Human beings are separated from all other creatures because we alone have free will, and can discern right from wrong. Animals do not have reason to the extent that human beings have reason, animals are bound strongly by instinct, such as shallows who arise and eat insects all day,
Cs Lewis was converted from atheism, he said a pushing point was when one of the strongest atheists in England said to him, “We are all creatures. This around us is creation. It only makes sense that there is a Creator.”
Creatures living in a world of creation, put their by the Creator.
What about the 250,000 and over near death experiences of.those who experienced the afterlife?
Shroud of Turin has blood type Ab on it and pollen that places it in Jesus death, and used for a Jewish burial, and pollen from the historical placed the shroud was kept in history. And the blood type Ab was found on the Eucharistic miracle of Luciano Italy where.the eucharistic turned into Jesus actual flesh, was approved by the Vatican, and is incorrupt 250 years later,
The visions of all the saints who saw Heaven, St Catherine of Sienna, St Faustina, St John Bosco, St Theresa of Avila
The.evidence is there.
If it pleases God to give private revelations to strengthen our faith.