This ILLEAGAL immigration issue is such a debacle and puts good, devout Catholics in hard positions. First, we must keep in mind that many in Washington DC do not want to resolve this issue for they feel it benefits their political agenda. Second, Catholics are not bound to obey every directive from the USCCB that has not been reaffirmed by the Holy See! The USCCB and any bishops conference does not have any authority in themselves unless recognized/delegated by the Holy See. This has been a great point of confusion after Vatican II. Some thought these conferences had a power/authority in their own right. They are merely consultory bodies for nations to the Holy See. Mind you, they also supported “comprehensive health care reform” (Obamacare) and we all know how that tquickly turned on them. The USCCB is a little too “pie in the sky” many times! Thirdly, while many are correct that assisting those in need is always the right thing to do, we, as a nation, are not bound to open borders and let, indiscriminately, anyone in who wants to come in. Nations have a duty FIRST to its existing citizens, secondly to others. Yes, individuals have rights and dignities but nations have the right to maintain their borders and determine who they let in. That is Church social teaching too! Fourthly, these illegal immigrants, if allowed into this nation have a duty to this nation and God, to respect the laws, become not an economic burden, and respect the established culture and traditions as the Catechism says. This is one of the paragraphsoften ignored by many in this debate. My great-grandparents were all immigrants from Germany and Ireland that came here legally and assimulated because that was expected of them. They worked very hard, learned the language, had no safety-net (welfare, food stamps, etc.) to coddle them. They worked tirelessly and ethically and made a life for themselves and my grandparents. It was not easy for them but they did it! So can those who wish to come here from south of the border. Fifthly, these illegal immigrants, after initial assistance from the state to get them going, must not be a burden or ward of the state long term. If that is the reason for coming, and many do this (I see it everyday at my work in significant numbers - people for years on food stamps that eat like royalty and cannot speak English), send them home. The purpose of this is to give them a better life at the expense of their own hard work, assimulation into American culture and life, and contributing in a positive way to American society. If this is not their aim or the ultimate result of regularizing these people…bye, bye! I as a hard-working tax paying American citizen feel that if my hard-earned tax money goes to subsidize dependency, as much of it now does to existing citizens, we do not need these people here. The USA is not a charity as James Madison stated when denying federal funds to refugee immigrants in his term. Sixthly, if the Church (or American prelates) is to deem devout conservative Catholics, who I would argue are the backbone of the true Church, to be disobedient and uncharitable, then they should lead by example and float the first bills. Not donating Bibles but sell rectories and cut the pay of the clergy, cut non-essential staff in parishes and redirect those resources/funds to lead the way paying for this surge. Put your money where your mouth is! Seventhly, this issue, where charity and compassion is needed, is not dogma. Many in the Church on these issues proclaim certain positions as dogma but are not. How often I hear that capital punishment is contrary to Catholic doctrine! It is not! Our position must be informed by reason and charity but it is permissible, even if the occassion is rare. We have clear commands from the Lord and Church teaching to lean on the side of charity and love. I will never argue that. But in light of many contingencies, not all pursuing this from either a Catholic nor charitable perspective, nor for the genuine health of the nation, I have every right, due to conscience formed by Catholic teaching to determine where i will stand on this issue.
As was stated in a 2008 discussion on CatholicAnswers this response by Fr. Vincent Serpa was given: “Such directives are not a matter of dogma. While the bishops’ concerns here are based on Catholic moral principles, Catholics can disagree on their practical applications.”