I think what is difficult to understand [for me anyway] is why an innocent new born needs to suffer so that I can reap the benefit of understanding morality, ethics and so on.
The free will point doesn’t help. The innocent new born has no free will.
And, of course, there is a difference between evil and suffering. Certainly, evil produces suffering but suffering can result without evil being involved.
Absolutely, and only God knows the exact answer to this. We have the Cross, our Faith but Faith is also a constant struggle; it it wasn’t it would not be faith, but just a given fact.
In creating us, we learn from the Bible that ALL Creation yearns for the Saviour, so creation, the sudden tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes are all part of the Fall of Creation.
Arthur Koestler, who was not Christian, was a famous English writer, who despite personal demons, saw in Ukraine in the 1930s under Stalinism first hand Atheist Communism’s genocide of the Ukrainians with Terror-Famine as the new Molloch. Koestler witnessed the death of hundreds of innocent children, women, old, men, when Stalin sealed off Ukraine’s borders to the world in punishment for Ukraine not wanting to become Sovietized. Perhaps up to seven million died excruciatingly painful and slow deaths of hunger where their bodies bloated and limbs collapsed. Ukraine became a state-imposed madhouse where cannibalism began to set in as mothers, out of their minds, began boiling their children or visa versa. Children were shot by KGB militia for venturing to the wheatfields for sustenance. Slowly, month by month, any movement in any village houses began to vanish until all became death. Robert Conquest called the Ukraine of this time as one gigantic Bergen-Belsen. Even birds or rats could no longer be found as the Hunger Demon took hold.
Vassily Grossman in writing of this time related how those families with love in their home lasted the longest but, in the end, even love was not strong enough to save them. These very religious people with their icons in their homes and full trust in Christ ultimately succumbed.
I always remember, however, Koestler’s title for his book
The Invisible Writing. From this I personally take that there is perhaps an invisible writing to our lives, written into our travails and triumphs and loss, that no suffering was ever undergone without some purpose, and that in the end of ends, when and should we get to see our Maker, this invisible writing will become visible and ALL will be understood. God will reveal to us the invisible writing and we will no longer see as if through a glass half-darkly.
As Christ said: Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe!
God Bless All, especially those in most need of Healing.