How would you feel this out?

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This form came up on thread at another site with lots of different christians. They wanted people on the forum to fill it out just out of curiousity about where people were coming from. I looked at some of the questions and went :confused: :whacky: :ehh:

Please help me out here…thanks. 🙂
Calvinist, Arminian, Wesleyan, Catholic, ___ point Calvinist/Arminian (Please list which points you affirm/reject).
Full Preterist, Partial Preterist/Amillenial, Partial Preterist/Postmillenial, Historicist, Pre-Trib Premillenial, Pre-Wrath Premillenial, Mid Trib Premillenial, Post-Trib Premillenial.
Ecclesiastical Structure (denominational structure):
None, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, Catholic.
Church Government (local body):
Pastor/Elder and Deacons, Elders and Deacons, Other (Please specify)
Paedobaptist (non Baptismal Regeneration), Paedobaptist (Baptismal Regeneration), Credobaptist (non Baptismal Regeneration), Credobaptist (Baptismal Regeneration).
Cessationist, non-Cessationist.
Christian involvement in politics (Theonomy):
State the extent to which you believe OT civil laws should be used as a model for government.
Inspired, but not inerrant, Inerrant in original form, Inerrant as of 1611, Not inspired and not inerrant.
Method of Biblical interpretation:
Literal, Figurative, Grammatico-Historical, other.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit:
At regeneration, Seperate event apart from regeneration.
Dispensationalist, Covenant Theology, New Covenant Theology, Kingdom Theology, or something else?
List of groups you view as outside the Pale of Orthodoxy
Hmmm… well, considering that I haven’t heard of 95 percent of those terms :o , I sure couldn’t respond to that quesionnaire.

If it were me, I’d just check in the box that said “Catholic” and if there was any area on the questionnaire that had a blank line to fill in, I’d just write “see Catechism of the Catholic Church.”

I think I hear what you’re asking, yourself, though.

The whole time I was reading those questions in your post, in my mind I was thinking “ya see… if there had never been that Reformation schism just a couple of centuries ago, this questionnaire would never be necessary.” :cool:
It was a question posed on another site called Christian Guitar Resources. They have a forum there and it was under Theology. Someone was wondering what people’s beliefs were that were in the forum.
“Are any of those words going to be on the spelling test, teacher?” :bigyikes: :confused: :yawn: :banghead:

You would need a Theology Dictionary just to complete the whole questionare.

No wonder why there are #30,000+ Christian Demoninations! A new demonination could be started after taking that questionare!

Yes, just go to the C.C.C.


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
I’m glad I’m a Catholic. I only have to believe what Jesus taught! :bowdown:

Forget those ‘MAN’-made traditions of theirs!:whacky:


Catholic (the Rapture is not consistant with the Bible or Church Teaching)

Ecclesiastical Structure (denominational structure):

Church Government (local body):
Priest in union with local Bishop and the Magisterium.

Paedobaptist (Baptismal Regeneration) {Credobaptist (Baptismal Regeneration) is only adults who have proclaimed a faith in Christ. I think}

I have no idea, but i guess Catholic.

Christian involvement in politics (Theonomy):
The Ten Commandments are par tof the natural law written into the hearts of men. As far as the other laws, Christ fulfilled them and are not needed any more/

This referres to the Bible. Inerrant and inspired.

Method of Biblical interpretation:

Baptism of the Holy Spirit:

Dispensationalist, Covenant Theology, New Covenant Theology, Kingdom Theology, or something else?

List of groups you view as outside the Pale of Orthodoxy
You could say all non-catholics, but I would stick to things like JWs and Scientologists
oooh oooh oooh do we get to guess? I bet Karl could answer it without looking any of the words up. But here’s my stab at it:

Denomination:Catholic Okay I know I got that one right 😃

Calvinist, Arminian, Wesleyan, Catholic, ___ point Calvinist/Arminian
(Please list which points you affirm/reject). Yay! one more 😃

Eschatology:Okay, I know what this one’s asking, do I get partial credit? :confused: ?
Full Preterist, Partial Preterist/Amillenial, Partial Preterist/Postmillenial, Historicist, Pre-Trib Premillenial, Pre-Wrath Premillenial, Mid Trib Premillenial, Post-Trib Premillenial.
Okay, I went with the only one that said amillenial. Don’t know what preterist means though.

Ecclesiastical Structure (denominational structure):
None, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, Catholic.Got another one right 😃 .

Church Government (local body):
Pastor/Elder and Deacons, Elders and Deacons, Other (Please specify)
Pretty sure that’s it, but it might be other.

Paedobaptist (non Baptismal Regeneration), Paedobaptist (Baptismal Regeneration), Credobaptist (non Baptismal Regeneration), Credobaptist (Baptismal Regeneration).
Okay, I’m going with Credo baptist on this one, because of once we are baptized we are allowed to stay in the church for the recitation of the Creed, so when we get baptized we must be declaring our belief in all of the Church’s teachings. Might be wrong there. And picked Regeneration because baptism makes us new.

Cessationist, non-Cessationist. Don’t have a clue. 😦

Christian involvement in politics (Theonomy):
State the extent to which you believe OT civil laws should be used as a model for government.
Obviously we all believe that the 10 commandments are the basis of gov’t or we wouldn’t be having the abortion arguments we are.

Inspired, but not inerrant, Inerrant in original form, Inerrant as of 1611, Not inspired and not inerrant.
Don’t know why they chose 1611, a biblical scholar would have to choose there.
Gonna pick inerrant in original form though because that would be the Catholic bible.

Method of Biblical interpretation:
Literal, Figurative, Grammatico-Historical, other. Historical/Contextual I think.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit:
At regeneration, Seperate event apart from regeneration. At confirmation I think.

Dispensationalist, Covenant Theology, New Covenant Theology, Kingdom Theology, or something else?
Don’t know about this one. I guessed, but it doesn’t count as an educated guess.

List of groups you view as outside the Pale of Orthodoxy **Non-Catholics ** 😃

See - us newbies (otherwise known as geeks 😃 ) are at least willing to try to bring something to the table, even if we don’t know what we’re talking about yet 😛 .


Partial Preterist/Amillenial
Preterism deals with the belief the at least to some extend (partial) that Revelations has been fulfilled in the past (the Roman sacking of Jerusalem A.D. 70)
Amillennialism is the doctrine of no “earthly” millennial reign, or no “earthly” 1000 year reign (as symbolically portrayed in Revelations).

Ecclesiastical Structure (denominational structure):
Catholic - Priest in union with Bishop in union with Bishop of Rome (pope).

Church Government (local body):
Catholic - Priest in union with Bishop in union with Bishop of Rome (pope).

**Paedobaptist **(Baptismal Regeneration) - Allows for infant baptism.

non-Cessationist - Belief that miracles have not ‘ceased’.

Christian involvement in politics (Theonomy):
Ten commandments are valid part of foundation for common law. Individual has a right to influence social policy based on Catholic values.

Inspired and Innerant

Method of Biblical interpretation:
The Meaning of Inspired Scripture has 3 aspects - The Literal Sense, The Spiritual Sense(Typology), The Deeper Sense
Methods and Approaches - 1)The Use of the Historical-Critical Method 2) A Plurality of Methods and Approaches as long as they are in conformity with Catholic teaching…

Baptism of the Holy Spirit:
At regeneration - Confirmation bestows the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It’s not a ‘second’ baptism.

Covenant Theology

List of groups you view as outside the Pale of Orthodoxy
Latter Day Saints (Mormons), Jehovah’s Witnesses, New Age, etc., etc.
Nobody knows what some of these things are? Really? :confused:
I am frightened to discover that I could explain every term in that document. If you want to know any of them, just ask.


Kicks himself for spending so much time studying schismatic Protestant theology
Thanks Steve!!! (I might’ve gotten the paedo thingy if I’d pronounced it like the vegetable instead of the dessert!) Oh well, it was worth taking a stab at and I’m glad you gave us the right answers 😃 !!!
It was a question posed on another site called Christian Guitar Resources. They have a forum there and it was under Theology. Someone was wondering what people’s beliefs were that were in the forum.
Just shows what kind of trouble playing guitar in church can get you into. :rotfl:
This is a pretty-good summary of some of the major areas of what Christians deem to be ‘non-essential’ or ‘perpheral’ debates within the pale of orthodox belief. In other words: because reasonable people can arrive at different conclusions about these matters from a study of Scripture, without denying any of the ‘fundamental’ or ‘foundational’ teachings of Christianity, these matters are open for a wide panoply of beliefs.


Soteriology (Refers to matters of salvation; as implied in this question, the degree to which the Saved ‘cooperate with’ or ‘participate in’ their own salvation, as opposed to the degree to which God acts apart from our own good works. Catholics may be surprised to learn that an Augustinian Catholic could be described as a four-point Calvinist):
Calvinist, Arminian, Wesleyan, Catholic, ___ point Calvinist/Arminian (Please list which points you affirm/reject).

**Eschatology **(Study of last things, most commonly the study of the afterlife or the study of the last days):
Full Preterist (preterism is the idea that the ‘last days’ were partially or fully fulfilled in the sacking of Jerusalem in AD 70), Partial Preterist/Amillenial*(‘millenial’ refers to the 1000-year reign of Christ on earth,usually AFTER the Church era; post-millenialism however holds that the Church Age is synonymous with the Millenium),* Partial Preterist/Postmillenial, Historicist (the exegetical technique of interpreting prophetic scripture, especially Matthew 24, the books of Daniel and Revelation, etcetera, as if they are being gradually unfolded and revealed in history)* ,* Pre-Trib (‘trib’ is short for ‘tribulation’ as in the Great Tribulation which will occur in the last days at the rise of the Anti-Christ: pre-tribulationism suggests Christians will be ‘raptured’ from earth just prior to the Tribulation; mid-tribulationism, that Christians will be raptured in the midst of the tribulation–a view held, for example by historic pre-millenialists, who distinguish between the ‘tribulation’ phase of the reign of Anti-Chirst and the phase wherein the ‘wrath of God’ is poured down onto the Earth and onto the Anti-Christ and his minions), Premillenial, Pre-Wrath Premillenial, Mid Trib Premillenial, Post-Trib Premillenial.

Ecclesiastical Structure (denominational structure) (refers to the order of authority, if any, within a church):
None, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, Catholic.

Church Government (local body*)(they seem to be asking how the local body is governed, though in most cases this would have already been determined by the answer given just previously):*
Pastor/Elder and Deacons, Elders and Deacons, Other (Please specify)

Paedobaptist (infant baptism) (non Baptismal Regeneration*{implies that the baptism of infants does not ‘save’ them but is merely symbolic, marking their reception into the local church. The infant would only become ‘saved’ once s/he had matured sufficiently to make a personal profession of faith*}), Paedobaptist (Baptismal Regeneration{implies that the infant is ‘regenrate’ or ‘saved’ by the act of baptism}), Credobaptist (one is ‘saved’ when one makes a personal profession of faith; one is then baptised as an act of obedience and not as a means of regeneration) (non Baptismal Regeneration), Credobaptist (Baptismal Regeneration) (one must be able to make a personal profession of faith–assent to one’s own baptism–but one is only regenerate AFTER one has received the sacrament of baptism).
Cessation (did the Charismatic gifts of the Spirit–tongues, healings, ‘prophecies’ etcetera):
Cessationist, non-Cessationist.

Christian involvement in politics (Theonomy {theonomy suggests that there is a distinction between the theocratic, moral, ceremonial, and often the dietary laws of the Levitical system. It suggests that only the ceremonial laws were properly described as being fulfilled in Christ. The moral law are generally deemed to be merely summarized by the ten commandments, but far more extensive and detailed than just those ten. Modern Protestant theonomists run the gamut from outright advocates of a Christian facism and/or Christian monarchists to those who advocate some sort of Christian constittutional republic with a limited franchise: theonomists nearly always have a very dim view of populist democracy, which htey deem to be ‘mobocracy’. The most comprehensive attempt to apply theonomy to the civil order was the feudal system of the middle ages, under Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Most papal writings on politics between the Reformation and the middle to late 1800’s were an appeal to return to just such an order. All y’all who suggested this is an anti-Catholic idea just flunked theology 501, lol!):
State the extent to which you believe OT civil laws should be used as a model for government.

Inspired, but not inerrant, Inerrant in original form, Inerrant as of 1611 (the idea that the King James translation is specially inspired), Not inspired and not inerrant. (*They left out the position that the Textus Receptus–Greek manuscript redaction upon which the KJV and to a lesser extent the Douay-Rheims version were translated, as opposed to those who accept modern redactions such as the Wescott-Hort or Nestle, upon which all modern translations are built. Most TR-only advocates would be KJV-only advocates–unless they could translate directly from the Greek–who would accept the Douay with only grave reservations). *

Method of Biblical interpretation:
Literal, Figurative, Grammatico-Historical, other.

Continued from prior post

Baptism of the Holy Spirit:
At regeneration, Seperate event apart from regeneration.

Dispensationalist, Covenant Theology (the church is now Israel and Jewish people must receive Christ as messiah to have hope of salvation–ethnic Jewish people have no further part in God’s plans for humanity), New Covenant Theology(the Church is Israel, but Jewish people retain a place in God’s final plans for humanity and will ultimately accept Christ as Messiah), Kingdom Theology (an attempt to apply theonomic principles to modern life), or something else?

List of groups you view as outside the Pale of Orthodoxy

**Did this help anyone?
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