How do I explain to someone the meaning of suffering? In particular, I am looking to explain what it means to “offer up” your sufferings and “unite them to Christ’s suffering on the Cross.”
When sin is committed, in order to be forgiven you must be sorry. However, you still have to “pay” for what you did. You can make up for it on earth (i.e. pay for the broken window, etc.) and if you do not or are not able to make up for it on earth, you make up for it in purgatory. This is the process of purgation of the soul. The cleansing of the soul in order to get into heaven. The absence of the presence of God is the suffering endured which cleanses the soul in purgatory. However, any suffering you choose to do on earth WITH THE INTENTION OF MAKING UP FOR YOUR SINS OR THE SINS OF OTHERS, can also be a purgation of your soul. Making the decision to use suffering for the good of mankind or to make up for sins is what is meant by “offering it up”. If you suffer (which we all do at one point or another in life) and DO NOT “offer it up”, it is pretty much wasted and for nothing. God allows our suffering in order for us to acknowledge our need for Him and to take advantage of the fact that we can use it for our own salvation or the salvation of others by “offering it up” or “applying it towards our sins or the sins of mankind”. This is one classic way God turns evil (our suffering on earth) into good (our salvation gained by it). We will endure suffering whether God allows us to use it for salvation or not. I think it’s an awesome gift that He allows us to “profit by it” as Padre Pio states. Suffering is a wonderful opportunity that many don’t usually think about. When suffering comes into our lives, we tend to complain and do everything in our power to fix it. However, if you take the opportunity afforded to you by God, you can use the suffering (which we must endure in any event) for the good of mankind.How do I explain to someone the meaning of suffering? In particular, I am looking to explain what it means to “offer up” your sufferings and “unite them to Christ’s suffering on the Cross.”
In the Paschal Mystery Christ began the union with man in the community of the Church. The mystery of the Church is expressed in this: that already in the act of Baptism, which brings about a configuration with Christ, and then through his Sacrifice—sacramentally through the Eucharist—the Church is continually being built up spiritually as the Body of Christ. In this Body, Christ wishes to be united with every individual, and in a special way he is united with those who suffer. The words quoted above from the Letter to the Colossians bear witness to the exceptional nature of this union. For, whoever suffers in union with Christ— just as the Apostle Paul bears his “tribulations” in union with Christ— not only receives from Christ that strength already referred to but also “completes” by his suffering “what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions”. This evangelical outlook especially highlights the truth concerning the creative character of suffering. The sufferings of Christ created the good of the world’s redemption. This good in itself is inexhaustible and infinite. No man can add anything to it. But at the same time, in the mystery of the Church as his Body, Christ has in a sense opened his own redemptive suffering to all human suffering. In so far as man becomes a sharer in Christ’s sufferings—in any part of the world and at any time in history—to that extent he in his own way completes the suffering through which Christ accomplished the Redemption of the world.
I would suggest reading the Apostolic Letter Salvifici Doloris by JPIIHow do I explain to someone the meaning of suffering? In particular, I am looking to explain what it means to “offer up” your sufferings and “unite them to Christ’s suffering on the Cross.”
Hamburglar,How do I explain to someone the meaning of suffering? In particular, I am looking to explain what it means to “offer up” your sufferings and “unite them to Christ’s suffering on the Cross.”
Ask and ye shall receive!I’ve asked this question on the Ask an Apologist forum twice. They either can’t answer or won’t.
Can anyone here explain what the CC means when they talk about “the meaning of suffering”?
I think it sounds like an excuse to me. And if my child were suffering – or, for example, had been tortured to death by a maniac, which happens all too often in this world these days, and in the trial and during and afterwards the multitudes concentrated on the poor, poor, pitiful criminal and turned its collective back on my child, anybody who came to me with this kind of story would be lucky to escape with her skin intact.All of those posts on our suffering make sense to me.and I am able to explain adult suffereing. It is much harder though, to explain why innocent children suffer when people challenge if God is loving or not. All I can say when asked is that life on Earth is not supposed to be free of suffering, Heaven is. I explain also that God can help us gain something good from something bad - thoughts on the suffering innocent children challenge?