How to train altar servers for TLM?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cristiano
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What about “boys” my age (I’m 23)? Would we be allowed to be trained to serve at TLM? I was trained as an altar server for a campus ministry (w/, of course, NO Mass). At least it had the liturgical bells rung once for the consecration of the Host and once for the consecration of the Chalice.
I am now 40 as of November. At the age of 34 I started learning how to serve the TLM, Missa Cantata High Mass. I was in all positions beginning with “torch bearer”, usually a position the little ones are put into at first. After a few weeks I made it to be crucifer and acolyte. Later on I was thurifer and after one year I was able to be Master of Ceremonies, but only after I learned how to serve Low Mass.

I then trained others how to serve the TLM for a few years until I got married with children and had to sit in the pew with my wife and our now 3 kids.

You’re never too old- just remember however that the ministry of altar boy is for the young ones to stimulate a possible interest in a vocation to the priesthood.

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