How, where did you meet your spouse?

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We were both on team for a retreat. It was still a few years before we started dating, though. I was dating someone else at the time, and by the time we broke up, my wife was dating someone. It took time for everything to line up. 😆
At work. He worked in one department, I in another.

I worked in accounting and handed to him, his paycheck.
I don’t think I mentioned this but my friend also married my ex boyfriend about a year after we got married. We all apparently knew we were perfect together just not in the ways we initially thought.
My husband and I were talking about how we met, and we realized that we probably would have eventually met each other anyway, because we just ended up hanging around with the same people…

It just seemed kind of serendipitous, I guess you could say…

My closest friend from high school ended up meeting someone at the college that she was attending after high school. He was a really great guy. The three of us would hang out together.

One day quite some time later, they decided to introduce me to one of his friends that they thought I would like.

He and I ended up going out together, and the rest is history, as they say.

The interesting thing is that another friend of my husband’s happened to be someone whom my girlfriend and I both knew from our neighborhood, but that we didn’t know was a friend of my husband’s, at the time.

My girlfriend liked this guy, and was thinking of asking him if he wanted to hang out with us.

When I mentioned this to my husband, he said that I probably would have ended up meeting him that way instead then through this other male friend, because he was also friends with that guy, too. 😄
We were introduced by a common friend a few days before I graduated from high school. We had just gotten our yearbooks (aka annuals) and the friend said she knew someone that wanted to go out with me. She started flipping through the pictures for the juniors, then sophomores, and finally found her picture in the freshmen section. I was skeptical about graduating and dating someone with 3 more years of high school, but figured what the heck.

Best choice of my life. First date on the day I graduated and then got married three years later after she graduated. People told us it would never last because we were too young, and yet we are getting ready to celebrate our 25th anniversary this year.
We were both taking a math class at the local community college. We talked a few times, mainly about the class. And then he dropped out. In fact the teacher made a big announcement about how he had dropped out to pursue some business opportunity. I thought that it was kind of bizarre that a teacher would make such an announcement but didn’t think much more of it. A few weeks later I was walking to class and I saw him standing at the corner of the building watching me approach. (He was still taking one or two other classes.) When I came up to where he was standing, he asked me if I’d like to go to a local Gran Prix race with him. I thought that sounded fun so I said yes.

What I remember from day was that he asked in a way that made it seem like this wasn’t the first time he’d done so and he really needed me to finally give an answer! I asked him about it much latter and he admitted that he had had been trying to convince me to go out with him over and over in his head. So from his perspective I really had been dragging my feet.
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