How to Return to Church?

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My last confession was literally 2 weeks ago and in between that time I became LDS/Mormon and was baptized. I want to return to Catholicism. How do I go about it? What should I confess? Should I wait a period of time before confessing.
I am simply looking for an answer on how to return home please.
The best thing to do is make an appointment to speak with your priest.
Thanks. But could I get more answers to my questions . I know talking to a priest is 1 but I want to start here first for insights. Do I have to make an appointment. Would going to reconciliation suffice etc… 🙂
It would be better to make an appointment, rather than trying to just see him after Mass or something. It sounds like you’ll need to have some time & privacy. I expect you should go to confession; he’s the one to guide you on that.
Just tell him what happened, and why as best you can. He’ll take it from there.
A parish priest will know better than any of us armchair apologists here on CAF
Just go to confession on Saturday or whenever they have it at your church.

Since your were gone for such a small period of time, neither the priest nor any of the faithful even realized you were gone- no need to call attention to this under the circumstances. If you were in the LDS for years, it would be a different story.
Just go to Confession without delay. And avoid Mormonism at all costs, assuming you are associating with Mormons at this point. Remember that the Church regards them as a cult, and cults can get their tentacles around a person. Shake them off and return to the Truth.
Yes, you need to confess joining another church and undergoing their baptism. No, you should not wait. Why would that thought even occur to you? Christ wants you back.

Your confessor may ask why you did such a thing, to determine the level of sin. You don’t have to tell us, but don’t tell him something silly like “I don’t know.”
Remember that the Church regards them as a cult,
Really? I didn’t think the Church thought any more differently of the LDS than they do of other non-Catholic religions.

I know non Catholic apologists like the late Dr. Walter Martin called Mormonism a “cult”, but I haven’t heard them addressed in any different way by Catholic sources
No, if you value the health and end of your soul get serious and talk to a priest, very sincerely.

Shopping for an answer in an internet forum will lead to more superficial action.

and shopping for this or that priest is unwise too.
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I think you need to make an appointment to see the priest. This isn’t something that can be taken care of in a simple confession. Getting baptized as an LDS in two weeks?! Something deeper is going on here. Make an appointment and see the priest.
Confer with a priest. Have a lengthy discussion as to the direction that you are taking with your life. Pray to God for guidance.
Thank you all for your responses. I feel ashamed and fear that what I have done os unforgivable.
My last confession was literally 2 weeks ago and in between that time I became LDS/Mormon and was baptized. I want to return to Catholicism. How do I go about it? What should I confess? Should I wait a period of time before confessing.

I am simply looking for an answer on how to return home please.
You cannot be baptised twice. If you are a baptised Catholic then all you need to do is go to Confession and sincerely repent and once given absolution you are reconciled to Christ and his Church.
You will probably need more time than can be given at regularly scheduled Confession. Make an appointment to see a priest. The sooner the better.
Shame is the devil keeping you from doing what you know is the correct thing to do. Don’t let the devil win, get thee to a Priest. Pray.
I feel ashamed and fear that what I have done os unforgivable.
Nothing is really unforgivable.

Do you know why you did what you did? Moving in and out of religions this quickly isn’t really that ordinary? People are going to ask you what happened, and you don’t necessarily have to tell them. But you definitely need to know the answer for your own edification.
You do realize that Catholicism is the ORIGINAL Christian church. And you do realize that this is a Catholic forum? We value your opinion, but we will not take disrespect. The OP clearly asked about returning to the Catholic Church.

I’ve seen you post in a few threads in the last day or so and all you do is stir the pot then cry about being “attacked” or call them uncivil. Please be respectful
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