How to combat Atheism?

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I ask all of those non believers in this forum to pray right now and ask “God if you do exist, please let me know, and please help me to understand”. There is nothing to lose. There is great joy and hope in believing in God and that He cares for us all, which is why He sent His only Son in this world to take on human weakness to suffer and die for us and you. Jesus loves you even if you don’t believe in Him, He loved you before you were born. There is joy, peace and meaning when you open the door when he knocks. Thank God that He brought those who do not believe in Him into this forum.
Praise Jesus!
Did you know when you posted this that a prime example would follow you? Which brings me to:

James Kanatous,

I checked back into other posts you have made and found that name calling is not new to you. You could learm from following the suggestion of Tanais and reading Peter Kreeft, if you were open to learning. He is an excellent philosopher and has a sharper mind than most of us.

Your statements reflect a certainty of opinion that only can exist inside the walls of college or high school. Since you have no religion to convert anyone to, and since your posts argue and give no pretense of actually learning anything, I can only conclude that you are here for purposes of a less noble nature.
Dear How to…
I know a few atheists and a couple of agnostics. These are famly members and it makes my soul ache that they have rejected and/or allowed themselves to be deprived of the faith of their Fathers. I love these people; they are loving sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, neices and nephews, etc. They are highly intelligent, educated. 2 are PhD’s, 1 Masters Deg, and the others all have BS degress. They work in very good jobs and are very succssful. So not all atheists an agnostics are the veritable bores as those who posted earlier. I have had heated arguments with one at times to no avail. As you say, they will throw out so many objections that it’s impossible to combat them all. I heard someone on DM radio say the other day that family will be the last ones who will listen, so I’ve vowed to try example and prayer. In addition, I heard tonight on DM Radio that many atheists/agnostics were vicitms of abusive or estranged/distant fathers. I.E. maybe this is my thought; hope it’s not so far off. How could some all- loving Father send His Son to His death and abuse??? Ever heard that one? Well I have and it hit home tonight, as two of my dear family members fall into that category (mental & verbal abuse), and both of their fathers have passed away-- so no opportuity to look for a change or reconciliation there. I’m thinking - love them, show them your faith through example, and show them that not everything requires empirical evidence to exist. You have faith that there is breathable air in the room you will enter…that you have all the organs in your body even though you can’t see or feel them…you have faith that someone loves you or that love exists…you have faith that a car will start, whether you understand how it happens or not…you have faith that a flower will bloom, the wind will blow, the sun will rise, that bread dough will rise. None of those things have to happen, and there are many things that could prevent them, yet we still believe and have faith that they will be. So, everyone has faith of a sort. That’s a first step…that’s the partially opened door.
Keep the Faith! Ask Him for guidance.

Love & prayers,
Maybe they don’t use the word agape, but the toltecs believed that, also Buddhist.

As a long time atheist and recent convert (4 years or so) to agnosticism, I can say without a doubt NOT the same thing. An Atheist is like a christian…closed minded, only THEY are right and here is why… Agnostics know that we truly “know” very little. The only similarity is that they will not believe just because you do, they want some kind of proof. I have heard many assertions which typically go something like: The proof is in your life everyday when God does blah blah blah…So if a hindu has a great day and feels that spiritual completeness does that mean Vishnu did that, or is it psychosemantic? People’s judgement is clouded when they ascribe to one thing or another whole heartedly without question. Both sides assert that the other is foolish and closed minded, and they’re both right. But the MOST contradictory thing has to be a religion of love, “fighting” these evil atheists. Why must they convert or you convert for everyone to get along? Why not let them be happy doing their thing, and you be happy doing yours? When I was debating the value of one religion over another, trying to decide, I was immediately turned off by catholicism because there is so much hate and intolerance, basically if someone is different in any minor way they are living in sin and need to be preached to. You guys hate gays, protestants, atheists, and some even hate the Jews!! How do you call that a religion of love and compassion? I thought if one sheep strayed he was more important than the other 99. So in response to your question: there is no correct way because no one is verafiably right. I think a lot of broad generalizations were made about non-catholics, atheists and agnostics especially. Just because I don’t ascribe belief to a book of fables doesn’t mean I am a morally unjust person. I have done countless hours of volunteer work and I always help my fellow man when possible, I just don’t need a set of penalties to make me do it, I do it because I want to. I simply have no need for ceramony and religious ferver. It is like dancing, I could go through the motions but I would feel silly. Atheist aren’t people that are spiritually broken, just disillusioned by all the half truths and circular arguments. Everyone says their religion is the one true religion…someone (if not everyone) is incorrect by definition. What is the difference, as long as someone lives right and has good intentions, does it really matter which set of fairytails they believe in?
Dear Wormwood,

I think you’ve got a little twisted view of Catholicism. Our message is LOVE! Love for everyone. We don’t hate anyone, we hate the evil that causes them to do certain things and behave in certain ways, and subscribe to certain beliefs. Our hope is that they will learn through our example and prayer. We’re not just going through the motions. Our faith gives us joy and our involvement gives us hope. Our sharing brings our faith to life for ourselves and others. You will be in my prayers.

Love & prayers,
A spiritual realm is synonymous with an immaterial realm, since it is not a material realm. And, immaterial tells us what the realm is not, that it is not composed of matter, but it does not tell us what it is. Accordingly, you are once again begging the question, and arguing nothing at all, since your terms are undefined.

Moreover, the notion of an “immaterial realm” entails a contradiction and cannot be expressed in positive terms. We cannot imagine an “immaterial realm” because the concept of “matter” is essential to our concept of “realm.” The spiritual realm, you claim, is a “realm”–but it does not occupy space, it does not have dimensions, and it cannot be perceived, measured or detected in any way. And these qualifications render the concept of a “realm” of vacuousness.

Now, I’ve noticted that you have objected here, pointing out that many words–such as “justice” and “consciousness”–do not signify material objects. The referents of these and many other words are immaterial, so why should the atheist complain when the spiritual realm is also said to be immaterial?

While it is true that “justice” and “consciousness” do not designate material beings, you must remember that they do not refer to immaterial beings either. . . . “Justice” is a moral abstraction derived from various aspects of man’s nature and social interactions. “Consciousness” refers to the state of awareness exhibited by particular living organisms. “Justice” and “consciousness” are not material entities, but they depend on matter for their existence. The spiritual realm, on the other hand, does not depend on matter in any way; it exists in its own right as an independent “realm”. In this context, however, “immaterial” is stripped of meaning.

To say that the spiritual realm is immaterial, or nonmatter, is to say that we can have no sensory experience of this realm and that we can never conceive of it. This characteristic, therefore, simply throws you into agnosticism.
How can you be so certain that there is no other realm than this?! Where is your proof? By what authority have you been given omnipresence over everything? How do you know that the soul is immaterial? Can you prove that souls do not exist? What made you? Who made you? Sex between man and woman yes,but who made you? And in turn if your parents made you, who made your parents? Explain how life began. Let us know, for aparently we as Christians are too dumb to fathom the omnipresen tminds of Atheists.
It’s very difficult because atheists are generally close minded in a sense, although they like to consider themselves free thinkers. They force you to play by their rules by demanding proof through experiment or scientifically testable hypothesis. They have bound themselves around this mantra. However the scientific method was not developed to test the transcendant. For example you could say you love your mother and I could say “prove it”.

I find the most effective response is not to play by their rules at all. But make sure you are well guarded against their attacks and are strong in your faith. They attempt to bombard you with thousands of equally unprovable theories and conjectures about Christianity in order to make it nearly impossible for you to respond. So make sure you are knowledgeble in the faith before you engage in dialogue.

When you can defend your own position well then the atheist will come around naturally through his own personal experiences. Humans are by their nature religious beings. Atheists have simply lost touch with their spiritual sides through over rationalizations and philosophy.

You won’t convince everyone one so don’t despair if you fail. In the words of Francis of Assisi “Evangelize everyday. Use words only when necessary.” i.e. Live the faith and be a shining example for them.
So let me get this straight: atheists are the close minded ones even though people like you have signatures like “adam and eve not adam and steve! Pray for end of gay marriages!”. Because for someone not to believe in a giant invisable man in the sky is just crazy and god forbid one believes something beautiful like loving without gender discrimination! Its not like im anti-Catholics, some of my best friends are catholic! But people who are so ignorant towards those different, CLOSE MINDED people like you remind me why i became an atheist!
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