How would you describe your faith/religion to an alien?

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@AlbMagno - I plan to be in the first wave of Naruto Runners. 😃

(The joke’s on the would-be invaders, though- everyone should know by now that they’ve moved all the UFO’s and alien bodies somewhere else, duh.)
I would say that there is an unseen reality that created everything that exists. This unseen reality is what we call ‘God’. God gave us humans some instructions on how to live. We broke these rules, so we deserve to be punished. God took on human form and told us about the past, the present and future. We call Him Jesus.

Because we are sinners, God’s wrath is what we deserve, but Jesus humbled Himself to a point in which He took on God’s perfect justice upon Himself. He died on a cross, which is a form of execution that was probably the most horrific way to die at the time. All we have to do is believe that Jesus died for our sins and that He is who He said He was (God Almighty). If we follow Jesus’ example, we can get into a place called Heaven, where we will see our saved loved ones and live with God.
I would start with “Our Father…” aand ask them where they came from and where they are going.
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