To say that I am conflicted about these massive amounts of people coming into our country with no skills to support themselves is an understatement. If we do not anticipate the coming potential diseases, crimes, social structure problems that comes with this situation we are guilty of stupidity.
While I don’t agree with mistreating them, or viewing them less than human, I struggle a bit with knowing where I should stand on this issue. If my parish wanted to give canned food to illegal immigrants, possibly even shelter, I’d feel conflicted.

I believe in loving and helping those in need, but I’m against ignoring the laws set in place. I think it’s wrong that they’re here, and I think it’ll possibly created a mess of issue to allow them to stay here. However, I sympathize with their struggle to flee troubles in their countries, and the need to eat.
There is no reason you cannot feed the hungry and shelter the homeless while also insisting that the justly-enacted laws of your land be respected. You would not, after all, be the one ignoring those laws – the executive branch would be.
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

That was what used to make America great, and it lead to great prosperity. I don’t think God would have us deport illegal immigrants, but embrace them. If we give up some of our comfort, and they get a few more, it will eventually even out. I’m just saying that if someone hadn’t given my ancestors a chance I might have grown up in a very different situation. That’s just me though, I grew up poor so I can identify with their struggle to better their situation.
Is this a joke? The periods of mass immigration were among the worst in American history, times of exploitation, extreme poverty, economic retardation, etc. She was, by contrast, doing mostly pretty well during her period of near-zero immigration (excepting the Great Depression, of course, which occurred for altogether irrelevant reasons), far from the claims bandied about today that garbage would pile up in the streets and people would starve because they couldn’t afford $19 bananas if we don’t have mass immigration.

I too am a descendant of immigrants – my father was born in Germany to a naturalized Polish immigrant father and a still-German-national mother. His first language was French. American immigration policy let them come here and hence let me come here. I’m grateful for that. But I for one am not convinced this nation would be substantially worse off without me.
While it appears according to the media we are not letting anyone into the country, we allow 1,000,000 immigrants in legally every year. What is of concern are those coming in illegally for the purpose of making use of the public welfare system.
Well, in fairness, a million legal immigrants a year is still a big concern when our labor force participation rate is presently at record lows.
While it appears according to the media we are not letting anyone into the country, we allow 1,000,000 immigrants in legally every year. What is of concern are those coming in illegally for the purpose of making use of the public welfare system.
How can someone make use of the public welfare system if they are not citizens?
How can someone make use of the public welfare system if they are not citizens?
Seriously? Is welfare in ANY state tied to citizenship? Here in Massachusetts, “undocumented residents” (or whatever euphemism one chooses to use) get EBT cards (i.e., what used to be food stamps, except EBT cards can be used in ATM machines for cash - and state studies find one popular site for getting cash is Orlando/Disney), subsidized Section 8 housing, free medical care, virtual immunity from prosecution for driving without a license, the availability of numerous “sanctuary cities” where the police are forbidden from arresting them for immigration violations, and an attorney general who has publicly stated that “It’s not illegal to be an illegal immigrant in Massachusetts.”
While I don’t agree with mistreating them, or viewing them less than human, I struggle a bit with knowing where I should stand on this issue. If my parish wanted to give canned food to illegal immigrants, possibly even shelter, I’d feel conflicted.

I believe in loving and helping those in need, but I’m against ignoring the laws set in place. I think it’s wrong that they’re here, and I think it’ll possibly created a mess of issue to allow them to stay here. However, I sympathize with their struggle to flee troubles in their countries, and the need to eat.
Well, we can’t be so scrupulous with following the letter of the law that there’s concern about churches helping illegals. I suppose I understand where the conflicted feeling is coming from, but people who need help who are here from a church should never be turned away. It’s our job to help people like that.
Seriously? Is welfare in ANY state tied to citizenship? Here in Massachusetts, “undocumented residents” (or whatever euphemism one chooses to use) get EBT cards (i.e., what used to be food stamps, except EBT cards can be used in ATM machines for cash - and state studies find one popular site for getting cash is Orlando/Disney), subsidized Section 8 housing, free medical care, virtual immunity from prosecution for driving without a license, the availability of numerous “sanctuary cities” where the police are forbidden from arresting them for immigration violations, and an attorney general who has publicly stated that “It’s not illegal to be an illegal immigrant in Massachusetts.”
That has more to do with politics than anything else, and I’m not allowed to get into specifics on this particular forum.
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