It’s not as if he considered the matter, came down to an either/or crossroads, flipped a coin and suffered the results.So surely if Lucifer comprehended his nature and what would fulfill it, he wouldn’t have fallen…
What a terrible result. To get it wrong and then spend eternity paying for the error.
He considered his nature, considered the mystery of Divinity, and took the hand of cards he held rather than draw the hand that promised eternal happiness. It would be like you winning the lottery of all nations at once, being promised that something better was coming to you if you burned the tickets, and choosing the billions of dollars in the bank rather than take the leap of Faith for sonething more. That’s a hard choice, but it isn’t unfair.
Lucifer had all the knowledge in the world needed to make the right choice, so it wasn’t rotten luck that he held rather than fold.
No, all creatures have God as their natural end. Rational creatures have the will to direct themselves toward or away from God, while irrational creatures move towards God like water flows downhill.Well, I think you mean rational creatures.
Irrational creatures follow God no matter what, but rational creatures can directly experience the Divine Nature Itself. The clincher is that rational creatures must accept and cling to God in order to be elevated, and irrational creatures do not experience the Divine Nature directly.
Peace and God bless!
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