How to catechize a middle-schooler?

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it is the Old Testament too I believe, but the book didn’t really make that clear. So I’m not exactly sure what they expect to me to teach, but I’m trying to find that out. Thanks for your help.
I still think it would be wise for you to have an older, experienced catechist in the classroom with you. I have to admit, that as a catechist for several years, teaching 1st & 2nd graders, that there are times when they overwhelm me…at 48 & the mother of 4. Regardless of your knowledge of the faith, imparting that information to kids (especially a difficult age–6th grade is notorious for this!) can be quite difficult. And I do agree with Paul C–do not take any backtalk, etc. from them–send them to the DRE’s office ASAP so that they know you really are the TEACHER & not another kid. The other problem that you will definitely encounter are the parents who don’t care what prayer the kid needs to memorize; who don’t care that the retreat next Saturday is mandatory; who rarely bring their kids to Mass (or themselves, for that matter!), and whose kids never have their homework done, even though that, too, is mandatory. Just preparing you for the reality of the situation.

It probably didn’t seem that way, but I am happy that you want to volunteer. I am just not convinced that handling the class will be something you can do. A good part of our catechists’ meetings are devoted to discipline & open discussion of certain students in the class who pose problems. Our pastor, a veteran high school religion teacher, is always there to help with direction in this regard, thank God! And, as you I am sure know, there must be discipline in the classroom or nobody learns anything. :yup:
Well, just to let you know - my DRE changed her mind and isn’t letting me teach - only help with an adult. Which basically means passing out pencils haha - probably more than that, but at first I wanted to take offense at her decision, but I’m not going to. God is giving me another opportunity to serve. My DRE’s second option for me is to teach 2nd grade - which means in our parish preparing the kids for their First Reconciliation and First Communion!! So I now have the opportunity to teach kids about the Eucharist!! And although I don’t have much experience with younger kids, I know several people who do and now I’m thinking this was where God wanted me anyway!! I’m filled with joy! Please pray for me!! (and know I’m going to be preparing very very much beforehand!) Any suggestions would also be helpful!
Well, just to let you know - my DRE changed her mind and isn’t letting me teach - only help with an adult. Which basically means passing out pencils haha - probably more than that, but at first I wanted to take offense at her decision, but I’m not going to. God is giving me another opportunity to serve. My DRE’s second option for me is to teach 2nd grade - which means in our parish preparing the kids for their First Reconciliation and First Communion!! So I now have the opportunity to teach kids about the Eucharist!! And although I don’t have much experience with younger kids, I know several people who do and now I’m thinking this was where God wanted me anyway!! I’m filled with joy! Please pray for me!! (and know I’m going to be preparing very very much beforehand!) Any suggestions would also be helpful!
I think this really is for the best. to a second grader, you will be very adult and discipline will be less of a problem. Just love everyone of them, even the ones that get on your nerves. Love never fails. And treat them with respect. Younger kids are as adverse to being talked down to as any one else… Expect a lot and they will give it to you… Also, get the email for every parent. Send them a note about what you did in class and what you will do next week. Keep them involved. I found it helps a lot and you will actually be catechizing some of the parents who don’t know or practice their faith…
I find it sad to hear of so many people growing up in the faith but never truly learning its richness… God bless your for not settling for the watered-down version of things and for seeking to reveal to your son the fullness of truth which is revealed by Christ Jesus in His one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church!

I have never conducted CCD (or even really been through a special program at my parish, because I went to Catholic School), but I would encourage you to take your son with you to daily Mass sometime so that you can explain in detail the significance of each part of the Mass. That at least is a start.

And if you have any ideas about youth ministry, please join my new group. The link is below my signature!
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