Hi there all. I want to grow closer to God. I’m still young at 20 years old, so I realize I have a lot to learn. I struggle with some lustful thoughts, and similar sins. I realize that one of the best ways to overcome this and also improve life overall is to grow closer to God. I’ve attempted to do this by praying a daily rosary and also bible reading. I’ve heard these two practices do wonders. But, and I hope I’m not the only one in thinking this, these are BORING. I do not want to be bored, of course, but I can’t help but dread doing these things. Reading scripture, for example, is frustrating to me because sometimes when I read the gospels, Jesus speaks in parables, which a lot of the time, don’t make sense to me. Why can’t He just speak plainly, to reach a wider audience? Also some of the stories are not exactly page turners. I’m not expecting a novel, because I know the bible is not, but I don’t feel anything when reading it. I know not to trust solely in feelings but I find reading scriptures very dull, even when preparing for it with prayer. The rosary is also challenging for me. I know it’s short; around 15-20 minutes. Yet I’m not sure if it is the repetition of hail marys, or the length of time sitting still, but I find that this time drags even though its not very long. These obstacles to completing these activities make me do them for a few days, but I find it difficult to do daily, even though that’s how I should do them. Can anybody offer any ideas/tips? Or any other activities that can help me grow closer to God? Especially for a young catholic, when other activities are more “appealing” than these?