As a mature student I did a BA(Hons) in RE (Religious Education), which was really “how human beings perceive God”. At the end, I was as confused as at the start - decided, no point in going on for Masters or Doctorate. Realised that I would NEVER know and had to fall back on faith: that’s not a cop-out, I wait, in faith and hope, for a vision, an explanation of all my awkward questions from the Lord. He keeps saying, “when you’re ready, Ian”.
I once had a vision, whilst in a cathedral, of an oil dipstick starting at my pew and going up, through the cathedral roof, up and up and up till it disappeared somewhere beyond space. At the very bottom was a tiny stain and I felt the Lord saying “that dirty stain is your life on earth, Ian. The rest is your eternal life in Heaven. Why are you striving to KNOW, to BE someone in your tiny life-term on earth? You have eternity to learn!”
Yet I KNOW He wants us to continue to search, to ask awkward questions, to learn and expand our knowledge of Him and the magnificent world He created. BUT, I guess He doesn’t want us to STRIVE and create a personal obsession which becomes greater than, and obstructs, Him.
When I get to the end of ME I get to the beginning of God.
I once had a vision, whilst in a cathedral, of an oil dipstick starting at my pew and going up, through the cathedral roof, up and up and up till it disappeared somewhere beyond space. At the very bottom was a tiny stain and I felt the Lord saying “that dirty stain is your life on earth, Ian. The rest is your eternal life in Heaven. Why are you striving to KNOW, to BE someone in your tiny life-term on earth? You have eternity to learn!”
Yet I KNOW He wants us to continue to search, to ask awkward questions, to learn and expand our knowledge of Him and the magnificent world He created. BUT, I guess He doesn’t want us to STRIVE and create a personal obsession which becomes greater than, and obstructs, Him.
When I get to the end of ME I get to the beginning of God.