I just spent over 4 hours on the LDS web page looking into stuff. I have been told that no Mormon teaching contradicts the Bible so I started this quest of questions and interesting stuff I found to see for myself what was what…
All of the following is taken directly off of the LDS webpage.
(my comments in blue)
This stuff deals with the Trinity and nature of God. The accusation was made that the LDS position on the nature of God was Biblically sound.
I found this, scriptures.lds.org/gsg/gdgdhd
The stuff I am listing is way out of line in terms of the Biblical One True God:
1)…the Father and the Son have tangible bodies of flesh and bone
2)…Jesus works under the direction of the Father and is in complete harmony with him. All mankind are his brothers and sisters, for he is the eldest of the spirit children of Elohim. Some scripture references refer to him by the word God. For example, the scripture says that “God created the heaven and the earth”, but it was actually Jesus who was the Creator under the direction of God the Father
3)The Holy Ghost is also a God…
Here is another big one I found:
God can be known only by revelation. He must be revealed, or remain forever unknown (cf. Mosiah 4: 9). God first revealed himself to Adam (Moses 5; 6) and has repeatedly made himself known by revelation to chosen patriarchs and prophets since that time. The present translation of John 1: 18 and 1 Jn. 4: 12 is misleading, for these say that no man has ever seen God. However, the scriptures state that there have been
many who have seen him. The JST corrects these items to show that no sinful man has ever seen God, and also that Jesus Christ is the only Way to God. God the Father and his Son have been manifested by voice, sight, or otherwise at various times, as at the baptism of Jesus (Matt. 3: 16-17); the Transfiguration (Matt. 17: 1-8); to Stephen (Acts 7: 55-56); and to the Nephites (3 Ne. 11: 7). The Father and the Son personally visited Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove, in the spring of 1820, near Manchester, New York, in the opening of the dispensation of the fulness of times (JS-H 1: 11-20).
Latter-day revelation confirms the biblical account of God as the
literal father of the human family; as a being who is concerned for the welfare of mankind, and a Personage who hears and answers prayers.
14 Behold, I am he who was aprepared from the foundation of the world to bredeem my people. Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son.
This stuff is not in line in any way to the Bible or historical Jewish AND Christian belief.
Here are a few quotes from the Bible that appear outside of the Bible in other LDS scripture. There are many, many more…
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father who art in
heaven, hallowed be thy name.
27 And the Lord said: Whom shall I send? And one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here am I, send me.
I stumbled upon these pictures, they have something to do with Abraham, God, and other stuff, I dont really know what to say…
This first one has Abraham laying down on an altar going to be killed.
This has something to do with creation and history.
This is Abraham on Pharao’s throne.
Here is a chronological table soon after the last apostles, why does the timeline end at 96AD?
All of the following is taken directly off of the LDS webpage.
(my comments in blue)
This stuff deals with the Trinity and nature of God. The accusation was made that the LDS position on the nature of God was Biblically sound.
I found this, scriptures.lds.org/gsg/gdgdhd
The stuff I am listing is way out of line in terms of the Biblical One True God:
1)…the Father and the Son have tangible bodies of flesh and bone
2)…Jesus works under the direction of the Father and is in complete harmony with him. All mankind are his brothers and sisters, for he is the eldest of the spirit children of Elohim. Some scripture references refer to him by the word God. For example, the scripture says that “God created the heaven and the earth”, but it was actually Jesus who was the Creator under the direction of God the Father
3)The Holy Ghost is also a God…
Here is another big one I found:
God can be known only by revelation. He must be revealed, or remain forever unknown (cf. Mosiah 4: 9). God first revealed himself to Adam (Moses 5; 6) and has repeatedly made himself known by revelation to chosen patriarchs and prophets since that time. The present translation of John 1: 18 and 1 Jn. 4: 12 is misleading, for these say that no man has ever seen God. However, the scriptures state that there have been
many who have seen him. The JST corrects these items to show that no sinful man has ever seen God, and also that Jesus Christ is the only Way to God. God the Father and his Son have been manifested by voice, sight, or otherwise at various times, as at the baptism of Jesus (Matt. 3: 16-17); the Transfiguration (Matt. 17: 1-8); to Stephen (Acts 7: 55-56); and to the Nephites (3 Ne. 11: 7). The Father and the Son personally visited Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove, in the spring of 1820, near Manchester, New York, in the opening of the dispensation of the fulness of times (JS-H 1: 11-20).
Latter-day revelation confirms the biblical account of God as the
literal father of the human family; as a being who is concerned for the welfare of mankind, and a Personage who hears and answers prayers.
14 Behold, I am he who was aprepared from the foundation of the world to bredeem my people. Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son.
This stuff is not in line in any way to the Bible or historical Jewish AND Christian belief.
Here are a few quotes from the Bible that appear outside of the Bible in other LDS scripture. There are many, many more…
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father who art in
heaven, hallowed be thy name.
27 And the Lord said: Whom shall I send? And one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here am I, send me.
I stumbled upon these pictures, they have something to do with Abraham, God, and other stuff, I dont really know what to say…
This first one has Abraham laying down on an altar going to be killed.
This has something to do with creation and history.
This is Abraham on Pharao’s throne.
Here is a chronological table soon after the last apostles, why does the timeline end at 96AD?