How to make growing closer to God less boring?

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Hi there all. I want to grow closer to God. I’m still young at 20 years old, so I realize I have a lot to learn. I struggle with some lustful thoughts, and similar sins. I realize that one of the best ways to overcome this and also improve life overall is to grow closer to God. I’ve attempted to do this by praying a daily rosary and also bible reading. I’ve heard these two practices do wonders. But, and I hope I’m not the only one in thinking this, these are BORING. I do not want to be bored, of course, but I can’t help but dread doing these things. Reading scripture, for example, is frustrating to me because sometimes when I read the gospels, Jesus speaks in parables, which a lot of the time, don’t make sense to me. Why can’t He just speak plainly, to reach a wider audience? Also some of the stories are not exactly page turners. I’m not expecting a novel, because I know the bible is not, but I don’t feel anything when reading it. I know not to trust solely in feelings but I find reading scriptures very dull, even when preparing for it with prayer. The rosary is also challenging for me. I know it’s short; around 15-20 minutes. Yet I’m not sure if it is the repetition of hail marys, or the length of time sitting still, but I find that this time drags even though its not very long. These obstacles to completing these activities make me do them for a few days, but I find it difficult to do daily, even though that’s how I should do them. Can anybody offer any ideas/tips? Or any other activities that can help me grow closer to God? Especially for a young catholic, when other activities are more “appealing” than these?
If you are truly moving closer to God, the evil one will sic his demons on you.

Now that is certainly not boring.

My counsel is to find a charismatic priest if possible and ask him to lay hands on you in prayer. But, it is not magic. You must absolutely negate yourself and be completely open to whatever the Holy Spirit has in mind for you.

Do that, and life will never be boring again.

And those demons? Resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7)
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Boring? Try thinking about the meaning of each of these parables and how they might apply in your life. Think about specific instances where you might have behaved differently if you had followed the teaching of Jesus.
I’d suggest adding some freestyle praying. I write out a letter to God almost every day. It REALLY helps me focus and communicate my deepest and most meaningful thoughts and feelings. As bible verses come to mind I google them and write them down too. I even try to write down what I think God might be saying. Keep in the forefront of your mind, the personhood of God; relate to him as you would to your favorite person on earth; seek an interactive exchange with him; be patient and persistent. He promises that those who seek him with their whole heart WILL find him.

And, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to all that God is, and, to increase your love for him.
If you are feeling like this, then you are not ready for serious prayer and meditation.
Try other things instead like church socials or adoration hour. Give it time, you will come back to serious prayer when you are ready.
Will definitely try those. I don’t mean to sound like I’m not trying, because I really am. I just thought others might have experienced similar feelings and sought to pull through this rough patch.
I’ve always been into reading the Bible and meditating so that was never boring to me. But honestly it took me a long time to make a habit of praying the Rosary, and I only pray the Scriptural Rosary, and certainly not daily, more like weekly. In my experience, very few people pray the Rosary daily, so you may be trying to do too much in that area.
Get up and start SERVING the Lord! Then you won’t be bored! You will learn to rely on Him and trust Him and LOVE Him!

It’s important to read and study the Bible and other good books about your faith, but perhaps rather than sitting alone and trying to stay awake, you should look for a good Bible study in your parish or in your diocese–that might make it more interesting for you.

And definitely pray, but do it while you’re building houses for Habitat for Humanity, or volunteering at a local homeless shelter or rescue mission, or playing/singing in your parish choir (or even starting a Christian “garage band” with your friends).

Read to old people, or just visit them and sit and chat. Help your parents out. Volunteer to work with community projects like “Special Olympics.” Or join one of the many service organizations in your parish that help the poor.

Become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and bring Jesus to those who are shut in or in the hospital.

Or get a job, the best job you can land, and earn money and give it all away to a worthy Christian cause. You will have nothing, but you will actually have everything.

I guarantee that your parish and your diocese have a very very LONG list of opportunities for Christian service in your area. Make an appointment and figure out which ones you can do. Then go do them, and you will discover a joy in the Lord that comes of allowing Jesus to “live through you”. Your hands will be “His Hands,” your smiles will be “His Smiles,” your feet will be “His Feet.”

Amazingly, the more you give to the Lord, the more He will give back to you–not necessarily money or fame or success, but joy and peace in your heart, and love for all those who you serve. And as I said, you will learn to talk to Him constantly and ask for wisdom, because a lot of service work is just plain difficult and you will be faced with problems and heartaches that you can’t handle as a mere human–only Jesus can give you the strength to do good and love your neighbor.

Godspeed to you!
Getting closer to God is not about benign excited or feeling good. In fact, as we get closer to God, the consolations we receive decrease.
The Bible is actually an incredibly interesting and well-written book. The fact that you find it boring is telling me that you don’t understand it very well yet.

I would suggest you read some good apologist books that will help your Bible understanding so you appreciate what you read. Scott Hahn might be a good author for you to read.
Also, maybe you should try the Rosary later, but remember that when you pray it, you don’t have to mindlessly repeat the Hail Marys, but thinking deeply about the Mysteries of the day. It’s primarily a meditation/contemplation prayer.
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Try reading some other religious texts - I highly recommend the Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity, both by CS Lewis
Well it’s sad that you feel that way. Try to change your thinking and remember that God made you loves you so its not a lot to ask really that you become his friend.
As for making prayers easier try mix in some mental prayer ie. Just talk to Jesus in your head about your day, you can ask him to help you understand scripture. Be patient, that’s probably what hes trying to teach you. Don’t give up, it is truly wonderful, but like most things in life you get out what you put in - though in all honesty you’ll get more out of this at some points.
As for the rosary, who says you have to sit still? Go walk while you say it, that’s fine. Or in a nice park to connect with Gods beautiful creation, also you can say a decade at a time if you like, or follow a YouTube rosary prayer when someone else says it and you pray along with them and sometimes theres music and pictures. Thst may suit you to help focus your mind on the different mysteries. You can also watch the gospel movies if Jesus life which are the exact words of scripture on YouTube…search the gospel of Luke or John Matthew etc. One is called visual bible. They are really long about 3hrs each but as they dont differ in wording from scripture they are very good sources to watch. Also bible study aids are good just pick catholic sources. Keep going with prayer never give up it gets more amazing
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Respect your parents and elders, love your Youngers is one of the simple and easiest way of closer to the God according to me. Not just reading only Bible is sufficient to understand the god .:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Praying to God, reciting the Rosary, and reading from the Bible bring praise and glory to God.
If you want entertainment, go to a movie or watch television.
Praying is all about God, not about you.
I will pray for you. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Others have already mentioned this, but I think that “boring” impression is part of the spiritual obstacles that arise when one gets serious about one’s spiritual life. Persevere. The Rosary in particular can be a wonderful school for contemplative prayer, and sometimes an emotional rollercoaster. Maybe try not to be alone at the beginning, as sharing experiences and difficulties can help. For Bible reading, I really love Lectio Divina groups.
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The world is very exciting and immediate, it attracts our attention by constant change. It is even worse now with smartphones.

And you are at an age where the immediate is particularly fascinating (why college students stay up half the night even tho they know they have an 8am class, but a few years later are able to say at a reasonable hour, I have to work tomorrow, so I must leave now)

Anyway, your brain is accustomed to a lot of stimulation. It is very hard to settle a brain like that–i know from experience! This worksheet might help you focus. Also, Christ generally explained the parables to His disciples later.

Some information about what the Bible means might also help. There are lots of books out there which explain things in the Bible.
ETA: keep practicing, do it at a regular time each day, and your brain will become more accustomed to the slower, deeper pace.

Removing or reducing brain-stimulating things (like FB) will also help!
You are 20 years old. You need activities, as you have stated. Your faith exploration should include other people, your age, who are following a similar path. If you live near a university, visit their Newman Center and find out what they do. Most universities have one. Your parish, if you are near one, will usually have a youth group. Mostly for HS kids, but maybe something for young adults as well. There are also men’s groups at church, but these usually attract old codgers like me.
There is also a lot of material on youtube. Try Peter Kreeft.
There is also art and music.
Reading scripture, for example, is frustrating to me because sometimes when I read the gospels, Jesus speaks in parables, which a lot of the time, don’t make sense to me.
I’m the opposite: reading the Gospels and parables is easier and more enjoyable for me than is reading Paul’s letters. He’ll give a salutation that goes on for a paragraph and then a two sentence message. 😄

There’s only one way to get past the boredom and frustration: Do it. Do it regularly. Make it a habit. Sometimes you have to force it. Eventually, it’ll become a regular part of your day and you’ll miss it if you miss it. Good luck! 😃
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