Rosemerry, I’m glad to help. 
I too have a strong desire for marriage, and sometimes it bothers me. But when I remember that God calls me to patience, I find happiness knowing that He will reveal His perfect plan for my life in good time. I trust that through prayer, God will reveal to me my future wife who He has called me to serve, when the time is right.
I realized that in my previous post, I only shared half of one of my favorite Bible passages. It isn’t so profound without the verse that follows.

I too have a strong desire for marriage, and sometimes it bothers me. But when I remember that God calls me to patience, I find happiness knowing that He will reveal His perfect plan for my life in good time. I trust that through prayer, God will reveal to me my future wife who He has called me to serve, when the time is right.
I realized that in my previous post, I only shared half of one of my favorite Bible passages. It isn’t so profound without the verse that follows.
May God bless you in your discernment, and the rest of your life.Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)