NO music, art, movies, or any other personal form of expression should be banned. See: 1st Amendment.
Not offensive but perhaps detrimental to the soul due to the way it moves the soul.How exactly is a piece of lyricless music offensive?
I’m not sure what arguments you are referring to about breaking established rules, what do these arguments say?That sounds like the arguments people used to make against any composer who broke the established rules and took music to a new level.
I think reducing everything to taste robs music (or any art form) of its formative and expressive powers. If you do that art stops being a reflection of beauty and ends up being simply another stimulus for the senses.Once you remove lyrics from the equation, whether you like or dislike sounds coming out of an instrument or pieces of recorded media is a pure matter of taste.
I believe you just committed a misdemeanor. Will you be paying your fine with a check or credit card?When would these be appropriate?
“They’ll find you wit’ your back open and your legs cut off/And as for your man, don’t you ever in your expletive life/Know when I gotta gun come at me wit’ a knife, a’ight?/And forgetting you ever saw me is the best thing to do/Don’t give a expletive about your family, they’ll be resting with you”
“Going off on the expletive like that/With a gat that’s pointed at your expletive/So give it up smooth/Ain’t no telling when I’m down for a jack move/Here’s a murder rap to keep y’all dancing/With a crime record like Charles Manson/AK-47 is the tool/Don’t make me act a expletive fool”
“I used to love her, too bad I had to put a slug through her/Dumped her body in the trash like I never knew her/Blood runnin down the gutter into the sewer/Her body stunk for weeks like horse manure”
“Man I murder fo’ fun but my job is never done/From morning morn’ to the setting of the sun/Bad men come come, come get murdered for fun/The hundred round drum in my tommy gun”
Righteous anger, huh?