Adding just a bit to what I wrote above.
I have heard from more people lately that they wish they had a place to sing Christmas carols. These people do not go to Church and have no place to sing carols but they’re nostalgic for them. I think a great idea would be to hold a afternoon Sunday Christmas carol sing along, family friendly, or even better go door to door caroling. Print a flyer and distribute it to the whole neighborhood. Serve hot chocolate. Inexpensive, fun, and bound to attract young and old.
I have heard from more people lately that they wish they had a place to sing Christmas carols. These people do not go to Church and have no place to sing carols but they’re nostalgic for them. I think a great idea would be to hold a afternoon Sunday Christmas carol sing along, family friendly, or even better go door to door caroling. Print a flyer and distribute it to the whole neighborhood. Serve hot chocolate. Inexpensive, fun, and bound to attract young and old.