How to prove we have a permanent 'self'?

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What does it mean when in the Bible it says we will become one body in Christ?
We are joined as a community in Jesus. The Mystical Body of Christ is the church. Militant, Penitent, and Triumphant are one in Communion and truly take the form of Christ Jesus. God desires for us to be doers of the word and intercessors. He provides the grace for us to be bound as the many parts of His one body. Those hymns you may recall speak of a real transformation into a new creation. The inner self experiences salvific infusion by The Holy Spirit given at Baptism. Metanoia, change from selfishness to self giving, sacrificing and performing the beatitudes brings others to Christ and sanctifies our actions. In sacrifice and prayer we are one body in Christ.
If we were joined by one community, why doesn’t it say so? Did the editors make a typo when they stat that we will be “one” body? I personally believe we will be interconnected so as the “self” is minimized. What does it mean to gain a glorified body? Will these bodies have the same false sense of self that we experience here in this lowly world? Again, I take it as meaning that we truly will be one body in Christ, with little need of a (false) self.
You misread what I intended to state. We are one body through baptism into the lord. There is only one church which is the communion of saints. This is the mystical body of Christ, truly His Body in which we are part. This is a reality of His Glorification that points to a resurrected body which is the same in which we are conceived, formed and born yet changed by baptism in a holiness we shall only know at the second coming. The sensual pleasures we know now are only a foretaste of a splendor and joy we were meant to live for eternity. Jesus fulfills the law of obedience that Adam and Eve abandoned for “better flavors” in the garden.
Does that help? No one can explain a mystery of God. Ask Him to give you the insight you seek for the harmony that eludes you. The Holy Spirit speaks to a well formed conscience, well, or so I have heard from legitimate sources.
All I’m suggesting is that what psychologists consider to be the “self,” such as self-esteem, self-concept, self-efficacy, self-knowledge and the list goes on and on, will not be present in our glorified bodies. If you simply define the “self” as our being aware of our separateness from others, well maybe, but even here I have reserved doubts. What’s your definition of “self?”
God created each of us as a part of special creation that continues in marriage and family. This world is fading away and no one knows what awaits except that we will be in the presence of God.
What we know of a community of love is a vague shadow of what will come. Modern psychology fails to accept the transcendental. Worldly wisdom is based on materialism and proudly boasts of quantum wells as the fountain of youthful foolishness. God did not create us to annihilate us nor to merge us into a faceless unknowing mass, or whatever this amalgam of non persons you suggest may result.
Changing the meaning of words to deny the virtues does not change truth. Redefining man as animals without rational souls does not change our ultimate end. Doing God’s will does not reduce or minimize who each one is meant to be. God loves us and desires the greatest good. Following God’s will for our life maximizes true self. In humility and virtue the creation which God formed is realized. What Jungian mass of knowing can compare to a body and soul united in perfection that God has always intended for each, individual, whole person?
Maybe I’m just a dreamer, but neither of us has yet to experience what it will be like, but here’s what I’m anticipating:

Imagine a great reservoir of knowledge, greater than the water of all the oceans. Also imagine having a limited amount of awareness where you could acquire the knowledge one cupful of knowledge at a time, at best, and only with a considerable effort; and because of your limited awareness, imagine having still greater difficulty trying to integrate one cupful of knowledge with the next. Think of this as the current scenario for man as we live this life on earth! (If you were allowed just one cupful of knowledge in this life, which type would you choose? I would fill my cup with the wisdom contained in faith, hope, and love!)

Now imagine a Supreme Being who is aware of it all at once, with each piece of knowledge fully integrated with all other related knowledge, without any effort whatsoever! Imagine entering a new world and living an enjoyable life where there was great cooperation between you and the Supreme Being; being clothed in a glorious body, and possessing a keen sense of awareness. Imagine Him providing everyone with the exact knowledge that each of us needs to know, at the exact moment the knowledge is needed. And because we have been fully reconciled with Him, and the world of His judgment has come to pass, imagine that our level of cooperation with one another reached close to perfection.

Under such a condition, the “self” will be minimized, and the interdependence between us will dominate to such a degree that we will exist much more as a unity. Again, neither of us really know what the Hereafter will be like, and we are both allowed to view it however we like. To think we know for certain what it will be like is vanity!
I would agree to your proposition phrased in first or second international terms if not for the core dump car crashes on my subspace communicator. All is passing of wind in my general direction with cows catapulted to the roadside launch.
Jesus is the reckoning, the one who payed the price of our glorified existence in the new heaven and new earth. Those whose legs were bound but freed before death of mother or child in the socialist Bosnia that beams through the vanity and associated glamour of the publican rhetoric you intimate disprove the value in using psychotics for security officers when beaming down and condescending to the superstitous proles.
Rhetorical Harry Potter magic wand waving is not leading a musical program again this weekend? Certainly your spell binding sources can fix that vacation trip into your business plans and I still am a card carrying member. Your supreme new world communist bloc paradise highlights a weak dhaoism leaving the bhuddist transitional program indicated in the original post intact. Bravo, no music this weekend but what orchestration.
Jesus is God, heaven is real. I shant continue my vain glorious attempt to throw you down from your horse. As a blind seer it is not in my potions for the blackening of houseplants pointing to the missing canisters of black death nor my other conjuring magical conjectures to pull your horse over that bridge across the unpassable chasm. The Holy Spirit, alone, has that power.
Glory be to The Father and to The Son and to The Holy Spirit.
Come Holy Spirit. Maranatha!
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