How Sinful is This?

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It’s that time of year when you start seeing people ring the bells for the Salvation Army.
Well, I have on a Jurassic Park t shirt. Upon walking out of a place, the person working for the Salvation Army lets me know he likes Jurassic Park very much, by telling me I should read the book.
Well, during the course of our conversation, he said something along the lines of, of course you’ve seen the movie, to which I did not verbally responded but motioned in a way that usually indicates “of course”.
This was because I was trying to think of a way to handle this conversation.

You see, I don’t really care much about what clothes I wear, and so I don’t particularly care very much about the franchises displayed on my clothes. Now, here is where the question comes in: Jurassic Park is a classic, and of course I know about it, and I’ve seen clips of it, but I have only ever seen (I believe) the third movie, the more recent Jurassic Park World movie.
So, is this sinful in being deceitful? If so, is it mortally so, or venially? I am out of my usual town (s) and am not familiar with the churches around here, so it may affect my being able to receive the Eucharist. During the conversation I was wondering how to go about it without getting his hopes down while at the same time not lying, but I still motioned in such a manner. I do not know if I also said words like, “well, you know” or such.

Thank you
I tried looking at this from all angles and I still don’t see anything that can be perceived as sinful in your post. On another note, have you looked into scrupulosity?
The motioning as though in agreement that I had seen the movie, when I had not seen the movie but merely know about it and have seen what I believe may have been some clips from it.
not even remotely anywhere near sinful.

you probably do have scruples, I do as well. but trust me, you are overthinking on this one
Your goal was not to deceive; you had no goal, in fact. You were simply being nice.
Like, it wouldn’t be deceitful? Why not?
Everybody does this, you were just going with the flow of the conversation and trying to be agreeable.Say five HAIL MARYS and five OUR FATHERS. 🙂
Three conditions are necessary for mortal sin to exist:
Grave Matter: The act itself is intrinsically evil and immoral. ...
So, at worst venial, but probably not even that.

Do you worry about this sort of thing a lot?
And deception would be inherently wrong, no? (I could be wrong).
But someone has said it may not be deception because my intent was not deception, though my intent was to somehow continue the conversation without letting his hopes down about my not having watched the movie.
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And deception would be inherently wrong, no?
Possibly, but at most it would be venial because, examining the three conditions:
  1. grave matter – No
  2. full knowledge – No
  3. deliberate consent — No
So you should be good to receive Communion.

By the way, the Catechism (in paragraph 2489) says:
No one is bound to reveal the truth to someone who does not have the right to know it.
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start seeing people ring the bells for the Salvation Army.

Well, I have on a Jurassic Park t shirt. Upon walking out of a place, the person working for the Salvation Army lets me know he likes Jurassic Park very much, by telling me I should read the book.

Well, during the course of our conversation, he said something along the lines of, of course you’ve seen the movie, to which I did not verbally responded but motioned in a way that usually indicates “of course”.

This was because I was trying to think of a way to handle this conversation.

You see, I don’t really care much about what clothes I wear, and so I don’t particularly care very much about the franchises displayed on my clothes. Now, here is where the question comes in: Jurassic Park is a classic, and of course I know about it, and I’ve seen clips of it, but I have only ever seen (I believe) the third movie, the more recent Jurassic Park World movie.

So, is this sinful in being deceitful? If so, is
It’s a freaking Tee shirt, not a lifetime commitment. As a kid I had hand-me-downs. I got Strawberry shortcake confused with rainbow bright.

“Oh look at strawberry on your shirt”

Me why did she say strawberry, it’s rainbow? “I LOVE HER!”

Even when someone finally told me that Strawberry and Rainbow were two different people I still decided that it was rainbow bright.

I was silly, I was obstinate, I was wrong, but I was not sinful.
Just a peice of clothing to you,maybe next time just say you’re not a fan.No big deal 🙂 All good.
To me, the main issue was if this was grave matter.
Because I know deception is wrong, and my intention was not to explicitly deceive him, but to not reveal the truth explicitly, which I upon introspection thought was knowledge and will.

Granted, I was trying to think of a way to do it when I made the motions but couldn’t think quickly enough and simply did the motions, but that can be seen as deceptive.
I was thinking on the premise of, not to compare this to Nazis, but how it would be seen as Ok to say, upon questioned if you are hiding Jews, to say “I’m not hiding any Christ killer!” because they are Jewish but didn’t physcially kill Christ.
But then I also realized upon introspection that this would also be deceptive, as the motions are deceptive. I raised my hand and made the “of course” sort of expression, but I did not make an affirmation like nodding or anything.

The good news is that the Church here has confession before the mass! Thanks masstimes
Like you said, it’s a franchise, you saw a part, that’s good enough! You could have said, eh, it’s just a t-shirt!

Our church begs for the poor by collecting groceries outside a local supermarket. I picked up the midday haul to bring back to the church, the Salvation Army bellringer was at the door, very talkative. I realized ringing that little bell for hours must get very lonesome, they just want to talk.

Has anyone ever thanked these folks for their sacrifice? I started with him, yesterday, and will try to keep it up.
Did you buy that T-shirt with the intention to deceive others?

If I buy this shirt, I will be one of the cool kids who has seen Jurassic Park without the need to shell out $3 for the DVD!!! Insert evil laugh.
I would ask your confessor this question if you are not sure. Technically you did see Jurassic park, just not the first one. You could have explained that, but failing to point that out would not necessarily be a sin, but could be venial at best I think.

If you can go the entirety of your life being this scrupulous, you should go into politics.
Thanks to everyone who commented, I ended up not going to confession and received after a fair amount of prayer.

The mass there was interesting.
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