How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)

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How to Prove Yourself Right To a Liberal

*Because You Always Must
*By Ryan Peeck

She’s been called every dirty name imaginable, dismissed as a rightwing loon, and generally berated by countless liberals, a few moderates, and even some conservatives. Her extremism is compared regularly to filmmaker Michael Moore and other propagandists. For many conservatives, however, this is merely proof positive that bestselling author Ann Coulter is doing something right. In her latest controversial firebomb, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must), Coulter has compiled all her greatest. What begins as an inspirational piece meant to help conservatives make their case soon develops into something that is perhaps more meaningful. More important than being heard, even more important than being right, is the acknowledgement of one’s victory. How to Talk to a Liberal features Coulter’s best columns which show with remarkable clarity that, for the past several years, Ann Coulter has been right.

Being such a lightening rod of conservative commentary, it becomes important to determine whether Coulter has been correct. How to Talk to a Liberal is her gallant (and successful) attempt to do just that. In so doing, Coulter echoes the thoughts and arguments of many average conservative citizens who are themselves vindicated through her work. One has to keep in mind when reading that this is a collection of weekly columns and so is generally not accompanied with footnotes. Other reviews have criticized Coulter on this point yet choose to ignore a couple basic facts. Coulter was writing a newspaper column, not a book. Also, much of Coulter’s evidence was widely discussed and openly available at the time her column was published. And, of course, the doubting reader can always do what Coulter herself does; search LexisNexis.


Coulter is unique because she recognizes things that average people encounter every day when debating liberal friends, family members, and complete strangers. “Liberals,” Coulter points out, “traffic in shouting and demagogy. In a public setting, they will work themselves into a dervish-like trance and start incanting inanities: ‘Bush lied, kids died!’ ‘Racist!’ ‘Fascist!’ ‘Fire Rumsfeld,’” and my own personal favorite, “‘Halliburton!’” Indeed, in the past months it has been hard to discuss Vice President Richard Cheney without hearing “Halliburton!” shouted out within seconds. How is one to engage in any meaningful debate when the parameters have been defined in terms of name-calling? Coulter has the answer and the facts. Of primary importance, says Coulter, is not to “surrender out of the gate;” don’t make “core concessions before the debate begins.” She continues with humorous and frankly rather astute suggestions that should be taken to heart. The meat of this book, however, is not in the “how-to” chapter. Coulter is at her finest in her weekly column and it is from her columns that conservatives can draw their strength and ammunition.

Coulter’s very first column is her definitive explanation for 9/11, and all she does is look to the time line. What may seem outrageous to some, inflammatory to others, and perhaps even insane begins to make sense when read chronologically. Indeed, as Coulter points out, her “position hasn’t changed since the column [she] wrote the night of 9/11.” As with September 11th, her positions on other issues remain consistent throughout. To find fault with Coulter’s conclusions one must attack her facts, which are generally unassailable. As the book jacket quotes the New York Times, “A great deal of research supports Ms. Coulter’s wisecracks.”

This book isn’t for hard-line Democrats; it’s really not even for wishy-washy Republicans. It’s for people who already agree with Coulter. She will refresh your memory, renew your faith, and remind you that you are not alone. Once you’ve finished How to Talk to a Liberal, you won’t question your beliefs when reading about the “quagmire” in Iraq and you’ll learn to shrug off “Bush lied, kids died!” and “Halliburton!” Coulter arms her readers with something more precious than insults and demagoguery; she arms them with facts, valid arguments, and sound conclusions. If you must talk to a liberal, read her book first. You’ll be well equipped to handle anything they can throw at you.
This book is HILARIOUS. I was laughing so loud reading it, my husband came in from the next room to ask what was so funny. I really enjoy her columns too. The recent “Dr Rice not Dr Dre” was a scream.

Lisa N
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