How to help Ms. McCorvey, any idea?

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As many of you probably know, Ms. Norma McCorvey recently asked the Supreme Court to re-consider the decision for which she was the plaintiff in 1973. She brings new evidence and the testimonies of a few hundred women of how abortion hurt them. The case will probably not be considered until the fall. But, wouldn’t the case be more compelling if ½ Million or 1 Million signatures from regular citizens were also collected and turned to the Supreme Court asking for the same thing; asking for the case to be reconsidered? We may not win yet, but wouldn’t this put a much bigger pressure on the White House and Congress after this election?
I asked National Right to Life, I asked Priests for Life and others, but I cannot get a good answer.
How difficult is it to publish a pre-written letter on their website and then send an email to their mail list and ask everybody to print, sign and mail a copy to the Supreme Court and copy a newspaper? It does not cost any money and very little time!!
I really don’t understand. Why can’t the pro-life movement show support for somebody as influential as Ms. McCorvey?
Even if her case will not be considered, this, I believe is a great opportunity to show that people do care about this issue!
Any idea?

God Bless,
Enrico in CO
I would contact the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). They exclusively handle religious freedom cases and their director argues in front of the Supreme Court all the time. They set up petitions like this all the time and would probably be able to give you some good advice on the best way to go about it.

Scout :tiphat:
We don’t need anymore legal help here.
What I am talking about here is getting some grassroot signatures to support the effort of Ms. McCorvey in front of media and congress.


Enrico in CO
You do need help in knowing how to properly set-up the petition, though. That was what I was suggesting. They can tell you the best way to set it up and make sure that it’s legitimate. They can also give you some ideas on how to advertise the petition in order to get more signatures. It would be a shame to get a whole bunch of people to “sign” this thing and then find out that it wasn’t done properly and the petition isn’t legitimate and is completely worthless.

Scout :tiphat:
No offense intended here, but what you are proposing is a waste of time and energy–in that even if accomplished it will have absolutely no effect on the outcome of the case–assuming it even receives a hearing. I would highly suggest that you direct you very commendable energies toward a pro-life organization. Using the internet to research these groups and getting involved with them would be a far more productive use of your time and conviction.
I don’t take offense. I am already strongly involved with several pro-life initiatives. But, I absolutely don’t feel what I am proposing would be a waste of time.
It would be a show of support for somebody that needs it and it may send a message to Congress and the media that there are people out there (a lots of them) that care about this issue.
I know the case may not even be heard, but why do we have to let her fight this battle alone? In my experience, in the pro-life arena there is a lot of division. We should support each other first and formost.
How did the groups supporting the Amend. to the Constitution regarding marriage collected so many signatures in such a short time last year? Did it help? It produced a vote in congress and 11 ballotts during the 2004 elections. Another vote in congress may come again this year… More than anything it’s keeping the issue alive.
Finally, writing a letter and publishing it on a popular pro-life website does not take any energy, nor much time.

God bless,

enrico in CO
Your intentions are nothing short of admirable. However, as an attorney with extensive experience in federal courts I can verify that Scout is right on about any petition that does not conform to the procedural requirements simply being tossed, thus rendering your efforts wasted. It will not likely get the attention of anyone in Congress or the media because it will not even be docketed for the public to view.
Groups are sometimes allowed to submit additional support for cases filed before the Supreme Court, and the ACLJ or the Thomas Moore Law Center may be able to help proceed in that manner.
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