How to bring back fallen-away children (grown) to Catholic faith

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Could you possibly refer us to this resource? I would really like to be able to show such a list of “brilliant minds” to my sons.

Unfortunately, all three of my sons have also left the Church (although our only daughter is a nun!). What makes it so difficult for me is that they are very bright. One son, in particular, has made science his new religion. I have tried to offer him (and the others) some books addressed to this issue, but the books were rejected, unread. (Unfortunate, too, is the fact that parents do not always present a united “front” in raising children and, therefore, simple respect can be an issue.)

Perhaps if he could see an actual list of such “brialliant minds” who chose Catholicism, it might be something this son would read. He has argued with me for hours on end and I can usually defend the Church’s position (although it has been very tiring.) He once told me that if God would only reveal Himself - just once - in answer to prayer, he would believe.

Another argument is that there are so many contradictions in the bible and, of course, the greatest argument of all: the problem of evil in the world - how a merciful God could allow so much suffering.

I appreciate all that has been offered here on this topic so far and concur. However, the worry is that each of us is given the gift of free will. I worry that perhaps my intelligent sons’ will may prove too much of a barrier to God’s grace. After all, God never imposes Himself upon any soul. So this is the deepest worry which troubles me about my sons. Since we cannot argue and convince our fallen-away chldren and must rely upon God’s mercy and grace for them, how can we rest assured of their salvation when free will persists despite God’s grace?

The fact remains that there is no assurance that anyone will be saved if he persists in rebellion and sin - refusing God’s grace. This is my greatest sorrow and, considering my failing health, I am broken-hearted at the prospect of dying without seeing my sons return to their only source of help and salvation: the Church He established to help us overcome temptations. 😦
One of my favorites is George Lemaitre.
Here’s his wiki blurb:
Roman Catholic priest. Also discovered the Big Bang. It’s what Einstein based his work on.
🙂 Stick that in your heliocentric model and smoke it, Galileo.
Here’s a really good thread on the scientists:

This link lists catholic celebrities.
I would ignore all of the modern-day ones. 😉 But people like Leonardo are on there.

I should also make a strong mention here of Copernicus.
Everyone thinks Galileo was tried by he church because he said the sun was the center of the solar system.
The church punished him because he was an *****
To show that the Church had NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER with the sun as the center of the solar system, I give you…Copernicus! He proposed the heliocentric model BEFORE our beloved Galileo and NOT ONLY did the church not have a problem with it, but, well, read for yourself:
On 1 November 1536, Archbishop of Capua Nicholas Schönberg wrote a letter to Copernicus from Rome:

Some years ago word reached me concerning your proficiency, of which everybody constantly spoke. At that time I began to have a very high regard for you… For I had learned that you had not merely mastered the discoveries of the ancient astronomers uncommonly well but had also formulated a new cosmology. In it you maintain that the earth moves; that the sun occupies the lowest, and thus the central, place in the universe… Therefore with the utmost earnestness I entreat you, most learned sir, unless I inconvenience you, to communicate this discovery of yours to scholars, and at the earliest possible moment to send me your writings on the sphere of the universe together with the tables and whatever else you have that is relevant to this subject …[18]

Here are two more copernicus links:

Ah yes, the problem of suffering.
That one takes A LONG time to come to grips with. Many theologians wrestled with that very idea. But, I wonder why then, people like Mother Theresa…they saw SO much suffering (PJPII, too) yet their faith in the Lord didn’t waver. Your son needs to question WHY that is! Your son OWES it to himself to SEARCH for the truth!!!
One of my favorites is George Lemaitre.
Here’s his wiki blurb:
Roman Catholic priest. Also discovered the Big Bang. It’s what Einstein based his work on.
🙂 Stick that in your heliocentric model and smoke it, Galileo.
Here’s a really good thread on the scientists:

This link lists catholic celebrities.
I would ignore all of the modern-day ones. 😉 But people like Leonardo are on there.

I should also make a strong mention here of Copernicus.
Everyone thinks Galileo was tried by he church because he said the sun was the center of the solar system.
The church punished him because he was an *****
To show that the Church had NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER with the sun as the center of the solar system, I give you…Copernicus! He proposed the heliocentric model BEFORE our beloved Galileo and NOT ONLY did the church not have a problem with it, but, well, read for yourself:
On 1 November 1536, Archbishop of Capua Nicholas Schönberg wrote a letter to Copernicus from Rome:

Some years ago word reached me concerning your proficiency, of which everybody constantly spoke. At that time I began to have a very high regard for you… For I had learned that you had not merely mastered the discoveries of the ancient astronomers uncommonly well but had also formulated a new cosmology. In it you maintain that the earth moves; that the sun occupies the lowest, and thus the central, place in the universe… Therefore with the utmost earnestness I entreat you, most learned sir, unless I inconvenience you, to communicate this discovery of yours to scholars, and at the earliest possible moment to send me your writings on the sphere of the universe together with the tables and whatever else you have that is relevant to this subject …[18]

Here are two more copernicus links:

Ah yes, the problem of suffering.
That one takes A LONG time to come to grips with. Many theologians wrestled with that very idea. But, I wonder why then, people like Mother Theresa…they saw SO much suffering (PJPII, too) yet their faith in the Lord didn’t waver. Your son needs to question WHY that is! Your son OWES it to himself to SEARCH for the truth!!!
Thanks so much for the links. I will use them. 🙂 Your point about Mother Teresa is a good one too. I think that my son has been searching for truth but, unfortunately, has been drawn in by evolutionists and the theories of science, which is very common in our school system today (i.e. making religion seem like superstition by comparison). It is very difficult to try to convince him when he thinks I am merely illogical or superstitious. Maybe your examples will make some impression. Thanks again.
Pray for them. Love them as they are, where they are, without conditions. Be available to talk about it with them, but don’t pressure them to talk about it. Listen more than you talk. There is no “formula.” Each soul must find its way home. You can be supportive, but you can’t walk the path for them. Be a spirit-filled, joyful, peaceful person. Don’t be an anxious, worrisome person. Show them. Let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

It took me 20 years to come back. There were some things I had to learn for myself.
You said it all in that one paragraph !
All we can do is to pray for them, not to belittle prayer, for that is the most powerful thing WE can do for them.
The rest is up to the Holy Spirit.

While we are waiting, we should take your advice above, with the objective of MAKING THEM WONDER why we are so joy-filled ! That is living example.

As Our Lady asks us, we need to “be the joy and peace of Jesus, in this world without peace”.

+Peace !
From an experience I recently had at a Catholic retreat called “Faith Into the Fire of the Holy Spirit,” I believe that there is absolutely no way that we can do anything to directly bring anyone to God. I was raised in the faith and even witnessed miracles, but I still fell as far from God as one can get. Until another miracle happened which led me to the retreat.
To make a very long story short, at the retreat, we felt this overwhelming warming presence that took our breath away and we lost the ability to stand. I could not stop crying and I felt as if I was being consumed in a massive bonfire but instead of being burned, I felt the presence of so much love, compassion, and forgiveness. I left the retreat feeling like a completely new person. Colors became more vibrant and sounds became more pleasing. I believe The Holy Spirit is working very quickly these days because I’ve heard of so many fallen away Catholics report similiar experiences, and once you have it there is that increased awareness of how loving your neighbor and turning anger into compassion and understanding can really change the world.
I also believe that when a person raised in the faith loses their faith and chooses a life of sin, that it may be God’s way of letting us see the world and experience evil for ourselves so that when He pulls us out of that life we are left with an empathy and an understanding for others who are still currently trapped in that situation. Most importantly I’ve learned that if we pray diligently and love everyone as God loves them, then God will make His way back into their hearts and their sould will eventually get saved… In His time.
God Himself did say that He does not put a person through more than they can handle. So if they go over the edge, it’s us that sent them there. If we can become that beacon of light and a true ambassador for Christ, then there is no reason what-so-ever that anyone we love will die without knowing Jesus and the Father.
There was a time not so long ago when I would dismiss your story out of hand.
NOT any more.
Mine is like yours but maybe more complicated.
We can become very lost in this world, but the amazing thing is that God still rejoices in each individual person He has created, and knows exactly how and when to bring them home.
IF (that’s a big IF) we will listen and respond.
All it takes is such an amazingly small effort on our part, and God will be back in our life like we cannot believe ! He knows us so well, but He will not break the door down–we need to invite him in.
For me the chain of events is most of a lifetime, I look back and just have to shake my head in wonder.
Thank you Lord.
Thank you Blessed Mother for your patient prayers !

Could you possibly refer us to this resource? I would really like to be able to show such a list of “brilliant minds” to my sons.

Unfortunately, all three of my sons have also left the Church (although our only daughter is a nun!). What makes it so difficult for me is that they are very bright. One son, in particular, has made science his new religion. I have tried to offer him (and the others) some books addressed to this issue, but the books were rejected, unread. (Unfortunate, too, is the fact that parents do not always present a united “front” in raising children and, therefore, simple respect can be an issue.)

Perhaps if he could see an actual list of such “brialliant minds” who chose Catholicism, it might be something this son would read. He has argued with me for hours on end and I can usually defend the Church’s position (although it has been very tiring.) He once told me that if God would only reveal Himself - just once - in answer to prayer, he would believe.

Another argument is that there are so many contradictions in the bible and, of course, the greatest argument of all: the problem of evil in the world - how a merciful God could allow so much suffering.

I appreciate all that has been offered here on this topic so far and concur. However, the worry is that each of us is given the gift of free will. I worry that perhaps my intelligent sons’ will may prove too much of a barrier to God’s grace. After all, God never imposes Himself upon any soul. So this is the deepest worry which troubles me about my sons. Since we cannot argue and convince our fallen-away chldren and must rely upon God’s mercy and grace for them, how can we rest assured of their salvation when free will persists despite God’s grace?

The fact remains that there is no assurance that anyone will be saved if he persists in rebellion and sin - refusing God’s grace. This is my greatest sorrow and, considering my failing health, I am broken-hearted at the prospect of dying without seeing my sons return to their only source of help and salvation: the Church He established to help us overcome temptations. 😦
Take heart. God in His time will not fail you.

I have known way too many people who have it all so well figured out in their own heads that they refuse to consider anything not already between their own ears.
Personally, I have great pity for them in their self-inflicted poverty. But i also have hope for them because I now know the power of prayer.

Remember this- God’s grace is sufficient to accomplish anything at all, even what is impossible for us. He will take the slightest invitation from a person to enter a life with His Truth. When that happens, Heaven truly DOES rejoice. I can tell you from my own faith history, the sense of freedom the person will experience when that happens is beautiful and overwhelming.

As a parent, it can be hard to wait on God’s time. I know that from my own experience with 2 of my 3 sons.
But please consider what He has done for you in your life—because of that, you KNOW you can trust Him. But we forget…

You might have missed my earlier post where I mentioned that, these days I am taking the advice of a wonderful Capucian priest who heard my confession in Medjugorje:
" Look at what God has done for you in your life !
With all of the grace He has shown you, you still don’t TRUST God with your sons ?
It is not your job to convert anyone, that is for the Holy Spirit to do.
Your job is to trust God, and to LOVE your sons.
You just LOVE them ! "

No God, No Peace .
Know God, Know Peace .

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