This form came up on thread at another site with lots of different christians. They wanted people on the forum to fill it out just out of curiousity about where people were coming from. I looked at some of the questions and went
:whacky: :ehh:
Please help me out here…thanks.

Please help me out here…thanks.

Calvinist, Arminian, Wesleyan, Catholic, ___ point Calvinist/Arminian (Please list which points you affirm/reject).
Full Preterist, Partial Preterist/Amillenial, Partial Preterist/Postmillenial, Historicist, Pre-Trib Premillenial, Pre-Wrath Premillenial, Mid Trib Premillenial, Post-Trib Premillenial.
Ecclesiastical Structure (denominational structure):
None, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, Catholic.
Church Government (local body):
Pastor/Elder and Deacons, Elders and Deacons, Other (Please specify)
Paedobaptist (non Baptismal Regeneration), Paedobaptist (Baptismal Regeneration), Credobaptist (non Baptismal Regeneration), Credobaptist (Baptismal Regeneration).
Cessationist, non-Cessationist.
Christian involvement in politics (Theonomy):
State the extent to which you believe OT civil laws should be used as a model for government.
Inspired, but not inerrant, Inerrant in original form, Inerrant as of 1611, Not inspired and not inerrant.
Method of Biblical interpretation:
Literal, Figurative, Grammatico-Historical, other.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit:
At regeneration, Seperate event apart from regeneration.
Dispensationalist, Covenant Theology, New Covenant Theology, Kingdom Theology, or something else?
List of groups you view as outside the Pale of Orthodoxy