How Would Reality being a Simulation Affect Catholicism?

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I’m sure you’ve probably heard of the idea that reality is a simulation. And, there’s quite a bit of math to it, with finding out the math in, say, a model of the universe is the same correcting sequence a webpage may have.
Say that we could find out reality matched this description. How would it affect Catholicism? Certainly, it would indicate that a creator that transcends our reality is. But, many would like to think it is a person much like us, still decrying the belief in God.
But, I tend to think of this in a different take. That we would not literally be a computer simulation, but that reality is very similar to one, which of course is simply more evidence for the intelligence of the Creator.
If this had no influence on human free will, and the existence of the human soul, IMO, it has essentially no effect on Catholicism.
If reality was a simulation, we would have recieved promotional offers for an upgrade by now.
It’s disappointing to see NOVA stoop to the “ancient aliens” level. I’m guessing they are trying to attract Millennials.
It would affect us in multiple ways.
If you were merely digital, you wouldn’t be able to be in the true presence of the creator.
And, the world wouldn’t be made ex nihilo.
To believe that the Universe is a simulation or a supercomputer in the Mind of God is licit. Indeed, it would be all the more accurate then to say, “In You, we live and move and have our being.”
The thing is, the idea that physical reality is a “simulation” is to some theists an obvious fact. If God exists, then physical reality is quite simply an artificial reality generated by God’s mind.
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Given your preconceptions, the mind is the only thing that can possibly be a bases for evidence since we are supposedly creating the content, thus i cannot look to that content for causes, only the mind itself. Thus from your point of view i cannot even know that there really are other minds. But since it is not evident to me that i am creating the content, and given the fact that the content is not subject to my will, what reason do i have to think that i am creating the content? Then answer is zero. I have zero reason to think i am the original cause of that content. Thus i do have at least some reason to think that something else outside of my mind is creating that content given the fact that it is not subject to my will. And if there are other minds like my own i have every reason to think that they are probably not creating all the content of their experiences either and are in fact subject to their experience like me unless they can prove otherwise.

Where is the information coming from, if not something outside of my mind? That qeustion alone should at least make you qeustion your point of view.
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If however, one abandons their preconceptions and bases their logic simply upon the evidence, then the evidence suggests that reality is indeed a simulation, and the creator of that simulation is man himself.
It seems there is one preconception that bends the logic you apply here. What the atheist fails to consider is the very real possibility that the one creating the simulation isn’t man but God.

Atheists like ‘almost’ everyone are victims of their own preconceptions.and all the rest you said…I’m rubber you’re glue:😉
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If however, one abandons their preconceptions and bases their logic simply upon the evidence, then the evidence suggests that reality is indeed a simulation, and the creator of that simulation is man himself.
Potentiality is not brought into action via our own person. It’s patently obvious that, though our perceptions are subjective, it is of an objective reality. Else why would misfortune befall me? Oh so often do people want to think they are gods, but it takes one bad storm or a terrible illness to affix them from this delusion.
You seem to hold some ideas that are not actually supported.

For instance, define simulated.

But, if you’re claiming that quantum mechanics means something can build itself, then there is an inherent misunderstanding and you are perhaps reading some ‘woo’ version by a teacher.

If you find something creating itself, a logical absurdity, as more logical than the supreme being, existence then I suggest there is a foundational issue at play.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard about “reality is a simulation”, but I’ve heard plenty of talk, historically speaking, about how “reality is an illusion”. As far as illusions go, it’s a very Buddhist perspective, but it’s also not entirely incompatible with a Catholic mentality. Sort of like how some people are determined to chase aliens, thinking, “We can’t possibly be alone in the universe-- there must be other life forms in existence!”, and yet we’re standing here on earth, saying, “Uh, of course we’re not alone, but the other life forms we believe coexist with us aren’t physical, and aren’t limited by time and space.” 🙂

Anyhow, the physicists’ suggestion just seems to be a variant on that school of thought-- what if what we think of as Reality isn’t really Reality? And Catholics are like, “Of course! We’ve been saying for 2,000 years— we’re only able to perceive a very limited part of Reality with our senses! And the most important part of Reality is the part we experience when we’re no longer limited by our senses.”
Why do you believe that it’s impossible for something to create itself, other than the fact that you believe it to be absurd?
I’ve looked at quantum mechanics before. They do not allow something to create itself. A lot of people try to mystify it. It’s really not too insane.

It is a logical absurdity. That which is not cannot. That which does is. That which is not, cannot do. It is simple logic.
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Wait. A thing that does not exist can act (create itself)? My head hurts.
I see. You appear to misunderstand some aspect of quantum mechanics. This is unsurprising as many people use it in click bait headlines and to support their woo.

The burden of proof is on you to support this absurd claim.

And don’t try any tricks, I’ve a friend who is a physicist who has dealt with the quantum world.
But there’s a simpler explanation than relying upon an infinite regress of causes for a simulated reality, or any reality for that matter, and that is that reality simply creates itself.

Now this is a concept that IWantGod certainly won’t be able to grasp, but it’s arguably more likely than arguing for a supreme being. Reality may be its own first cause, and there’s no need for a preexisting God.
Quantum mechanics allows for the seemingly incomprehensible possibility…that something can create itself. That’s true of both a simulated reality and of a reality that exists only in one’s own mind.
No it does not. No peer review paper argues that physical reality creates itself out of absolutely nothing by itself without an existential cause. That is absolutely ridiculous and only a dishonest person would keep perpetuating such falsehood and distorting science to their own ends, or maybe you are just unreasonable.
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Yes it does. I can’t help it if you don’t understand math, and in particular the math involved with quantum mechanics.
I understand the epistemological limits of both science and mathematics and what you are saying cannot possibly be true. There is no way, in principle, that the scientific method or mathematics can demonstrate something coming out of absolutely nothing by itself without needing an existential cause. I know its not logically possible because a potential being cannot give actuality to itself for the simple fact that it does not exist.
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I never implied that something comes out of nothing. What I implied was that reality is its own necessary cause. It has always existed. It contains within itself everything that ever has or will exist. It has never not existed, because time itself has no meaning outside of it.
Quantum mechanics allows for the seemingly incomprehensible possibility…that something can create itself. That’s true of both a simulated reality and of a reality that exists only in one’s own mind.
Hmmmmm. It looks to me that you are being dishonest again since you are contradicting yourself. Or maybe you are not explaining yourself very well.
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