One thing is eternal once is immortal.God.is Eternal, which is distinct from immortal.
It is logically impossible to create an immortal being. Please read post # 19.Human beings have a beginning, and their soul is immortal from their creation.
I Am who I Am. What does that ever means?God is outside of time, He was always there and had no beginning, neither does He have an end. HE simply.Is. As His name is “I Am who I Am.”
Angels were create in Heaven which is eternal/timeless state hence they cannot possibly have a beginning so we are facing with a paradox here.An Eternal Being created our Souls as immortal, just as he created the angels as immortal. They too had a beginning when He created them.
I don’t know what you are addressing with this set of claims!But God alone is Eternal, All Powerful, Infinite, Omnipresent,
Immortality by the definition is the state of being without any limit! So I don’t quite understand what you are talking about since your statements is full of contradictions.Human beings are finite, limited, even in Heaven we will not be infinite, but still limited, His gift of immortality is sharing some of His Divine Life with us in the sense that He wants us to enjoy Him and love Him forever.