How would you respond to this common argument from atheist?

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“I am not religious because there is no evidence for it and it’s completely unreasonable. It also limits my freedom.”

How would you respond? I have my own response and I’ll post it after I see a couple of peoples.

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong area. 😊
Well, there’s plenty of evidence for religion. Just take him along to the local mosque, church or synagogue.
Well, there’s plenty of evidence for religion. Just take him along to the local mosque, church or synagogue.
Lol. I ought to rephrase it “I am not religious because there is no evidence that any of it is true.”
How do atheists explain the Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe?
Bearing in mind NASA can’t.
Or the scientific results from the examination of the First Eucharistic Miracle?
Or the results of the experiments of Prof Fred Hoyle?
Or the medical evidence of NDEs?
Or the mathematical odds of Jesus being who he said he was, conducted by Universiy Prof Peter Stoner, etc, etc, etc
“I am not religious because there is no evidence for it and it’s completely unreasonable. It also limits my freedom.”

How would you respond?
I would respond, “There’s plenty of evidence, and I find it very reasonable, despite the fact that it may not be “proof”. Maybe you haven’t given a fair hearing to the evidence? If I gave you a book, would you be willing to read it with an open mind and tell me what you find unreasonable?”

And then I’d hand them “Answering Atheism” by Trent Horn…since it’s quickly become one of my favorite books, and he writes in a way that’s actually inviting, correctly represents both sides of the discussion, and doesn’t mock those with whom he disagrees.

(Or, just find out what he finds unreasonable, and take it one step at a time.)
I think it would be profitable to mention money and the loss of money that sin brings, but not use the word sin.

I would go this way…

If everyone, regardless if they believed in God or not, decided to obey the 10 Commandments, what would the world look like?

Well, there would be no crime. Think about that. No murder. No stealing. The country wouldn’t need to have prisons, and to pay for prisons and prisoners. And lawyers. Can you imagine how much money would be freed up for other things? What about if all those men and women in prison were contributing to the economy instead? Contributing to their communities, paying taxes, volunteering at their local hospital or school? It’s incomprehensible to even imagine how the country would change.

There wouldn’t be any pregnancies or babies out of wedlock. Think about that. Babies born to 2 parent families. How much poverty would disappear? How much money would the country save by not supporting single parent families? (how many abortions wouldn’t be necessary? If the atheist is pro-abortion I may not go there)

If people only had sex with their husband/wife, well guess what. No more sexually transmitted diseases. Cure for AIDS? Don’t need a cure for AIDS because no one would have it, nor would they be infecting partners with it. How much money would a country save? How many people would live out their natural life, contributing to society?

The 10 Commandments, lived out, is good for men and women, good for babies and children. Good for communities, for nations. Those who break the Commandments become burdens for every one else to carry. It doesn’t have to be the way it is, what we see today.

God guide and strengthen you for your discussions!
Lol. I ought to rephrase it “I am not religious because there is no evidence that any of it is true.”
Leaving Christianity out it for the moment, there’s no evidence that any of the religions that are in existence and have existed in past times are actually true. I’m sure you would agree with that.
“I am not religious because there is no evidence for it and it’s completely unreasonable. It also limits my freedom.”

How would you respond? I have my own response and I’ll post it after I see a couple of peoples.

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong area. 😊
My response would be to ask for the reasons they find religion unreasonable.
Then I would actually* listen.* Not just wait for them to be done. Can’t refute someone if you don’t understand them to begin with.
Faith is something you need to find for yourself , it’s not a thing you find in Neon lights,
God leaves Breadcrumbs for you to follow, it ain’t easy , but I’ll take my Chances with the breadcrumbs ,
If there is no God , who have I harmed ? BUT !! What if there Really is a God ,
How much better off am I ??

There are Numerous responses , but these seem to work for me .

And if you constantly Question your own Faith because perhaps you find Contradictions in your mind , or you wonder how it all fits together , like Why is the Universe so Darn Big !
And we so insignificant , so why was I created at all ?
Then Read about the Saint Augustine story the Mystery of the Trinity ,
The Boy with his Bucket trying to Empty the seas by filling a hole in the sand with sea water,
Always good reading because it’s a one size fits just about all …
Good Luck With your Journey in your Faith.
How do atheists explain the Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe?
Bearing in mind NASA can’t.
Or the scientific results from the examination of the First Eucharistic Miracle?
Or the results of the experiments of Prof Fred Hoyle?
Or the medical evidence of NDEs?
Or the mathematical odds of Jesus being who he said he was, conducted by Universiy Prof Peter Stoner, etc, etc, etc
the Shroud of Turin?
“I am not religious because there is no evidence for it and it’s completely unreasonable. It also limits my freedom.”

How would you respond? I have my own response and I’ll post it after I see a couple of peoples.

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong area. 😊
There is no real evidence that love exists either. Love can just be an evolutionary development to protect our species. Beside that, love limits my freedom. Do you want to live that way?

I love Christ. I can not prove that love exists anymore than I can prove that Christ is God. But, I believe that both are true.
“Read Theology and Sanity.”

"Without doubt, in the early days of the Church miracles were more numerous than they are today, since they were necessary for the spread of the Faith. But still they have never been wanting in any age, and they have constantly aided in the conversion of heathen and infidel nations. Numberless miracles were performed, for example, by a St. Francis Xavier, a St. Louis Bertrand, and other holy missionaries in India. Were one to call into question the extraordinary facts recorded in the annals of Church history and in the lives of the Saints, I would simply ask him: By what right do you refuse to believe such men as St. Basil, St. Jerome, St. Gregory and others when you willingly accept what a Tacitus, a Suetonius, or a Pliny has said?"
  • St. Alphonsus
I offer the quote from St. Alphonsus for consideration; I am not presenting it as proof, so I will not defend it as such.
“I am not religious because there is no evidence for it and it’s completely unreasonable. It also limits my freedom.”

How would you respond? I have my own response and I’ll post it after I see a couple of peoples.

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong area. 😊
First, when one talks about religious or religion, there are three basic assumptions which actually date to the ancient legends, myths of creation and the ancient respect for shaman’s etc. The following points are found in the first three chapters of Genesis.
  1. God as Creator exists.
  2. God as Creator interacts personally with each individual human.
  3. Every individual human has the inherent capacity to interact with God as Creator.
Instead of debating the existence of God, my suggestion is to employ a “willing suspension of disbelief” often used in live theatre. In this situation, one concentrates on the fact that humans, from the beginning, could recognize the super-natural as being other than themselves. This does not mean that all humans correctly recognized the super-natural, for example, human sacrifice. The point is that humans had the intellectual capability, for what it was worth at the beginning of human time, to sense the super-natural. Sense of something does not always mean complete and accurate knowledge, for example, the Greek and Roman gods.

Sense of something is enough evidence that religious experience was present in ancient times. This is because the term religious or religion refers to natural man’s relationship with something that is beyond human nature. An atheist needs to know that there is a sense of the super-natural before it can be formally denied.

Fortunately, for humankind, the sense of something super-natural developed as explained in the first three chapters of Genesis. There is a dramatic shift from Genesis 1: 25 to Genesis 1: 26. The idea that an actual relationship with God began with the first true real fully-complete human person is very appealing. Nonetheless, we should not be surprised that at the same time that human history was being preserved, deviations and denials also appeared. Children do rebel and migrate.

Is religious recognition automatically completely unreasonable? Does recognition automatically limit freedom? No to both questions. This is because the historical evidence of the recognition of the supernatural contains both good and bad experiences.

This first step is simply to establish the reality of the super-natural as seen from the dawn of human experience. Obviously, this evidence is observable.

Step two appears in numerous posts on this thread. Thank you.

Step two is basically looking at the experiences of the super-natural which goes from A to Z. Common sense would say that it is beneficial to pick the best experience which is Catholicism.

Step one is not always necessary. It is important when one claims that there is no evidence for “religion.” One can point out that saying that something is unreasonable is ignoring the fact that humans from day one have been exploring the super-natural because it is in their nature to do this according to the evidence starting with those wonderful ancient myths and the evidence found in the first three chapters of Genesis.
“I am not religious because there is no evidence for it and it’s completely unreasonable. It also limits my freedom.”

How would you respond? I have my own response and I’ll post it after I see a couple of peoples.

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong area. 😊
I am not really sure what I would say. I don’t have a canned response. I would pray for him. It doesn’t really matter how good of arguments for God you have. What matters is if they are open to the Holy Spirit. Christianity doesn’t stand or fall based on the success of Apologetic arguments. But rather on the basis of the witness of the Holy Spirit in one’s soul. Thus, a Christian who has the witness of the Holy Spirit can be justified in believing in God even if there is a lack of evidence or even if the evidence is against him. Just like a person who knows he did not commit a crime even if the evidence before a court of law says he did, is still perfectly justified in believing he is innocent since he was there and knows what really happened.

It is the Holy Spirit that converts people,not arguments. Now, I think we have good arguments for God’s existence, but if a person is not willing to be open to them it will not matter. But if a person who thinks faith is unreasonable but then hears the arguments can at least lose that objection and think maybe there is something here after all and could become more open to the Holy Spirit.
Also, as a Christian there is no obligation to argue on the behalf of religion in general.
“I am not religious because there is no evidence for it and it’s completely unreasonable. It also limits my freedom.”

How would you respond? I have my own response and I’ll post it after I see a couple of peoples.

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong area. 😊
1: When it comes to “reasons for not believing something,” you can do a lot worse than “lack of evidence.” Put another way, this objection has a valid form. You response necessarily needs to provide the evidence the atheist claims is missing.

2: Completely unreasonable. This has two interpretations. The first, that religion cannot be valid because he perceives it to be ridiculous, is not really a valid one. We can’t really expect the universe to be “serious” or “reasonable.” You can’t argue against platypuses on those grounds, for example.

The second interpretation is less literal but more sympathetic to his meaning. Essentially he finds religious precepts to be completely contrary to what he would expect based on his life experience. Here he is saying that he would expect a religion to be, in some sense, a source of truth about the world. However, his experience of religious people, teachings, and morality has revealed that religious precepts are not reasonable means to that end.

If you want to make an effective response to this, you could try to argue the reasonable-ness of this or that religious precept. I don’t think that is a productive approach since there are too many religious precepts, and each one has a “long tail” of arguments and evidence behind their “reasonable-ness.” At the end of the day, I think your best bet is to simply assert that the precepts are reasonable, but only if the evidence from #1 is accepted. Acknowledge that since the conclusions reached do seem far-fetched, the burden is on you to provide extra-compelling evidence (and later, extra-careful reasoning) to back them up.

3: Limited freedom is a strange sort of emotional-pragmatic sort of objection. Philosophically it doesn’t have much punch, I guess he might try something along the lines of: if God gave us free will he would not subsequently seek to curtail it, therefore religion is wrong about God. I think this is more of a personal objection, and he perceives religious rules as too restrictive. If I were responding to this, I would ask him to consider some activity he feels religion restricts unnecessarily (e.g. masturbation.) There are two possible reasons he would feel that way:

A: He has some evidence or argument as to why that activity should be allowed or is desirable (e.g. lower risk of prostate cancer) and he feels that the religious reasons for prohibition (e.g. a convoluted series of inferences based on ancient texts) is too weak an argument to give up the benefit. In this case, you would be forced to defend the religious prohibition, and likely wouldn’t make much progress.

B: He does not have any evidence for his activity, he just feels that the religious prohibition is arbitrary and malicious. In this case you can defend the existence of religious commandments in general and thereby defeat this objection.
It is the Holy Spirit that converts people,not arguments. Now, I think we have good arguments for God’s existence, but if a person is not willing to be open to them it will not matter. But if a person who thinks faith is unreasonable but then hears the arguments can at least lose that objection and think maybe there is something here after all and could become more open to the Holy Spirit.
Good answer.

Arguments, though possibly convincing, might also not be convincing to an atheist if the heart and the head are not listening together. As St. Augustine said, we should first believe (be open to the truth of something) in order to understand. We should not believe everything, like unicorns or teapots circling the earth, but rather believe that which is of momentous importance both to the head and to the heart, such as for example whether anything makes sense at all without God at the center of everything.

“I’m not an atheist and I don’t think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God.” Albert Einstein

Natural theology is one place to start with the head. But the heart must be open too, and that is best opened by scriptures and the word of God. The problem with atheism is that it wants to see evidence of God that is incontrovertible and verifiable, such as the law of gravity. This narrow way of approaching God is guaranteed always to be a dead end.

The only way to know God is not to prove God, but to be in friendship with God.
Natural theology is one place to start with the head. But the heart must be open too, and that is best opened by scriptures and the word of God. The problem with atheism is that it wants to see evidence of God that is incontrovertible and verifiable, such as the law of gravity. This narrow way of approaching God is guaranteed always to be a dead end.
I always enjoy Christians telling me I have a problem… It just makes me feel so very open-minded to know that many of faith believe I’m broken in some way.

And this predisposes that atheists are automatically ignorant of arguments for the existence of God. Certainly some are, perhaps more now than in the past. But certainly that does not apply to all atheists, and I think it’s fairly patronizing to just assume that if someone is an atheist, they haven’t explored other world views.
Leaving Christianity out it for the moment, there’s no evidence that any of the religions that are in existence and have existed in past times are actually true. I’m sure you would agree with that.
No, I wouldn’t. The resurrection of Christ is the proof Christianity is true.
No, I wouldn’t. The resurrection of Christ is the proof Christianity is true.
But that requires you actually believe Christ rose from the dead. You would have to demonstrate that event, and to do that you would have to actually demonstrate that any of the Gospels were eye witness accounts, and not just fanciful claims made decades after Christ’s death.

After all, North Korea claims Kim Jong Un has cured AIDS, so just having someone say “Hey, this Jewish holy man came back to life after the Romans crucified him” isn’t really a solid claim, particularly when one begins reviewing research like the documentary hypothesis.
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