How to Visit America

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The government of Mexico is raising eyebrows with a new comic book offering advice on how to cross the border into the U.S. illegally.

Called “The Guide for the Mexican Migrant,” the 32-page book published by Mexico’s Foreign Ministry uses simple language to offer information on safety, legal rights and living unobtrusively in America.

“This guide is intended to give you some practical advice that could be of use if you have made the difficult decision to seek new work opportunities outside your country,” the book says, according to the Arizona Republic
Actually, it looks like pretty sound advice. It is dangerous in the desert.
Mexican Migrants ?

Its those “frost backs” from Canada that I’m worried about 🙂
Tom wisely so. I live on the near the boarder of Canada on The U.S side. You would not believe the drugs that pour in through this boarder.
As for the comic book. I think The Mexican government should concentrate MORE on making life liveable in Mexico rather than encouraging illegal immigration.
Great, Mexico is showing people how to break federal law and we sit here like ducks.
Tom wisely so. I live on the near the boarder of Canada on The U.S side. You would not believe the drugs that pour in through this boarder.
Do you mean all these prescription drugs that seniors get gouged for in the USA by the pharmaceutical corporations that give such huge sums to the Republican Party?
Do you mean all these prescription drugs that seniors get gouged for in the USA by the pharmaceutical corporations that give such huge sums to the Republican Party?
I don’t know why you people on the east side of the pond think you have to comment negatively at every opportunity on our internal affairs. I haven’t seen any posts doing the same to your country. It’s very easy to see why we kicked your butts out in the 1770’s and again in 1812. Besides, your comment was completely off-topic.
It’s very easy to see why we kicked your butts out in the 1770’s and again in 1812. Besides, your comment was completely off-topic.
Ah, the wonderful story of how the Brits lost the War of Independance. Trouble was that people don’t realise the Brits were fighting for control of two continents, the America’s and India, they knew they couldn’t hold both so they made a choice!!!

(Sorry, couldn’t resist!!)

Ah, the wonderful story of how the Brits lost the War of Independance. Trouble was that people don’t realise the Brits were fighting for control of two continents, the America’s and India, they knew they couldn’t hold both so they made a choice!!!

(Sorry, couldn’t resist!!)

:hmmm: :yawn:
This thread has got way off topic (although I agree with geezerbob:))

This comic book is ridiculous… It also doesn’t say much that isn’t common sense, I think… just my :twocents:
What gets me is how our goverment is fawning over Mexico, only to have them stabbing us in the back time after time, aka this book. In the meantime they are all but ignoring how wide open our border with Canada is, and how is it that everytime they talk about legislation for amesty for illegal immigrents it is only for those coming from the latin american countrys? There should be no free passes for anyone entering illegally, I don’t care where you have come from. I’m not even going to get started on the Cuban and Haitian thing, that one really boils my blood.

Linda H.
Oh dear, here comes another little story to upset people.

Mexico has produced a booklet on how to enter the States. Entering the States is illegal without permission from the States. OK. Therefore anyone producing a book to tell you how to enter the States illegally is producing an illegal book. Clear so far? Good.

Now the parallel story. many years ago in a land far far away, Saudi Arabia actually, the powers that be, for whatever reason banned alcohol. Now in this land of bewildering dryness lived a company called ARAMCO. This stood for Arabian American Oil Company and, in those dim and distant days was run almost exclusively by Americans. (Sorry I didn’t arrange that, they did). Now because the country didn’t allow alcohol and lots and lots of the western people who lived there couldn’t survive without alcohol the company (ARAMCO) produced a booklet telling you all the things you should not do when brewing illegal hooch. The result of course was an object lesson in what you should do when brewing illegal hooch.

Now for the difficult question, which law is the more important, that which breaks the immigration laws of a country but possibly helps someone stay alive? or the breaking of a religious law, important to the country and its people that made it, and which serves no function other than to satisfy an unecessary thirst?
Oh dear, here comes another little story to upset people.

Mexico has produced a booklet on how to enter the States. Entering the States is illegal without permission from the States. OK. Therefore anyone producing a book to tell you how to enter the States illegally is producing an illegal book. Clear so far? Good.

Now the parallel story. many years ago in a land far far away, Saudi Arabia actually, the powers that be, for whatever reason banned alcohol. Now in this land of bewildering dryness lived a company called ARAMCO. This stood for Arabian American Oil Company and, in those dim and distant days was run almost exclusively by Americans. (Sorry I didn’t arrange that, they did). Now because the country didn’t allow alcohol and lots and lots of the western people who lived there couldn’t survive without alcohol the company (ARAMCO) produced a booklet telling you all the things you should not do when brewing illegal hooch. The result of course was an object lesson in what you should do when brewing illegal hooch.

Now for the difficult question, which law is the more important, that which breaks the immigration laws of a country but possibly helps someone stay alive? or the breaking of a religious law, important to the country and its people that made it, and which serves no function other than to satisfy an unecessary thirst?
Come on, Norwich…play nice and stay on topic 😛
Now for the difficult question, which law is the more important, that which breaks the immigration laws of a country but possibly helps someone stay alive? or the breaking of a religious law, important to the country and its people that made it, and which serves no function other than to satisfy an unecessary thirst?
I don’t follow your reasoning.

How can two wrongs make a right?

In the post 9/11 age, immigration laws may well help keep someone alive, namely me. Obeying those same laws would also keep the would-be illegal immigrants from dying of thirst in the desert or in a sealed tractor trailer.

How do you relate a government action (the booklet on illegal immigration) with a private action (the primer on moonshine), albeit by Americans? They were not, according to your account, acting as official representatives of the government.
They were not, according to your account, acting as official representatives of the government.
Actually if you look at the make up of ARAMCO at that time the majority shareholder was … er the US government.
according to the last news magazine i watched… more heading to canada then the other direction. :cool:
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