How to bring back long-lapsed Catholics? And what brought you home?

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Do you think it would help my RCIA sponsor who happens to be my ex-husband? He left the Church and has only hatred for all things Catholic now. He believes he never should have been born and that his parents should have used contraception. Very sad.

I’m afraid if I send it to him, he would throw it away, and you don’t want to do that with a sacramental.

On the other hand, I could ask him to keep it as a sign of my good will for him, even if he just tucks it in a drawer.

I do believe Mary could help him, if there is a way, it would be through her.
That is a tough call.

The miraculous medal was given to help bring someone to the next step in the spiritual life with her son where ever they may be.

Then about 20 years later she gave us the green scapular to help those who have no faith or lost it. It is almost like she thought to herself, oops, I forgot the destitute ones who need help.
And then presented this to us to help us to bring people back.

The major problem is, the person should have it on them or in the vicinity of them. I run into this and it is difficult to solve especially when they are hostile to religion.

This is a harbanger.

I then just offer that person into Mary’s care, say the prayer for them each day, and leave the rest in her hands.

I just think of the fact that it was Mary’s suggestion in the first place and that I’ve done all that she could want.

Just a thought.
i am fighting the same fight with my father who does not go to church and sadly is an alcholic. i know he is a good person but at times i see him choosing self pleasure and alcohol instead of god and it bothers me, in fact it has bothered me my whole life. I havent talked to him in a great while and if i do its asimple hi and nod… when he is drunk i dont even look at him… im trying to give him the impression that its either me or the alcohol but it doesnt seem to change… i think that one day i am going to express how i feel but not lightly , i will be tough on him… i thin that is the way to go
I was raised catholic and my parents and childhood priest taught you should be nice and a good person and all religions are equal. So I started attending a “non- denominational” church for good music, fresh lattes during church, and big screen tv’s. I went for 7 years never really getting involved.

I had a major emotional break down because I had always treated people “nice and I was good”. And 2 employees and a client stole over 50,000$ from my company. I felt totally betrayed. I needed God so I got really involved at the non denominational church. 2 bible
Studies a week and church every week. I knew all the pastors well personally. I number of events happened that made me have a meeting with the lead pastor. There was 5 sucicides, many abortions, an assistant pastor having a live in girlfriend and the constant mocking of the lds church. I met with the lead pastor and expressed my concern he said it didn’t matter because “they were saved”. I realized the most evil person in the world is one who is evil and thinks they are good.

I immediately went to a catholic church after not going for 15 years and never miss mass
I tried living my life “my way” instead of Gods way. I failed miserably. And then came that huge sin, that i though God could not possibly forgive. I felt unworthy, ashamed and I was distraught and repentive. I came home and found right there in that confessional Gods great merciful love and forgiveness. And when the priest placed his hand over my head and said " In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I absolve you of your sins" I wept. I’m home Father, Im home.
Quick profile: 24, revert, don’t have a troubled past (i.e. drugs, alcohol, womanizing). I just never took my faith seriously.

What brought me back?

Duh, this is a softball. God brought me back. Fast and furiously, at that.

How did he bring me back?

Through the Gospel.

What were the specifics?

I was serving in the Peace Corps and living in an officially christian nation. I lived in a rural village (no electricity, running water) and was surrounded by a community that had every reason to spite our Lord, yet proved to be more dedicated to their faith (collectively) than any group I’d ever seen. Dream not about the place where the streets are flooded with church-goers on Sunday, just catch a plane to Zambia.

Did he make it easy?

Nope, the nearest Catholic parish was 60 km away and only had morning mass. Given my transportation situation, or lack thereof, it was not possible to make it to mass more than once per month. However, I stopped by each time I was in town and spent some time with the priests. Who, despite my worries, reassured me that the Lord understood my specific situation when it came to attending mass on Sunday.

What are my observations?

I realized that I had never actually put much time into reading the Bible. I had just gone off of what I had been told. Furthermore, I had gotten caught up in the liberal, secular, atheist attack on an ‘unloving, brutal, discriminatory’ institution.

After having spent enough time engulfed with the story of Christ’s life, I had a ‘holy ****’ moment (pun intended). No no no, silly public university humanities professors, I caught you :tsktsk: I dare you to show me a page in this book where the central theme isn’t love, compassion, or inclusion.
Our Lady’s Holy Rosary daily after visiting a Christian book shop to purchase some Christmas (2011) gifts for my 18 yr old and 21 year old children and other people (I purchased a set of Our Lady’s Rosary beads)

Love and kindest wishes from Oz
I was received in April, following that I went through a really difficult time in my faith and walked away from the Church, but two weeks ago I started going again to Church, talked with friends at the Church and came back. I missed what the RCC is about in all it’s glory, I go to Mass and I am effected by it!

That is why I am proud to be Catholic! :):D:thumbsup:😉
I have some older family members who have been away from the Church for a long time, up to 50 years. Typically they left in their late teens or early 20s, have lived a secular life, and are now approaching old age with no apparent interest in returning. As an adult convert, I have a strong desire to evangelize them and bring them back, but I don’t know how to go about it since they are not open to conversations about God, Church, or anything religious. I feel pressured on time as well, to convert them while they still have their health and mental faculties intact. Other than praying for them and trying to live a good example of a Christian life, what else can I do? If you were away from the Church for many years, what brought you back?
I was one of those “reverts” to the Catholic Church. However, your situation seems different, as you say your family members may not have been to Mass for decades. My story is different in that I haven’t been away for decades, and I sort of reconverted out of the blue. I sort of had one of those personal “epiphanies,” and realized that I was wrong about everything I believed. I started believing in Jesus as God and Savior again, and started going back to Mass.

I realize not all people have those “aha” moments that I did, because I still struggle with trying to maintain my faith, as your family members might. However, I know I can never go back to living my “old ways.” I just have changed too differently since that time.

To help you answer your question, keep praying for them. Also, we can’t expect to change people, change must come from within (as was my case). However, living a Christ-like life does help influence other people. The first thing is that they must believe Jesus Christ is the only son of God, died on the cross, was resurrected, etc. Otherwise, how can they believe that is the Church that Jesus Christ built if they don’t believe in the Messiah?

Don’t know how to evangelize family members or are afraid to approach the topics of Jesus, God, Mass, etc? Buy them a Bible or a Rosary! Seriously, I made (and later bought) a German friend a rosary. At the time, she wasn’t sure whether she believed in Jesus/God (she tells me Germany is not very religious or Christian anymore). She was coming to school in the USA where I lived. It turns out that she converted to Christianity when she came here. Though she is an Evangelical Christian (who knows, she may swim the Tiber in the future), I would think some of that “Christian-living” rubbed off onto her to influence her decision.
Quick profile: 24, revert, don’t have a troubled past (i.e. drugs, alcohol, womanizing). I just never took my faith seriously.

I realized that I had never actually put much time into reading the Bible. I had just gone off of what I had been told.
Amazing how God’s Word can transform us… not only by reading it, but also hearing it preached.

That’s what finally did it for me after going to Mass just about every Sunday for the first 21 years of my life… without real faith or spiritual fruit in my life.
Something else you can try if you have any of the outward Charismatic gifts (faith, healing, etc): ask them if you can pray for them for any health issues or pains or healing needs… you never know what God can do with a mustard seed of faith!

If you don’t think this makes sense, you must watch the awesome new documentary Father of Lights. You can find it here:
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