How will the world look after the Pandemic?

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Well, I do know that the Fed, which is a private organization that controls the US dollar, our world currency, is buying up many of our large businesses right now. Microsoft and Boeing, for example. That worries me a great deal.

Anyone remember Mr. Potter?
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Stock market will take off.

I am wondering if people will still be cautious about closeness or if there will be a great hunger for it.

As an introvert I don’t mind it. No parties, no meetings, no big social gatherings,
Those of us who are socially awkward have always felt isolated. Nothing new, here.
After the pandemic?

Are there any good Charlton Heston films we could watch? Or maybe a good Twilight Zone marathon?

Writers of dystopian fiction might have had the best idea on what could be.
I thought I would have the time to do all sorts of things that I want to do but usually don’t have the time. So far it’s not happening.
Mostly, mankind doesn’t change, history repeats itself. Before long people will be back to the same old same old. Perhaps a few may change for the better, but on the whole the world will carry on as it always has, rich and poor, selfishness and charity, war and peace, faith and no faith. Let us commend ourselves and the whole world to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary to harden not our hearts.
I thought I would have the time to do all sorts of things that I want to do but usually don’t have the time. So far it’s not happening.
Yes me too. Any idea why it’s not happening?

I seem to have gotten more lazy.
I think it’s because we now have more time that we feel it’s safe to waste more of it! Procrastination is insidious!
The work from home is keeping me busy along with the usual home maintenance.
Fewer Mass times available
Even as life begins to get back to ‘normal’ we will see immediate changes
church and school closures are likely
sharply fewer parish staff
The bonus: more Church volunteers
surprised no one mentioned lots more use and testing of sophisticated surveillance technology like in china
A special undercover report from China’s secretive Xinjiang region. FRONTLINE investigates the Communist regime’s mass imprisonment of Muslims, and its use and testing of sophisticated surveillance technology against the Uyghur community.
I’m not sold that this was a deliberate act on the part of Red China. Instead, I hew towards “Hanlon’s Razor”: Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence. The People’s Republic of China is a nation that thrives on keeping an air of legitimacy both internally and externally, and a lot of their legitimacy from the times of Deng Xaioping to now has rested on their post-Mao wirtschaftswunder and seemingly rising from the ashes of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. They have a pathological need to be seen as the nation the world comes to for manufacturing prowess, and threats to that image seemingly need to be quashed as quickly as possible.
I believe that the Chinese government decided to try to downplay it until they couldn’t anymore (and are still bald-faced lying about the full extent of the pandemic in their borders) not to lull us into a false sense of complacency so they could export the virus maliciously to the rest of the world, but to say to the world “nothing to see here, we’re still open for business, praise Xi”, and, not coincidentally for lower-level apparatchiks, that they wouldn’t catch the ire of the aforementioned dictator by reporting things going catastrophically wrong in Wuhan that would upset China’s economic apple cart.
It’s the same playbook they used in the Great Leap Forward when they peddled propaganda about how every Chinese province was producing bumper crops of grain and record production of steel, just so they could make themselves look good in front of Mao and Mao could project an image of strength to the world. All while millions of innocent Chinese citizens starved to death through bungled policies, and the economy suffered as everything iron was melted down to make worthless low-quality pseudo-steel.
Now do I believe that the People’s Republic of China should be let off the hook for this? Absolutely not. This is the third of fourth pandemic that can be traced back to them, and reputable scientists have said that 95% of it both inside China and internationally could have been nipped in the bud if they had just told the truth to begin with and started measures earlier. It’ll never happen, but the world ought to rectify a mistake it made in 1971 and switch its diplomatic recognition back from the People’s Republic of China to recognize the Republic of China again.
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This is just a natural phenomenon; evolution at work. It normally happens once every ten years or so, but this time the virus turned out to be very contagious. I think SARS and MERS had higher mortality rates but they never made it as far as here.

I predict life will go on; in fact I think it’s already starting to happen. This should put the final touches on the retail apocalypse; a lot of beloved little brick and mortar shops will never re-open.
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surprised no one mentioned lots more use and testing of sophisticated surveillance technology like in china
A special undercover report from China’s secretive Xinjiang region. FRONTLINE investigates the Communist regime’s mass imprisonment of Muslims, and its use and testing of sophisticated surveillance technology against the Uyghur community.
This to me is the most concerning aspect of life post-pandemic. I think it’s the unknown – as Americans, most of us here have no idea what this kind of life would look like, nor how it could affect our freedoms in the future.
surprised no one mentioned lots more use and testing of sophisticated surveillance technology like in china
A special undercover report from China’s secretive Xinjiang region. FRONTLINE investigates the Communist regime’s mass imprisonment of Muslims, and its use and testing of sophisticated surveillance technology against the Uyghur community.
This to me is the most concerning aspect of life post-pandemic. I think it’s the unknown – as Americans, most of us here have no idea what this kind of life would look like, nor how it could affect our freedoms in the future.
Then, we had better get wise to it, quickly!
I think once we get a treatment and a vaccine, the world will return to pretty much how it was before and everybody will forget about the pandemic except as fodder for a bunch of books and movies. They’ve pretty much forgotten about the AIDS epidemic, this will go the same way.

We will however likely be better prepared to deal with a future similar pandemic, and research funding will increase for science and technologies relevant to vaccines for similar diseases/ situations.
I expect that things will get back to normal but it is interesting to hear people warn of possible dangers. I also think that we will learn better how to deal with dangerous pandemics in the future.

Also it will be interesting to see how the economy is affected and for how long.
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Even Noah’s flood did not have a 100% success rate. This virus will come and go and the most obvious change will be in the way the global market operates.
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There may not be nearly as much world traveling after this is over, especially to the more exotic places where these diseases tend to get started. We may develop much more of our own commerce right here in the U.S., and start making more of our own products again instead of importing so much.

Tourism in Asia is certain to suffer unless, of course, people revert back to their old habits as though they haven’t learned anything from this experience. Then, it will be business as usual.
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